evaluate_nc.sh node classification experiments on Brazilian, American and European air-traffic network
vis_karate.sh embeddings visualization on karate network
vis_barbell.sh embeddings visualization on barbell graph
We use the data provide from https://github.com/leoribeiro/struc2vec in our data directory
McDonald, D., He, S.: Heat: Hyperbolic embedding of attributed networks. arXivpreprint arXiv:1903.03036 (2019)
struc2vec: Learning Node Representations from Structural Identity. Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Pedro H. P. Saverese, Daniel R. Figueiredo. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, SigKDD, 2017.
If you find this useful, please use the following citation
title={Embedding Node Structural Role Identity into Hyperbolic Space},
author={Wang, Lili and Lu, Ying and Huang, Chenghan and Vosoughi, Soroush},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information \& Knowledge Management},