A library implementing the 1EdTechLTI 1.3 Assignment Grading Services (AGS) Specification
pnpm install lti-1p3-ags
Assignment and Grade Services Overview -- taken from the official 1EdTech AGS Specification
// Core methods:
// - have the ability to pass a callback if need be.
// lineitem CRUD methods
Other CRUD operations currently in progress.
The LTI 1.3 Core Specification won't be covered here, however, it would be good to familiarize yourself with the specification before utilizing this package. It would give you a core understanding behind the design choices and implementation differences from LTI 1.1.
The same is true for the LTI Advantage Assignment Grading Services (AGS) specification. I highly advise and recommend becoming
familiar with the new specificiation. An official migration guide is provided by 1EdTech, which could be found here.
It briefly discusses the migration from the Basic Outcome Service
to the new Assignment Grading Services 2.0
(which is a part of the core LTI Advantage Services).
An important thing to note -- this library doesn't help you manage anything in relation to creating your public/private RSA keys. You will have to handle that on your own. More information could be found in the official 1EdTech Security Framework.
* Testing for the AGS npm package module.
import AGS from 'lti-1p3-ags';
import fs from 'fs';
try {
* First and foremost, you have to create an AGS instance!
* This library exposes two options for instantiating the AGS service:
* 1. Statically
* 2. Creating an AGS object instance.
* In the end, both accomplish the same thing and this mainly comes down to how your application
* is structured and how you want to use this library.
// Option 1:
const ags = new AGS(
fs.readFileSync('path/to/private-key.pem || string', 'utf-8'),
// Option 2:
const ags = AGS.new(
fs.readFileSync('path/to/private-key.pem || string', 'utf-8'),
* After instantiating an AGS instance, you have 1 of 2 options to obtain an Access Token:
* 1. invoke the `init()` method.
* 2. explicitly invoke the `generateLTIAdvantageServicesAccessToken()` method.
* Once again, determining which method to use mainly comes down to how your application
* is structured and how you want to use this library but in the end, these two options accomplish
* the same thing -- obtaining an Access Token.
* This might be overkill, but one of my goals with this library was to implement it in such a way that
* it could be expanded upon, potentially by other individuals, and leaving the choice up to the
* individual to determine which method is best suited for the needs and application.
// Option 1:
* You have the ability to pass an optional callback function, which will be invoked after
* the Access Token has been fetched.
await ags.init();
// OR
await ags.init( (data) => {
const {
} = data;
// Finished initializing!
// Do something here if you need to!
// Option 2:
const {
tokenType, // will always be `Bearer` in this instance.
} = await ags.generateLTIAdvantageServicesAccessToken();
// From here, you can get or set the Access Token value and creation date if you would like:
// Get:
// Set:
ags.accessToken = 'some-access-token-you-already-generated';
ags.accessTokenCreatedDate = 'access-tokens-creation-date';
// Lastly, you can perform CRUD operations on lineitem(s):
// Get all lineitems in context:
const lineitems = await ags.fetchAllLineitems({
lineitemsContainerUrl: 'lineitems-container-url-endpoint',
* [
id: 'https://lorem ipsum',
scoreMaximum: 2,
label: 'user profile - enable captions',
resourceLinkId: 'resource-link-id'
id: 'https://lorem ipsum',
scoreMaximum: 40,
label: 'Taylor Swift - All Of The Girls You Loved Before (Audio)',
resourceLinkId: 'resource-link-id'
id: 'https://lorem ipsum',
scoreMaximum: 40,
label: 'Moving | Official Trailer | Hulu',
resourceLinkId: 'resource-link-id'
// If you pass `params`, it will fetch the lineitems based on off the params passed:
// You can also use the `fetchLineitem()` method to return a specific lineitem.
// @see: https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ags/v2p0#container-request-filters
const params = {
resource_link_id: 'resource-link-id',
const lineitem = await ags.fetchAllLineitems({
lineitemsUrl: 'lineitem-url-endpoint',
// OR
// You can invoke the `fetchLineitem()` method to fetch a specific line item,
// IF you have the `resourceId` value.
const lineitem = await ags.fetchLineitem({
id: 'url-id',
startDate: '',
endDateTime: '',
scoreMaximum: 10,
label: '10 Second Timer -- new worth 10 points.',
tag: 'grade',
resourceId: '<whatever-value-was-given>',
resourceLinkId: 'resource-link-id-value'
// Posting scores:
// Compile this data your own way, but has to conform to the object structure below.
// More info could be found in the `ScorePayload.d.ts` type.
const scorePayload: ScorePayload = {
timestamp: string, // MUST be formatted using ISO 8601 with a sub-second precision
scoreGiven: number,
scoreMaximum: number,
comment?: string,
activityProgress: 'Initialized' | 'Started' | 'InProgress' | 'Submitted' | 'Completed',
gradingProgress: 'FullyGraded' | 'Pending' | 'PendingManual' | 'Failed' | 'NotReady',
userId: string,
scoringUserId?: string
const { status: gradePostResponseStatus } = await ags.postScore({
if (
gradePostResponseStatus === 200
|| gradePostResponseStatus === 201
) {
console.log('Succeeded in posting back scores!');
if (updatedScoresUrlEndpoint) {
console.log('Here is the updated scores url endpoint: ', updatedScoresUrlEndpoint);
} catch (error) {
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Tyrus Malmstrom - @TirustheVirus - [email protected]