Use the setup.txt in clients/ to install this version to a raspberry pi.
For the router, put the clients/nginx.conf to the /etc/nginx directory as nginx.conf and put clients/blastrouter/nginx.router.conf in /etc/nginx/sites-available. Run "sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx.router.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/router" (maybe remove the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default first) and "sudo service nginx restart".
Run the file through the ssh shell. "./" if your in the directory of the file.
Now you can start clients to register them selfs with the router.
There are 2 setups, one for scheduled pwm and one just turning on the led. 1. You can start the clients/blastclient/ file on the raspberries and control it with the controller/ from your local computer 2. You can start the clients/blastclient/ file on the raspberries and control it with the controller/ from your local computer
The control will ask for the hostname of the raspberry that you want to control, in my case it is "automata1" and "automata2".
- Raspberry pin pwm control through websockets
- 0.0.1