Fullstack developer
November 2022 - Present
- Development of websites and mobile applications.
- Development of APIs using FastAPI and Flask.
- Analysis of pre-existing data to generate reports using Pandas and Numpy.
- Maintenance of a legacy website developed with PHP.
- Maintenance of a Linux server (Debian) where the applications are hosted.
- Use of Google services: Firebase, DriveAPI, Sheets API, DocumentAI, and Compute Engine.
Fullstack developer
October 2022 - January 2023
- Maintenance of a website developed with PHP.
- Development of a text editor using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
- Development of a Telegram chatbot using Python.
- Maintenance of an API developed with Flask.
Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná - Paraná, Brazil
Analysis and Systems Development, Associate Degree
Feb 2023 - Aug 2025
- Framework: React, Svelte, Expo & ReactNative
- CSS Framework: Tailwind, Bootstrap
- Form: React Hook Form
- Schema/Form validation: Zod, Yup
- Requests: Axios, Tanstack/ReactQuery
- Table: tanstack/table, AG Grid, MUIDatatables, Datatables.net
- State management: Zustand
- Conditional classes: clsx, classnames
- File upload Filepond
- Dates: DayJS
- Charts: Recharts
- Drag and drop: react-beautiful-dnd
- Router: tanstack/react-router, react-router-dom
- Toast: react-toastify
- Others: typescript, javascript, JQuery, lodash
- Frameworks: FastAPI, Flask
- ORM: SQL Alchemy
- SQL Drivers: PyMySQL, mysql-connector-python
- validation: Pydantic
- Database migration: Alembic, Flask-Migrate
- MySQL/MariaDB
- MongoDB
- SQLite
- Clouds: GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Digital Ocean, Heroku
- Virtualization: Docker, Oracle VirtualBox
- HTTP Servers: NGINX, Apache
- Applications management: Supervisorctl, Systemd
- Firewall: UFW
- Versioning: Git/Github
- APM: Sentry