Mapkeeper uses several 3rd party open source libraries and tools. The remainder of this file summarizes the tools used, their purpose, and the licenses under which they're released.
Thrift is a serialization and RPC framework:
Boost is a collection of utility libraries for C++:
Libevent is an asynchronous event notification library.
Oracle Berkeley DB is a B-tree based transactional key-value store.
Open Source License for Oracle Berkeley DB
Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition is log structured transactional key-value store.
Open Source License for Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition
HandlerSocket is a MySQL plugin that supports simple key-value operations without going through SQL layer.
LevelDB is a LSM-Tree based key-value store library.
MySQL is a popular SQL database.
WiredTiger is a key-value store library.
YCSB is a framework and common set of workloads for evaluating the performance of different key-value stores.
Kyoto Cabinet is a key-value store library.
OpenLDAP LMDB is a B-tree based memory-mapped transactional key-value store.