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Professional NgRx

After cloning the project, run yarn for downloading the dependencies. Verify that the applications starts with npm run start. acts as the default backend.

If the backend is not reachable you can also run the backend locally (see below) .

Local Backend

You can run the backend also locally. It is written in Spring Boot and uses H2 as database. The db file is located in backend/

Execute ./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl backend. You require at least Java 1.8.

You also have to replace the baseUrl property in environment.ts or just run npm run start:dev-local.

Full Rewrite from Scratch

If you have the desire to fully rebuild the system from scratch with an Angular application build from scratch, following commands should be executed:

npx ng add @angular/material

# NgRx
yarn add @ngrx/store @ngrx/effects @ngrx/store-devtools

# Forms
yarn add @ngx-formly/core @ngx-formly/material ngx-formly-helpers

# Utility libs
yarn add date-fns

# Tailwind
yarn add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

# RxJs Marbles
yarn add -D rxjs-marbles

# Testing Boilerplate
yarn add -D @ngneat/spectator ng-mocks @testing-library/angular

# Playwright
yarn add -D @playwright/test


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