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t - Tiny template plugin for vim

A minimalist template / scaffolding engine for text editors. Build Status


This is a simple plug-in one could use to get template files per file type, which will be used as a starting point when creating new buffers.

Template files may contain variables ({{ title }}), which are expanded at the time of buffer creation. The main purpose of the templates is to add boilerplate code to new files.


Provides a basic CLI tvim (1) to parse and evaluate templates using Handlebars, and write the result to STDOUT.

It was designed to work along the included Vim / Neovim plugin, but integrations to other text editors should be possible (#atom)


The vim plugin is heavily based on tpope former ztemplate plugin, that was found in:

Unfortunately, ztemplate is no more and I cannot find it anymore. This plugin is based on the git history of my vimfiles repo where I once checked in a copy of ztemplate.vim



$ npm install tvim -g


Using vim-plug

Plug 'vimlab/t.vim', { 'do': 'npm install -g' }
" npm: --prod to skip devDependencies
" npm: --cache-min Infinity to speed up install process
" npm: -g to make tvim available in $PATH

For other package managers, make sure to run npm install -g within the bundle directory.





tvim command is used to parse templates and evaluate them with Handlebars.

It builds template variables based on the provided filename, conf/defs.json configuration file and local project package.json properties, if it exists.


  • --file - Must be set to the created file (in Vim this is the new Buffer filepath)
  • --template - Full path value leading the Handlebars template


tvim behavior and default variables can be configured with conf/*.json files.

  • Definitions A simple { name: command } mapping to globally define template variables.

  • Globs Configure minimatch based templates. Great to setup a common boilerplate for Models when creating app/models/*.js files.


Vim When editing a new file (not created yet, eg. BufNewFile is triggered), the plugin will try to load a template from ~/.vim/templates directory.

Templates are loaded using the following search order:

  1. First try loading by filename
  2. Then by filetype default.filetype (or extension)

For instance, vim foo.js will try to load ~/.vim/templates/foo.js, then ~/.vim/templates/default.js.

See my vim templates folder for a list of basic templates for web / nodejs / vim development.


Template variables are Mustache like template placeholder: eg. {{ title }}

The following variables are available for expansion in templates:

  • {{ day }}, {{ year }}, {{ month }}

Current day of the month, year, and month of the year, as numeric values.

  • {{ date }}

Current date in YYYY-mm-dd format.

  • {{ time }}

Current time in HH:MM format.

  • {{ datetime }}

Current full date (date and time) in YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM format.

  • {{ filename }}

File name, without extension.

  • {{ ext }}

File extension (component after the last period).

  • {{ basename }}

File name, with extension.

  • {{ mail }}

E-mail address of the current user. This is the value of git config --global

  • {{ user }}

Current logged-in user name ($USER)

  • {{ license }}

Expands to the string MIT by default or the value of package.json "license" property.

  • {{ hostname }}

Current host name.

Additionnaly, any variable definitions you defined in defs.json will be used instead of the defaults. If the filename is within a project with a package.json (find up), its fields are used to expand corresponding variables in templates.

## Overriding / Defining Variables

You can change the default value of any predefined variables, or add new ones using :TemplateConfig to edit conf/defs.json configuration file.

For instance, to change the default value of the { name } variables in templates, use { name: command } key / value pair:

  • name Variable name
  • command System command to execute and evaluate STDOUT result
  "user": "git config --global"

Here is the default values for all predefined template variables.

// File
let ext = path.extname(filepath);
let basename = path.basename(filepath);
let filename = basename.replace(ext, '');

// Date
let day = moment().format('d');
let year = moment().format('YYYY');
let month = moment().format('M');
let date = moment().format('YYYY-M-d')
let datetime = moment().format('YYYY-M-d HH:mm')

// Misc
let user = process.env.USER;
let definitions = {
  hostname: 'hostname',
  mail:     'git config --global',
  name:     'git config --global'

If the buffer is within a project with a package.json, every field is defined as a template variable as well.


The conf/globs.json file manages a list of glob patterns to register with a template file

Ex. "bin/*": "bin/cli.js" would expand every file matching the bin/* pattern with templates/bin/cli.js.

  "bin/*": "bin/cli.js",
  "app/models/*.js": "rails/js/model.js",
  "server.js": "node/http/server.js"



:Template can be used to expand the template content in the current buffer.


:TemplateEdit is an helper to :edit ~/.vim/templates/${filetype}.template and quickly add or edit a template for the current filetype.


:TemplateConfig is an helper to :edit t.json file used to define template variables. You can simply add, edit or remove definitions by editing the JSON content and saving the file.


Tiny template plugin for vim (WIP)






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