Releases: weekendesk/nodegate
ExecuteIf worker upgrade
New worker: executeIf
Sometimes you need to execute to workers conditionally?
It is now possible! Checkout the documentation here:!
Express App exposed
It can be really useful to directly open routes from express instead of the gateway.
At Weekendesk, it is needed to expose some metrics.
This is why exposing the express app created by the gateway can be useful. You can achieve it now:
const gateway = nodegate();
gateway.expressApp.get('/metrics', (req, res) => {
// Send the metrics
Middleware added!
People may need to use express middleware.
This is now possible!
const gateway = nodegate();
gateway.use(/* Your middleware */);
New method: passthrough().
Sometimes, it is useless that the gateway process any data, and do a simple passthrough.
It is now possible:
method: 'get',
path: '/my-route',
target: '',
Better aggregate error management
The aggregate modifier now allow a new option failStatusCodes
allowing you to keep control of requests errors received.
v1.3.1. - Fix URLs encoding
Yep, values where put on the URL as is. Now it is properly encoded!
Dependencies where updated on the flow.
v1.3.0 - KeepHeaders
- KeepHeaders worker added,
- Dependencies updated.