- Django
- psycopg2
- django-widget-tweaks
- ujson
- requests
- lxml
- pytz
- data/
- cache.py --- main functions for getting stock data. Retrieves from the database if it can, scrapes otherwise.
- models.py --- models for exchanges, symbols, quotes.
- views.py --- JSON API for retrieving stock data.
- urls.py --- routing for the JSON API.
- finance/
- Main site directory, base templates, routing, etc.
- users/
- views.py --- views for registration and profile page.
- templates/ --- templates for login, registration, etc.
- stocks/
- Some of the stuff in data/ used to live here until I moved it.
is an abbreviation for an exchange, e.g. LSE or NASDAQ.TICKER
is a stock ticker, e.g. GSK or MSFT./data/index/<TICKER>
is an exchange ticker, e.g. FTSE.