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  Pauli Virtanen <[email protected]>	(original Tmispell)
  Harri Pitkänen <[email protected]>		(modifications for Voikko)

NOTE! Tmispell is no longer actively maintained! Enchant provides similar
ispell-compatible wrapper for multiple spell checker backends. It is
recommended to use that if possible, or contribute to its development.


What Tmispell is?

   Tmispell is an Ispell compatible front-end for spell-checking
   modules. To do the actual spell-checking for Finnish language it uses
   the spell-checking system Voikko[1].
   To put this another way: Tmispell is a transparent wrapper around
   Ispell. Many programs (e.g. mail clients and document processors) use
   Ispell for spell-checking. Since Tmispell imitates Ispell, these
   programs use automatically Tmispell (and therefore Voikko) without
   any changes needed. Additionally Tmispell can launch the real Ispell
   if there is no module for the selected language.


   Currently Tmispell has an interactive text-mode user interface that
   can be used for spell-checking text. It can be started by typing

 tmispell -dsuomi file.txt

   When a misspelled word is encountered, you will be asked what to do.
   The usage of the interface should fairly obvious, but you can get
   help about keys by pressing '?'.

   If you would like to use the filters, put one of the options '-t',
   '-n' and '-h' (TeX, nroff and Sgml, respectively) in front of the
   file name to spell-check. For more information about options, see the
   ispell(1) manual page.


   These instructions tell how to build and install Tmispell from
   scratch. There are also prebuilt packages for Linux distributions for
   Linux distributions. Likely you want to use them instead of doing
   installation the hard way.

    1. Download and install libvoikko[1] (version 1.5 or later) and its

    2. Compile and install Tmispell:

           make install

       The "make install" just copies the tmispell executable and manual
       page to suitable places.

    3. Create the configuration file and place it to the place where
       Tmispell looks for it. There is also an example configuration
       file tmispell.conf.example, which should be used as a template.
       (See "The configuration file format" below.) Check that the path
       names in spell-checker entries point to correct places.

    4. To make other programs use Tmispell instead of Ispell, first move
       aside the original Ispell executable, and then create a link from
       "tmispell" to "ispell". For example:

             mv /usr/bin/ispell /usr/bin/ispell.real
             ln -s /usr/local/bin/tmispell /usr/bin/ispell

       Remember to change the "ispell=..." line in configuration file to
       point to the real Ispell executable.

       Other programs must also know that a Finnish spell-checking is
       possible, so run the following command to create fake dictionary

             touch /usr/lib/ispell/suomi.{hash,aff}

       Note that the path might also be "/usr/share/ispell" or something
       similar, depending on your system.

    5. To check that Tmispell works properly, type the following

             ispell -dsuomi -a

       If you had specified a dictionary with identifier "suomi" in the
       configuration file, then you should see a line similar to this:

 @(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 compatible tmispell-voikko 0.4.3

       Now you can type words to spell-check. For more information about
       this command mode, refer to the ispell(1) manual.

Program specific information

     o Emacs (both Ispell and Flyspell modes)

       Note that you might have to add something like the following to
       your ~/.emacs configuration file, since Ispell support in Emacs
       does not know about Finnish dictionary by default:

 (setq ispell-local-dictionary-alist
       (append ispell-local-dictionary-alist
           "[':]" nil nil nil utf-8))))

       You should change utf-8 to iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15 if you do
       not use the UTF-8 encoding. Depending on your configuration, the
       ispell-local-dictionary-alist could also be
       ispell-dictionary-alist. You can change the active dictionary
       with the command "M-x ispell-change-dictionary". If you like to
       have Finnish as the default dictionary, add also:

 (setq ispell-dictionary "suomi")

       If you still encounter problems (e.g. with TeX files), try turning the
       multi byte character support of Emacs off.

     o Pspell (Sylpheed, Balsa and many more)

       Although Pspell is being replaced by Aspell, some programs still
       use it. To use Tmispell with it, you need to have pspell-ispell
       module for Pspell installed, and a file
       /usr/share/pspell/fi-ispell.pwli with the following line in it:

 /usr/lib/ispell/suomi.hash utf-8

     o Other programs (most KDE applications, LyX, ...)

       When the fake dictionary files (see Installation) exist, Finnish
       should appear in the dictionary list in these programs.

Known issues

  Missing features

     o Implement entity encoding and decoding in SGML filter. To do this
       reasonably, some changes are likely required in filter

     o There is no support for applications using Aspell. We should ask
       the maintainers of such applications to start using Enchant

  Other things to do

     o Think about Ispell extended characters (whatever they are).



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