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Simulate agents tool documentation

Jonathan edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Simulate agents tool

This tool is intended to simulate a given number of agents n or a given amount of EPS load q per queue.

It is important to note that the number of simulated agents and EPS load is conditioned by the resources of the host where the script is executed.

As reference data we have the following:

In a c5.xlarge (4 vCPUs - 8 GB Memory):

  • We can deploy 500 agents that send only keep-alives to the manager (agent mode).
  • We can generate 7000 EPS (this value may vary depending on the queues) distributed among 7 agents (each agent sends 1000 EPS).

Note: Every agent created with this script will have the keepalive and receive_messages module enabled by default.

How it works

Its operation is based on handling a set of objects of the Agent class located in the module.

This script abstracts from the complexity of its use by handling the following parameters:

Parameter Objective Required Default Type
-a --manager Manager IP address where the agent will connect True localhost str
-n --agents Number of agents to create and run False 1 int
-o --os Simulated agent operating system False debian 8 str
-p --protocol Communication protocol False TCP str
-r --registration-address Manager IP address where the agent will be registered False None str
-t --time Time in seconds for the process simulation False 60 int
-v --version Agent wazuh version False 4.2.0 str
-m --modules Active module separated by whitespace False ['keepalive', 'receive_messages'] list(str)
-l --labels Wazuh agent labels False None list(str)
-s --modules-eps Active module EPS separated by whitespace False ['0', '0'] list(str)
-f --fixed-message-size' Size of all the agent modules messages (KB) False None int
-b --balance-mode Activate the balance mode. EPS will be distributed throughout all agents. False None Flag
-i --balance-ratio EPS/agent ratio. Can only be used if the parameter -b was specified False 1000 int
-w --waiting-time Waiting time in seconds between agent registration and the sending of events False 0 int

Parameter restrictions

  • -o --os: Must be one of the following list:

    ["debian7", "debian8", "debian9", "debian10", "ubuntu12.04", "ubuntu14.04", "ubuntu16.04", "ubuntu18.04", "mojave"]
  • -m --modules: Allowed modules:

    ["fim", "fim_integrity", "syscollector", "rootcheck", "sca", "hostinfo", "winevt", "logcollector" ]
  • -i --balance-ratio: Only must be specified if -b parameter was too.

  • -l --labels: Must have the following format

    label1:value1 label2:value2 label3:value3 ...

Modes of use

Create agents that only send keep-alives (agent mode)

This mode is used when you want to observe how the manager behaves when he has n agents connected and active.

To use this mode, just select a number of agents n. It would be as follows:

simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -n <number_of_agents>

Create n agents and each one sends x EPS (hard EPS mode)

This mode is used to create n agents that are reporting the same amount of EPS

For example, to create 3 agents and each send 500 EPS from FIM and 1000 from logcollector:

simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -n 3 -m fim logcollector -s 500 1000

The result would be:

agent 1 --> 500 FIM EPS + 1000 logcollector EPS
agent 2 --> 500 FIM EPS + 1000 logcollector EPS
agent 3 --> 500 FIM EPS + 1000 logcollector EPS

Total --> 3 agents and 4500 EPS

Note: t is necessary to take into account the possible limitations of the host where the script is launched, i.e. the number of agents created and the total amount of EPS will depend on the resources allocated to the host where this tool will be executed.

Send q load distributed in a ratio value per agent (balanced mode)

This mode is used when we want to send a certain total load, and we want to specify the maximum amount of load sent by each agent. All the EPS of the specified modules will be distributed among different agents, which will be self-calculated using the agent-EPS ratio (-i parameter).

It is important that to use this mode the -b flag is specified to indicate that the balanced mode will be used, and -i to indicate the agent-EPS ratio (If the -i parameter is not specified, the default value will be used, which is 1000EPS/agent)

For example, if we want to generate 500 EPS from FIM and 700 from logcollector, using a ratio of 500EPS/agent:

simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -m fim logcollector -s 500 700 -b -i 500

The result would be:

agent 1 --> 500 FIM EPS
agent 2 --> 500 logcollector EPS
agent 3 --> 200 logcollector EPS

Total --> 3 agents and 1200 EPS

How install this tool

In order to use this tool, first you need to clone the github repository

git clone

Next you have to install the python dependencies from the repository

cd wazuh-qa && pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, you have to install the repository tools

cd deps/wazuh-testing && python3 install

After finishing, you can run the command simulate-agents to see the tool's help menu.


Note: If the script could not be found, check that /usr/local/bin is added to your PATH variable

Usage examples

  • Create 500 agents who are only online and sending keep-alives reporting to a cluster with a load balancer

    simulate-agents -a <load_balancer_ip_or_dns> -n 500 -r <master_node_ip>
  • Create 200 agents who are only online and sending keep-alives with custom labels during 120 seconds

    simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -n 200 -l label1:value1 label2:value2 label3:value3 -t 120
  • Create 3 agents, each reporting 100 FIM EPS and 50 rootcheck, sending events of size 20KB.

    simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -n 3 -m fim rootcheck -s 100 50 -f 20
  • Generate a load of 3000 FIM EPS, 500 logcollector, 200 syscollector and 1500 winevt between agents with a maximum ratio of 500EPS/agent

    simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -m fim logcollector syscollector winevt -s 3000 500 200 1500 -b -i 500
  • Register 500 agents and wait 30 seconds before connecting them (avoids overloading the manager if there are several parallel processes trying to register more agents).

    simulate-agents -a <manager_ip> -n 500 -w 30