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Releases: wklchris/Note-by-LaTeX

LaTeX-cn v1.6.4-pre:一年份的累积更新—— 2019.12

16 Dec 05:54
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注意: 这是一个 pre-release 而不是正式 release,因此可能包含一些排版错误。 这些问题会在发布正式 release 时进行更正。


以下内容更新完毕后,版本号会更新到 1.7(或者 2.0),并正式 release。

  • 参考文献
    • 考虑添加部分 Biber 内容以在特殊情况下代替 BibTeX。介绍 biblatex 宏包也在此列。
    • 关于网页文献如何写 BibTeX 项的一些内容。
  • 宏包
    • tcolorbox 宏包的功能非常丰富,值得重新组织这部分内容。
    • xparse 宏包可以稍加介绍。比如 IfValueTF 等参数,以及 v 方法与 tcolorbox 的整合。
    • 一些我在过去一年中新用到的宏包。


  • LaTeX-cn (v1.6.4-pre): 2019年度新版(大雾)。更新内容包括
    • 砍掉了之前的半成品 TikZ 章节。关于 TikZ 实在有不少好的教程,而且也阅读 TikZ 教程往往也不需要什么英文水平,因此我继续献丑殊为不智。
    • 更正了字体调用的问题。仍然使用思源宋体(想要对文档进行编译的用户可以从 Source Han Serif SC 下载稳定 release 的 ttc 文件,或者删除 head.tex 中的字体调用命令)。对于 Windows 用户,请在安装字体时使用右键菜单 - 为所有用户安装,而不是双击进行安装。
    • 命令 \detokenize:将字符串转义为 LaTeX 可以直接输出的形式(一般是在特殊符号前自动补反斜杠).
    • 宏包 listings
      • 重现了 tcolorbox 宏包中的 style=tclatex 定义,并应用于文档。
      • 修订了行内代码环境定义的问题,利用 xparse 宏包绕开错误的参数传递形式。
      • 修订了文中该宏包的内容,补充了 columns 选项。
    • 宏包 tcolorbox
      • xparse:使用 \DeclareTCBListing 定义只有单参数且为可选参数的 tcblisting 环境。注:该选项有一个由 xparse 引入的错误(参考这个 issue),这导致单个可选参数需要前加 ! 才能使用,比如用 !O{} 而不是 O{};这有望在将来被修复。
      • 添加了来自宏包关键词的高亮支持。区别于原生 LaTeX 的蓝色,这部分命令用暗橙色高亮。
    • 宏包 titlesec
      • 添加了 \titleclass 命令.
    • 文档结构:
      • 使用 BibTeX 重写了参考文献部分。
      • 将全文的中文句号修改为全角句点“.”(U+FF0E)。
      • 增加了一些 subsubsection 结构,便于快速定位内容.
    • 由于时间久远,上次的编译环境仍是 TeX Live 2017。此次更新确认了 Fork 仓库在 TeX Live 2019 下编译能够通过。
    • 订正了一些错别字和坏箱。

v1.6 Release. Small improvement. —— 2017.06.15

16 Jun 04:56
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Update contents are included inside the PDF. Also attached here for convenience:

  • IMPORTANT: Tikz might be back in future version. Tikz contents are removed and will not be updated in the future. I think its learning cost is kind of too high to us. Many plotting subtitutes are easier to use (with GUI) and also guarantee you high quality graphs , or vector graphs.
  • Font change: Font has been changed into Source Han Serif 思源宋体.
  • Adding packages:
    • animate package: to add animated graphs into a PDF.
    • tocbibind package: to number and add references or bibliography section/chapter, or TOC itselft into TOC lines.
    • extarrows: long equal symbol, etc. supports in math environment.
  • Update packages:
    • xeCJK package: Option "CJKspace". Command "\setCJKmainfont".
  • Head.tex is more easy-read now.
  • Fix some typos and broken links inside the document.

v1.5 LaTeX-cn release! HUGE changes —— Edited 2016.10.10

10 Oct 08:47
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This page may have been revised for many times, so its source code can be NOT up-to-date. You need to visit the main page of Note-by-LaTeX to get the latest source code consistent with the PDF here.

Again, this page only provides latest PDF but not latest source code.

2016.10.15 - I'm working for TikZ chapter now. To keep this v1.5 stable, draft PDF files won't be upload until I nearly finish it. However, you can download my latest code and compile it by yourself. Then you can see where I'm.


  • LaTeX-cn (v1.4): It's a version written after reading LaTeX入门. Changes include:
    • Largely enhance the highlight of source code, commands, environments & packages.
    • Add a new chapter to introduce the Pros & Cons of LaTeX, and on which occasion you may need it.
    • Add a new subsection: Linespace.
      • \linespread & \baselineskip
      • \lineskiplimit & \lineskip
    • Add a new subsection: Lapbox
      • \rlap and \llap
    • Add a new subsection: tcolorbox package
    • Add some new subsections
    • Appendix:
      • Using \appendix instead of \begin{appendices} (supported by appendix package) in Appendix chapters.
      • renewcommand chapter-format
    • Some skills to change default font, including \rmdefault and \familydefault commands.
    • Changes about packages:
      1. txtfont package: selecting Roman font in your doc.
      2. fontspec package: how to set your font in math environment, include \setmathrm and some other commands.
      3. ctex package:
        • 7 new font commands: \songti, \heiti, \fangsong, \kaishu, \yahei, \lishu, \youyuan.
        • \zihao command: \zihao{0/-0/1/-1/...}.
      4. tcolorbox package: large amount of modification to use this instead of listings package.
      5. lettrin package: \lettrine
      6. shortverb package: \MakeShortVerb
      7. multicol package: how to change columns in the middle of the page
      8. makecell package: \makecell, \multirowcell, \Xhline, \Xcline
      9. caption & subcaption package
      10. colortbl package
      11. Others: nameref, lastpage, imakeidx, glossary, diagbox package
    • Other small changes:
      • Using \@ instead of \null (from TeX) to control the space after dot.
      • Using \width, \height, \depth, and \totalheight to refer to normal parameters of the box should have owned.
      • Using \char` command to generate special symbols.
      • Adding braces in Appendix A.
      • Adding a new pic about box: height, width and depth.
      • Adding new contents about \footnote and \marginpar
      • Depth of ToC: \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}
      • New contents about font in LaTeX, \fontfamily{...}\selectfont
      • New example about \newenvironment
      • New example about use of \rlap and \overbrace
    • Others:
      • \hrulefill and \dotfill
      • \firsthline and lasthline
      • \underbracket and \overbracket (math mode)
      • \cfrac and some others (math mode)
      • Typos fixing

LaTeX-cn v1.3a

01 Oct 01:41
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It's an release for:

  • Python-cn
  • LaTeX-cn (v1.3a): It's a version written after reading lshort. Changes include:
    • Add reference chapter and "Appendix B. Suggestion".
    • Add a new section about index.
    • Add a new subsection about \colorbox and \fcolorbox, which are supported by xcolor package.
    • Add a new subsection about quote, quotation and verse environment.
    • Add a new subsection about abstract.
    • Add a new subsection about math fontsize.
    • Discuss on something new of printing tilde symbol (~).
    • Discuss on something new of counters and length.
    • Add examples of:
      • Using a tabular inside another.
      • A new layout of page.
      • \dfrac and \tfrac command; \xleftarrow and \xrightarrow command.
      • \\[<length>] to create more vertical space after a linebreak.
      • booktabs package: How to make three-line table.
      • How to add footnote in tabular. (Using \footnotemark and \footnotetext)
      • Other examples
    • Other changes, e.g:
      • More specific contents about hyperref package.
      • Introduce more file extension that may show up in your texfile folder.
      • Add Chinese supporting details about ctex package.

Old Version Features

  • LaTeX-cn (v1.2):
    • Modified under the suggestion of Liam0205, using ctexrep instead of report as the documentclass.

Backup Edition v1.1

24 Sep 22:22
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Backup Edition v1.1 Pre-release

First time for me to create a release.

  • This is a modified edition of the very 1st edition of LaTeX-cn.
  • Backup before I may merge the pull request from Liam0205.