Puppet custom Type for the foreman using the ruby API
Also my first steps in ruby development ....
And still a lot of work to do
how to run it in a vagrant box .
In the root of the cloned git repo :
[vagrant@foreman puppet-foremanapi]$ export RUBYLIB=/vagrant/playground/puppet-foremanapi/lib/
[vagrant@foreman puppet-foremanapi]$ bundler install
[vagrant@foreman puppet-foremanapi]$ bundler exec puppet resource foremanapi_settings_general
foremanapi_settings_general { 'foreman.vagrant.be':
administrator => '[email protected]',
db_pending_migration => 'true',
db_pending_seed => 'true',
entries_per_page => '20',
foreman_url => 'https://foreman.vagrant.be',
host_power_status => 'true',
max_trend => '30',
proxy_request_timeout => '60',
Running inside an IRB session
[vagrant@foreman puppet-foremanapi]$ export RUBYLIB=/vagrant/playground/puppet-foremanapi/lib/
[vagrant@foreman puppet-foremanapi]$ irb
require 'puppet'
require 'uri'
require 'apipei-bindings'
load '/vagrant/playground/puppet-foremanapi/lib/puppet_x/foremanapi/rest.rb'
Need to add more proper debugging examples .....
In the utils directory, there is a little script that generates a type definition template by querying the foreman server for the attributes available.
This will generate the templates for all sub categories for the settings. Some settings are readonly. I did not find a way to retrieve the fact that a setting is readonly using the apipie metadata, so I decided to list those attribute in a yaml file.