「今話したい」是個練習日文、英文口說的App。App語音先說、你接著複誦。最後用辨識的結果,指出要加強的地方。目標是讓你「從會聽,但不會說」到擁有JLPT N3的口說能力。(or 英檢中高級)
- 支援 Hands-Free 自動播放
- 自動調整難度 (徽章系統)
- 三萬句以上的英、日文
iOS App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/id1439727086
demo videos: https://tinyurl.com/y4tvhx5r
This app will only transmit what you said Japanese Text and Navigation Flow to our server anonymously for converting it to furigana. We also will not keep any other private/personal information from users.
For a self language learner like me it's hard to practice speaking. I read more than 20+ novels, watched a lot of TV shows from Japan. But I cannot communicate or express ideas smoothly.
2) I met a lot of Taiwanese in Tokyo last year. Some of them cannot speak japanese in daily coversation (20%?).
Japan increased the number of working holiday VISA for Taiwanese from 2,000 to 5,000 in 2014. It's good... but it also causes Taiwanese who doesn't have JLPT N4 level abilities applied it and still got the VISA. It's sad for being in Japan for one year without communicating with locals.