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WiseTime Jira Connector

The WiseTime Jira Connector connects WiseTime to Jira, and will automatically:

  • Create a new WiseTime tag whenever a new Jira issue is created
  • Record a work log entry against the matching Jira issue whenever a user posts time to WiseTime
  • Update the Jira issue total worked time when posted time is received

In order to use the WiseTime Jira Connector, you will need a WiseTime Connect API key. The WiseTime Jira Connector runs as a Docker container and is easy to set up and operate.


Configuration is done through environment variables. The following configuration options are required.

Environment Variable Description
API_KEY Your WiseTime Connect API Key
JIRA_JDBC_URL The JDBC URL for your Jira database
JIRA_DB_USER Username to use to connect to the Jira database
JIRA_DB_PASSWORD Password to use to connect to the Jira database

The following configuration options are optional.

Environment Variable Description
CALLER_KEY The caller key that WiseTime should provide with post time webhook calls. The connector does not authenticate Webhook calls if not set.
TAG_UPSERT_PATH The WiseTime tag folder path to use for Jira tags. Defaults to /Jira/ (trailing slash is required). Use / for root folder.
TAG_UPSERT_BATCH_SIZE Number of tags to upsert at a time. A large batch size mitigates API call latency. Defaults to 200.
PROJECT_KEYS_FILTER If set, the connector will only handle Jira issues from the configured Jira project keys.
DATA_DIR If set, the connector will use the directory as the location for storing data to keep track on the Jira issues it has synced. By default, WiseTime Connector will create a temporary dir under /tmp as its data storage.
TIMEZONE The timezone to use when posting time to Jira if the default timezone is not available in Jira's database, e.g. Australia/Perth. Defaults to UTC.
RECEIVE_POSTED_TIME If unset, this defaults to LONG_POLL: use long polling to fetch posted time. Optional parameters are WEBHOOK to start up a server to listen for posted time. DISABLED no handling for posted time
TAG_SCAN If unset, this defaults to ENABLED: Set mode for scanning external system for tags and uploading to WiseTime. Possible values: ENABLED, DISABLED.
WEBHOOK_PORT The connector will listen to this port e.g. 8090, if RECEIVE_POSTED_TIME is set to WEBHOOK. Defaults to 8080.
LOG_LEVEL Define log level. Available values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and OFF. Default is INFO.
JIRA_ISSUE_URL_PREFIX If set, the connector will generate a URL when creating each tag. If a tag URL is available, the tag will be a clickable link in the WiseTime console. Clicking on the tag will open the URL.

The connector needs to be able to read from the project, jiraissue and issuetype tables, and write to the worklog and sequence_value_item tables of the Jira database.

Running the WiseTime Jira Connector

The easiest way to run the Jira Connector is using Docker. For example:

docker run -d \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    -v volume_name:/usr/local/wisetime-connector/data \
    -e DATA_DIR=/usr/local/wisetime-connector/data \
    -e API_KEY=yourwisetimeapikey \
    -e JIRA_JDBC_URL="jdbc:mysql://host:port/jira_database?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false" \
    -e JIRA_DB_USER=dbuser \
    -e JIRA_DB_PASSWORD=dbpass \

If you are using CONNECTOR_MODE=WEBHOOK: Note that you need to define port forwarding in the docker run command (and similarly any docker-compose.yaml definition). If you set the webhook port other than default (8080) you must also add the WEBHOOK_PORT environment variable to match the docker ports definition.

The Jira connector runs self-checks to determine whether it is healthy. If health check fails, the connector will shutdown. This gives us a chance to automatically re-initialise the application through the Docker restart policy.


To build a Docker image of the WiseTime Jira Connector, run:

make docker