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Releases: vitormesquita/Malert

Overlay custom color

13 Jul 22:19
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Implemented enhancements

  • Add overlayColor attribute on Malert to change the background color
  • Renamed round method to roundCorners
  • Remove coder init from Malert

Update to Swift 5.0

23 Oct 23:12
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Implemented enhancements

  • Updated all code to Swift 5.0
  • Change indentation from files
  • Update
  • Removing from project

Added callback to know when Malert was dismissed

23 Oct 23:11
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Implemented enhancements

  • Added method onDismissMalert on Malert to be called when dismiss viewController's function called completion block
  • Removing some prints
  • Put #if DEBUG to print dealloc

Fixed MalertAction's font

23 Oct 23:05
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Implemented enhancements

  • Removed font attribute from MalertAction
  • Added buttonsFont attribute on Malert to represents all Alert button's font

Adding custom MalertAction's font

23 Oct 23:01
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Implemented enhancements

  • Added font attribute on MalertAction to change single button font if needed

Update to Swfit 4.0

23 Oct 22:55
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Implemented enhancements

  • Changing swift version to 4.2
  • Resolving all swift version changes

3.0 Big Refactoring!!

27 Jul 20:01
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Implemented enhancements:

  • Refactoring the way how to create an Malert to be more similar with UIAlertController
  • Changing MalertViewController -> Malert to be presented as UIViewController
  • Changing MalertButtonStruct -> MalertAction
  • Removing MalertViewConfiguration, MalertButtonConfiguration
  • Removing shared instance and all queue manager from Malert
  • Add new attributes to be more customizable and flexible
  • Removing Cartography
  • Add dismissOnActionTapped to dismiss when a call to action was clicked

Updating to Swift 4!

21 Nov 13:20
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Implemented enhancements:

  • Merged with pull request, updating to swift 4
  • Refactoring some unnecessary codes

Fixed bugs:


06 Feb 18:11
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Fixed bugs:

  • Added cancelsTouchesInView=false in MalertViewController tapRecognizer for not cancel subviews touch


06 Feb 18:10
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Implemented enhancements:

  • Added clipToBouds and removed customViewCorners() from MalertView