WebGL Debug Utils. This is a node port of WebGLDeveloperTools by Khronos Group.
var WebGLDebugUtil = require('webgl-debug');
Get error code string representation.
var WebGLDebugUtil = require('webgl-debug');
var str = WebGLDebugUtil.glEnumToString(gl.getError());
Create debug context that will throw error on invalid WebGL operation.
var WebGLDebugUtil = require('webgl-debug');
function throwOnGLError(err, funcName, args) {
throw WebGLDebugUtils.glEnumToString(err)
+ "was caused by call to "
+ funcName;
gl = WebGLDebugUtils.makeDebugContext(gl, throwOnGLError);
Initializes this module. Safe to call more than once.
Returns true or false if value matches any WebGL enum
Gets an string version of an WebGL enum.
Converts the argument of a WebGL function to a string
Converts the arguments of a WebGL function to a string.
returns a wrapped context that calls gl.getError after every command and calls a function if the result is not NO_ERROR
returns a wrapped canvas element that will simulate lost context
Resets a context to the initial state
MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.