Puppet PostgreSQL Module.
This module is compatible and was tested with Ubuntu 08.04 LTS and 10.04 LTS.
Future LTS versions support planned. Contributions are welcome! :)
- Add support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Add support for CentOS current stable release.
- Add support for Debian current stable release.
Clone this repository inside your puppet modules folder renaming it to postgresql:
git clone git://github.com/waldman/puppet-pgsql.git postgresql
To install PostgreSQL include and import the module:
include postgresql::server
include postgresql::client
include postgresql::user
import 'postgresql'
postgresql::server::pgconf { 'My_Postgres_Server':
max_connections => '100',
shared_buffers => '256MB',
shmmax => '280000000',
effective_cache_size => '128MB',
work_mem => '1MB',
maintenance_work_mem => '16MB',
log_min_duration_statement => '-1',
Suported parameters list with default values (when applicable):
max_connections = '100'
listening_ip = $ipaddress_eth0
shared_buffers = '256MB'
effective_cache_size = '128MB'
log_min_duration_statement = '-1'
work_mem = '1MB'
maintenance_work_mem = '16MB'
shmmax = "280000000"
networks => ['Network\Host_1_in_CIDR_Notation', 'Network\Host_2_in_CIDR_Notation', '...']
postgresql::server::simple_backup {'Backup_Script':
bkp_user => 'username_of_the_user_that_fetchs_the_backuped_files',
bkp_user_key => '<ssh-key from the user_that_fetchs_the_backuped_files>',
Suported parameters list with default values (when applicable):
cron_hour = '7'
cron_minute = '00'
bkp_user= ''
bkp_user_key = ''
postgresql::database::createdb {'Database_name':
ensure => present,
owner => 'user_that_owns_the_database, # will be created if it doesn't exists
pgpass => 'md52257151269b83ef0e139c3eec8bbcbcb', # It suports the pgsql md5 hashed pass or plain text
usrprop => 'ALTER ROLE user_that_owns_the_database SET search_path=Schema_1, Schema_2;', # Small SQL snippet that will be executed after the user creation
postgresql::user::pguser {'Regular_User':
ensure => present,
pguser => 'Regular_User',
pgpass => 'md52257151269b83ef0e139c3eec8bbcbcb', # It suports the pgsql md5 hashed pass or plain text
usrprop => 'ALTER ROLE user_that_owns_the_database SET search_path=Schema_1, Schema_2;', # Small SQL snippet that will be executed after the user creation
postgresql::user::superuser {'Super_User':
ensure => present,
pguser => 'Super_User',
pgpass => 'md52257151269b83ef0e139c3eec8bbcbcb', # It suports the pgsql md5 hashed pass or plain text
postgresql::user::pgrole {'database_role':
ensure => present,
pgrole => 'database_role',
The backup script will run daily and do a dump of all databases and global variables on the server and put this dumps on the folder /var/dbbackup/last_bkps.
It will also keep seven days of dumps on the folder /var/dbbackup/week_archive.
The fetch operation (fetch backup files from this server) is not covered on this script, but the folder and subsequent dump files will be owned by the bkp_user group and the postgres user. You need to set this user on another box and prepare a script to do the fetching.
During Database creation if the database owner user doesn't exists it will be created.
Some parts of this module were inspired or based on the puppet modules from Eivind Uggedal (https://github.com/uggedal/puppet-module-postgresql) and Luke Kanies (https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-postgres).
I added remarks about this on the header of the pertinent files and the original copyright message were I found to be needed.
I would like to thanks both of them for their work and for release it so I could learn, modify and use! :)