const vivek = {
code: ["JavaScript", "Python", "Golang", "C++", "C"],
askMeAbout: ["Web Dev", "Tech", "Machine Learning"],
technologies: {
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express"],
python: ["Django", "Flask"],
golang: ["Fiber"]
frontEnd: {
["Reactjs", "AngularJS", "TypeScript", "TailwindCSS", "BootStrap"]
devOps: ["AWS", "Docker🐳", "Route53", "Nginx"],
databases: ["mongo", "MySql", "sqlite", "postgreSQL", "dynamoDB"],
currentFocus: "Learning BlockChain as a technology.",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"
If you want to reach out to me about anything, be it some doubt or just to hangout and talk or want to watch anime together just ping me 😉.
I'm currently working as Software Developer at Progress and learning new Technologies.