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Base styling repository for viur-vi

Embedding in the project

[submodule "sources/vi"]
	path = sources/vi
	url =

Needed depenencies

npm install @babel/core autoprefixer gulp gulp-load-plugins fs path gulp-less gulp-postcss postcss-zindex gulp-autoprefixer postcss-focus postcss-discard-comments gulp-clean-css gulp-join-media-queries gulp-rename gulp-sourcemaps gulp-babel gulp-concat gulp-uglify copy gulp-cheerio del gulp-imagemin gulp-flatten gulp-exec gulp-print gulp-filter gulp-uglify

most of these should be already installed if the project uses ignite with gulp

Register as project Task

add this line to your gulpfile.js script const viBuildTasks = require('./vi/vi_tasks');

Run gulp Tasks

the main task can be triggered via gulp vi
you can run each part of this script individually via:

  • gulp vi_js
  • gulp vi_editor
  • gulp vi_css
  • gulp vi_icons
  • gulp vi_images

The projectstructure

├── deploy  
│   ├── ..  
│   ├── vi_plugins  
│   │   ├── test_plugin         <-- each plugin has its own folder
│   │   │   ├── static          <-- static folder for plugin / can also contain embedsvg folder for icons
│   │   │   └── style.less      <-- vi_plugin less definitions
│   │   ├──         <-- vi plugins registration
│   │   └── vi_custom.less      <-- less overrides / vi_plugin less imports
│   ├── viur  
│   │   ├── vi  
│   │   │   ├── public  
│   │   │   │   ├── css         <-- will be generated / a defaultset is part of viur-vi submodule   
│   │   │   │   ├── embedsvg    <-- will be generated / a defaultset is part of viur-vi submodule  
│   │   │   │   ├── htmleditor  <-- will be generated / a defaultset is part of viur-vi submodule  
│   │   │   │   ├── images      <-- will be generated / a defaultset is part of viur-vi submodule  
│   │   │   │   ├── js          <-- will be generated / a defaultset is part of viur-vi submodule  
│   │   │   │   └── ..  
│   │   │   └── ..  
│   .   .  
│   .     
├── sources  
│   ├── gulpfile.js             <-- main gulpfile  
│   ├── embedsvg                <-- project icons / icons subfolder should be the icons submodule
│   │   └── ..  
│   ├── images                  <-- project images, will be copied to deploy/static/images
│   │   └── ..  
│   ├── js                      <-- project js-scripts
│   │   └── ..  
│   ├── less                    <-- project less styling
│   │   └── ..  
│   ├── vi                      <-- viur-vi-styling submodule
│   │   ├── ...  
│   │   └── vi_tasks.js         <-- vi styling tasks  
.   .  