⚠️ DEPRECATED This repo will be archived on January 9, 2024 as this web3.storage API will no longer take new uploads. Please use the new client and API for future usage of web3.storage. Documentation for the new client can be found here. You can learn more about these changes here.
A client to the Web3.Storage API.
Demo: https://youtu.be/FLsQZ_ogeOg
go get github.com/web3-storage/go-w3s-client
package main
import (
func main() {
c, _ := w3s.NewClient(w3s.WithToken("<AUTH_TOKEN>"))
f, _ := os.Open("images/pinpie.jpg")
// OR add a whole directory:
// f, _ := os.Open("images")
// OR create your own directory:
// img0, _ := os.Open("aliens.jpg")
// img1, _ := os.Open("donotresist.jpg")
// f := w3fs.NewDir("images", []fs.File{img0, img1})
// Write a file/directory
cid, _ := c.Put(context.Background(), f)
fmt.Printf("https://%v.ipfs.dweb.link\n", cid)
// Retrieve a file/directory
res, _ := c.Get(context.Background(), cid)
// res is a http.Response with an extra method for reading IPFS UnixFS files!
f, fsys, _ := res.Files()
// List directory entries
if d, ok := f.(fs.ReadDirFile); ok {
ents, _ := d.ReadDir(0)
for _, ent := range ents {
// Walk whole directory contents (including nested directories)
fs.WalkDir(fsys, "/", func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
info, _ := d.Info()
fmt.Printf("%s (%d bytes)\n", path, info.Size())
return err
// Open a file in a directory
img, _ := fsys.Open("pinpie.jpg")
// img.Stat()
// img.Read(...)
// img.Close()
See example for more.
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
Dual-licensed under MIT + Apache 2.0