pyshadoz is a pure Python package to read and write NASA Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) data.
Versions 5 and 6 are supported.
The easiest way to install pyshadoz is via the Python pip utility:
pip3 install pyshadoz
- Python 3
- virtualenv
Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during pyshadoz installation.
# setup virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 pyshadoz
cd pyshadoz
source bin/activate
# clone codebase and install
git clone
cd pyshadoz
python3 build
python3 install
# help
pyshadoz --help
# get version
pyshadoz --version
# parse a single shadoz file
pyshadoz -f </path/to/shadoz_file>
# add verbose mode
pyshadoz -v -f </path/to/shadoz_file>
# parse a directory of shadoz files
pyshadoz -d </path/to/directory>
# parse a directory of shadoz files recursively
pyshadoz -r -d </path/to/directory>
from pyshadoz import SHADOZ
# read SHADOZ data
with open('/path/to/directory') as ff:
s = SHADOZ(ff)
for key, value in s.metadata:
print(key, value)
# get index of a data field
index = s.get_data_index('W Dir')
# get index of a data field and data field unit
index = s.get_data_index('W Dir', 'deg')
# get all data
data = s.get_data()
# get data by index
data = s.get_data(by_index=index)
# get all data by field
data = s.get_data('W Spd')
# get all data by field and unit
data = s.get_data('O3', 'ppmv')
# read SHADOZ data using convenience functions
# parse file
s = load('/path/to/shadoz_file.dat') # returns SHADOZ object
# parse string
with open('/path/to/shadoz_file.dat') as ff:
shadoz_string =
s = loads(shadoz_string) # returns SHADOZ object
# write SHADOZ data
s = SHADOZ()
# build metadata dict
s.metadata['NASA/GSFC/SHADOZ Archive'] = ''
# build data fields
s.data_fields = ['Time', 'Press', 'Alt', 'Temp', 'RH', 'O3', 'O3', 'O3',
'W Dir', 'W Spd', 'T Pump', 'I O3', 'GPSLon', 'GPSLat',
# build data field units
s.data_fields_units = ['sec','hPa','km', 'C', '%', 'mPa', 'ppmv', 'du', 'deg',
'm/s', 'C', 'uA', 'deg', 'deg', 'km']
# build data = [
[0, 1013.85, 0.01, 24.22, 71.0, 32.91, 32.91, 0.0, 32.91, 5.29, 32.91, 9000.0, -155.049, 19.717, 0.041],
[0, 1013.66, 0.012, 23.89, 70.0, 32.79, 32.79, 0.049, 32.79, 5.01, 32.79, 9000.0, -155.049, 19.717, 0.045]
# serialize data to file
shadoz_data = s.write()
with open('new_shadoz_file.dat', 'w') as ff:
# install dev requirements
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
# run tests like this:
python3 pyshadoz/tests/
# or this:
python3 test
python3 sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.