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Releases: wailsapp/wails


17 Jun 20:40
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.9.1


16 Jun 03:19
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v2.9.0 - 2024-06-16


  • Improved drag'n'drop support! More information here.
  • Support for compiling against libwebkit2gtk-4.1: -tags webkit2_41
  • Support generating bindings for structs without fields.
  • Fixes for WindowGetPosition and WindowSetPosition on macOS.
  • Improved documentation.
  • Translations processing fixed.


  • Added Drag & Drop (files or folders) support for Windows and Linux. Added by @lyimmi in PR. Based on the work of @ayatkyo for Windows in PR.
  • Added Drag & Drop (files or folders) support for macOS. Added by @APshenkin in PR.
  • Support for compiling with libwebkit2gtk-4.1 instead of 4.0 to support latest Ubuntu release by atterpac in #3465
  • Extended Routing guide with Svelte example by @stanislav-zeman in #3481
  • Unit test for fix #3476 by gjergj in #3485
  • German Readme Translation by Zeiichenfolge in #3483
  • Added support generating bindings for structs without fields. Added by gjergj in PR



  • Fix Drag & Drop JS runtime. Added by @jakubpeleska, provided by Beam Transfer in PR.
  • Fixed optional type generation where an extra ? would be placed inside the field name instead of outside the name "field?"? vs "field"?. Fixed by @atterpac in #3476
  • Fixed an issue where WindowGetPosition and WindowSetPosition values were inconsistent on MacOS. Fixed by @cenan
  • Fix scoop command usage typo. Fixed by @fieu in #3501
  • Fixed macOS single instance lock reset after some time. Fixed by @APshenkin in PR


08 May 10:44
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Breaking Change

  • The -noPackage flag was misnamed and is being renamed to nopackage to match the other flags. Changed by @leaanthony in PR.


  • Added support for proxying assets requests to an external server. Added by @leaanthony in PR


  • Fixed an issue with missing icon for Windows. Fixed by @APshenkin


11 Apr 11:27
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  • Added docs to help fix NixOs/Wayland font-size css issue. Added by @atterpac in PR
  • Added -m (skip go mod tidy) flag to dev command by @te5se in PR
  • Added mac option DisableZoom to remove zoom button. Added by @wizzymore in PR


  • Fixed some typos in comments. Changed by @reallylowest in PR
  • Fixed an issue where the destination file was not properly closed after copying. Changed by @testwill in PR
  • Fixed an issue where xattr calls were not working. Fixed by @leaanthony


  • Changed Create a project with changing the default name to the project’s name. Changed by @Twacqwq in PR


08 Feb 21:43
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  • Added windows options supports DisablePinchZoom configuration. Added by @tuuzed in PR
  • Add Apple Silicon hardware detection to wails doctor. Changed by @almas1992 in PR
  • Remove quarantine attribute on macOS binaries. Changed by @leaanthony in PR
  • Added documentation for a common GStreamer error on Linux systems. Changed by @mkwsnyder in PR
  • Added documentation on explicity example of importing JS runtime. Changed by @danawoodman in PR
  • Add dock icon right-click exit handling by @almas1992 in PR


  • Fixed vue-ts template build error. Fixed by @atterpac in PR
  • Docs for IsZoomControlEnabled and ZoomFactor. Fixed by @leaanthony in PR
  • Fixed -compiler flag for wails build, wails dev and wails generate module. Fixed in PR by @xtrafrancyz
  • Fixed uninitialized SecondInstanceData.WorkingDirectory on linux and windows (#3154).
  • Fixed save file dialog not appending file extension automatically on Windows by @almas1992 in PR
  • Fixed compatibility for wails cli being built with go 1.22 and later. Fixed by @stffabi in PR


01 Feb 10:36
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v3.0.0-alpha.4 Pre-release
  • wails3 dev and wails3 package for Windows and Mac
  • Refactored runtime to provide @wailsio/runtime and compiled runtime options
  • Updated examples
  • Fixed frameless drag and resize on Windows
  • wails3 tool cp for copying files
  • Fix WML example
  • Refactor asset server
  • Refactored dev tools support
  • Fixed default extension for Save Dialog
  • Support aliases in package imports (bindings)


11 Dec 07:39
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v3.0.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

This is not a release, but more of a maintenance tag. Don't expect anything to work. Except maybe some of the examples. And maybe some cli commands might work...


09 Dec 23:42
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  • Segfault in wails doctor when GPU device information is not provided. Thanks to @atterpac for the fix (#3108).
  • Fixed building on macOS 11. Updated other build guards. Fixed in #3111 by @leaanthony.


  • Go 1.20 is now the minimum supported Go version.


09 Dec 06:33
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v2.7.0 - 2023-12-09


  • Update the description of ZoomFactor and IsZoomControlEnabled attributes in the document. Added by @biuaxia in PR
  • Added Single Instance Lock support with passing arguments to first instance. Added by @APshenkin in PR
  • Added support for enabling/disabling swipe gestures for Windows WebView2. Added by @leaanthony in PR
  • When building with -devtools flag, CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+F12 can be used to open the devtools. Added by @leaanthony in PR
    – Added file association support for macOS and Windows. Added by @APshenkin in PR
  • Added support for setting some of the Webview preferences, textInteractionEnabled and tabFocusesLinks on Mac. Added by @fkhadra in PR
  • Added support for enabling/disabling fullscreen of the Webview on Mac. Added by @fkhadra in PR
  • Added French page. Added by @nejos97 in PR
  • New task created for linting v2 task v2:lint. Workflow updated to run the task. Added by @mikeee in PR
  • Added new community template wails-htmx-templ-chi-tailwind. Added by @pylotlight in PR
  • Added CPU/GPU/Memory detection for wails doctor. Added by @leaanthony in #d51268b8d0680430f3a614775b13e6cd2b906d1c
  • The AssetServer now injects the runtime/IPC into all index html files and into all html files returned when requesting a folder path. Added by @stffabi in PR
  • Added Custom Protocol Schemes associations support for macOS and Windows. Added by @APshenkin in PR
    – Added support for TS interfaces generation as an option. Add support for Enums in TS types. Added by @APshenkin in PR


  • AssetServer requests are now processed asynchronously without blocking the main thread on Windows. Changed by @stffabi in PR
  • AssetServer requests are now processed concurrently by spawning a goroutine per request. Changed by @stffabi in PR
  • Now building with -devtools flag doesn't enable the default context-menu. Changed by @mmghv in PR
  • Change Window Level. Changed by @almas1992 in PR


  • Fixed typo on docs/reference/options page. Added by @pylotlight in PR
  • Fixed issue with npm being called npm20 on openSUSE-Tumbleweed. Fixed by @TuffenDuffen in PR
  • Fixed memory corruption on Windows when using accelerator keys. Fixed by @stffabi in PR
  • Fixed binding mapping for obfuscated build, when binding are in different structs. Fixed by @APshenkin in PR
  • Fixed issue with obfuscation settings in wails.json. Fixed by @APshenkin in PR

Alpha 2 - "Let's take them to Task" edition

12 Nov 10:39
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This is not a release, but more of a maintenance tag. Don't expect anything to work. Except maybe some of the examples.