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The easiest way to run this app is to use Docker. Make sure you have Docker installed and properly set up.


From the root directory:

Run docker-compose build to build the images locally.

Run docker-compose up to start up the container. The app can viewed by navigating to the port in a browser ('localhost:8000')

Use 'CTRL-C' to quit the server, or run docker-compose down from a different shell.


After running the container, you may need to make migrations.

With the container up and running, run docker ps in another shell. Copy the container ID of the Django app:

➜  django-wildwish git:(master) ✗ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
f68fda031a4a        django-wildwish_web   "python ru…"   14 seconds ago      Up 13 seconds>8000/tcp   django-wildwish_web_1
b45b6309d329        postgres:12           "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago          Up 12 minutes       5432/tcp                 django-wildwish_db_1

Log into the container with docker exec -t -i f68fda031a4a bash then run python makemigrations && python migrate.

Alternatively docker-compose run web /usr/local/bin/python migrate will accomplish this.