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@LukeTowers LukeTowers released this 04 Dec 21:47
· 2 commits to develop since this release

UX/UI Improvements

  • Added support for showTotals option for Lists and summable option for columns of type: number to render the totals on a per page and per query basis in the Lists widget.
  • Added new user:create CLI command to create a new backend user from the CLI.
  • Checkbox lists will now show all of their options, even when disabled or in read-only mode.
  • Visiting the backend login page will now redirect to the backend dashboard if the user is already logged in.
  • Added additional warning about disabling debug mode in production to the config/app.php file.
  • Added additional configuration checks to the Status dashboard widget.
  • Improved the UX of drag and drop sorting of tree views.
  • Disabled autocomplete on password and sensitive field types by default.
  • Fixed minor box shadow issue with the recordfinder clear button.
  • Made the entire fileupload field clickable in single file mode.
  • Made the entire recordfinder field clickable and added translation support for the default prompt.
  • Repeater items can now be extended by clicking on their title rather than just the dropdown arrow.
  • Fixed minor styling issues with Select2 inputs.
  • Fixed repeater item titles in preview contexts.

DX Improvements

  • Added support for the Vite asset compiler (see Laravel docs & Winter docs for more information).
  • Added new npm:install, npm:update, npm:run helper CLI commands. Refer to the docs.
  • Added new BundleManager that manages the "asset bundles" used by the mix:create and vite:create scaffolding commands.
  • Added support for Laravel-style relations (see wintercms/docs#176)
  • Added a simple .devcontainer for the Storm library and the main Winter repository.
  • Added support for "asset prioritization / load ordering" to the AssetMaker trait through the use of a new order system attribute that can be provided.
  • Added support for project relative paths to the SQLite database.
  • Changed the default scaffold for create:theme to Tailwind
  • Changed the default asset compiler for the tailwind theme scaffold to vite.
  • Added support for all abort($code) errors to the CMS module, now you can use abort(404) anywhere and get a nice 404 error page.
  • Added winter:install, winter:env, and winter:mirror public to the default post create project composer scripts.
  • Improved compatibility with Laravel's artisan migrate command by adding support for the --seed & --isolatable options.
  • Added support for using dynamic methods to handle custom list column types.
  • Added create:factory command to scaffold model factories in plugins.
  • Added support for the --batchable option to the create:job scaffolder.
  • Added support for dynamically extending filter scopes even if no scopes have been defined yet.
  • Added --sidebar flag to the create:controller scaffolder to create a controller that uses the sidebar layout for form views.
  • Fixed display of deleted files when reviewing changes in winter:version.
  • Added --only-version|-o option flag to winter:version to display only the version number.
  • Added new winter:util purge resized CLI command to delete all previously cached images from the resizer.
  • Allowed create:migration to be called with the --update flag even if model does not have a fields.yaml to scan.

API Changes

  • Added support for .avif image files.
  • Removed the unnecessary Maker class from the core Application container.
  • Added support for $table->dropColumnIfExists() in migrations.
  • Added support for enabling the Laravel Mix manifest feature.
  • Added File::getMaxUploadSize() and File::sizeToBytes() helper methods.
  • Added File::copyBetweenDisks() and File::moveBetweenDisks() helper methods.
  • Added slave relationship configuration to the DeferredBinding base model.
  • Added $routePersistance parameter to Page::resolveMenuItem().
  • Removed unnecessary TableData prefix from data returned by the Table widget (also DataTable formwidget) in AJAX requests.
  • Added support for translation strings providing options in FormField->options().
  • The Stripe Loader provided by Snowboard.js can now be disabled by setting data-request-stripe to false.
  • Added support for command names that include a number.
  • Core after login logic (runMigrationOnLogin and logging to the access log) has been moved to an event listener to more reliabily work across all methods of logging in.
  • Added a default UserAgent of Winter Storm to calls made by the Winter HTTP client.
  • Added a nestedArray() scope to the NestedTree trait and a toNestedArray() method to the core TreeCollection class.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the argument order for paginate() and simplePaginate() in BelongsToOrMorphsMany relationships.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to use the SortableScope could conflict with columns in pivot tables.
  • Fixed infinite loop when using HasSortableRelations on a model with a self-referencing relationship.
  • Restored the previous default value of true for showPageNumbers in the RelationController's view and manage configuration scopes.
  • Fixed support for empty calls to date() in Twig.
  • Fixed issue where FormWidgets would return null even when their raw field values aren't present in the save data.
  • Fixed issue with some styling elements in the backend due to the switch of asset compilation systems for the backend styles in 1.2.6.
  • Fixed error when using taglist with a single value.
  • Fixed issue where the RelationManager FormWidget was overriding the default configuration of the RelationController even when the overrides were not explicitly set on the field instance.
  • Fixed issue where creating themes from the backend using the blank scaffold would fail.
  • Fixed issue where custom File models could not use string keys (i.e. UUIDs) as their primary key when using the default backend partials.
  • Fixed issue where Pivot models were not being properly initialized with their attributes causing problems when the pivot record contained jsonable attributes used by repeaters / nested forms.
  • Improved trace_log helper's handling of objects
  • Fixed support for viewing complex (jsonable) pivot data in the RelationController.
  • Fixed issue where the job class was generated twice when using create:job with the --sync option.
  • Fixed issue where maxItems: 1 didn't work for the first item on repeaters.
  • Fixed nested form data in Snowboard requests.
  • Fixed issue where the Mix webpack config wasn't being removed after it was no longer required.
  • Fixed issue where sometimes event listeners for model events would be bound multiple times.
  • Disabled the --relative flag for winter:mirror on Windows because Windows doesn't support relative symlinks.
  • Properly escape the SQLite database path when running winter:env on Windows.

Security Improvements

  • Added the $requiredPermissions property to the default controller stub used by create:controller.
  • Hardened theme objects, preventing certain properties from being passed through to the ThemeData object.
  • Improved the Twig security policy (blocked methods that write, delete, or modify records and attributes in Database/Eloquent and Halcyon models; blocked access to the theme datasource; prevented extensions from being created or directly interacted with). See GHSA-xhw3-4j3m-hq53 for more information.

Translation Improvements

  • Improved Latvian translation.
  • Improved French translation.
  • Improved Russian translation.

Performance Improvements

  • Winter\Storm\Database\Traits\ArraySource now supports using generators to return records in the getRecords() method.

Community Improvements

  • Fixed links to documentation in composer.json


  • Bumped minimum required version of Twig to v3.14 to fix potential security issue.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.6...v1.2.7