Interface to RChain RNode RPC.
Pyrchain is Python 3 library for interfacing with RChain RNode gRPC API. The library is distributed via PyPI ( You can install it for current user by running:
pip3 install --user pyrchain
for information about 3rd party library dependencies.
The following snippet shows example usage of the API the library provides. It
assumes that you have access to a running RNode instance on localhost
gRPC service listening on TCP port 40401 (default).
import grpc
from rchain.crypto import PrivateKey
from rchain.client import RClient
from rchain.vault import VaultAPI
admin_key = PrivateKey.generate()
alice_key = PrivateKey.generate()
with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:40401') as channel:
client = RClient(channel)
admin_vault_api = VaultAPI(client, admin_key)
alice_vault_api = VaultAPI(client, alice_key)
admin_vault_api.create_genesis_vault(None, 100_000)
admin_vault_api.transfer(None, alice_key.get_public_key().get_address(), 1000)
assert alice_vault_api.get_balance() == 1000
See ./examples/
for complete example of vault API usage. See
class for available RPC API.
To run the example from this Git repository run:
pipenv install
pipenv run python examples/
To update protocol buffers from upstream run:
This first command will fetch latest RChain *.proto
files from dev
into ./protobuf
directory. The second command will generate gRPC Python code
corresponding to the protcol buffers into rchain.pb
package (./rchain/pb
To run unit tests run:
pipenv run python -m unittest rchain/*
Includes Rholang parser. Has dApp users already.
Seems to cover more of the available gRPC APIs. The author of pyrchain wasn't aware of rchain-grpc existence.