#Node.js Hackathon Starter
###Hackathon Documentation
Node.js Authentication: http://scotch.io/tutorials/javascript/easy-node-authentication-setup-and-local
Mongoose Docs: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/
Fitbit Passport: https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-fitbit
Fitbit API: https://www.npmjs.org/package/fitbit
Jawbone Passport: https://github.com/maxutter/up-api-auth-demo
Jawbone API: https://github.com/ryanseys/node-jawbone-up
#####Start up the server
$ sudo mongod #####Local Mongo shell
$ mongo
Use a database
> use <database>
Show all db's
> show dbs
Show all collections
> show collections
Query all users
> db.users.find()
Find Specific User
> db.users.findOne({linkedin_email:'[email protected]'})
Drop Specific collection
> db.users.drop()
Find All people in Bay Area
> db.allpeoples.find({location: "San Francisco Bay Area"})
###Running the App
In production, make sure to check that the production database is used in server.js. Also, make sure that the callback URLs in auth.js are set for the production environment.