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Focusing to become an Expert @FullStackDeveloper
Focusing to become an Expert @FullStackDeveloper

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Hi There, Glad to see you here!

Typing SVG

😎 Hey, I'm Vikas Ukani, Full-Stack | Software Engineer. 🔰


👀 Profile Views,



  • 🔭 Presently, I’m working as Product Developer (Full-Stack Software Developer) at micro1.

  • 💼 I began my Web development journey back in 2018 at Coruscate Solution Pvt. Ltd. as Web Developer.
  • 💡 Highly interested in becoming an Expert in FULL-STACK ENGINEER ❤️
  • 🎧 I love to listen to energetic music at work to focus more 🎶 , Watching Marvellous Movies 📽️. and eating delicious foods.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning and focusing on Kaggle and Participating in Machine Learning and Data Science competitions for personal career interest...
  • 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn , Kaggle , GitHub, Facebook, Twitter , WhatsApp(+91 )
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I am always eager to explore my skill set and updated on the latest programming technologies and I want to work with a huge crew of professional developers.
  • 😄 Pronouns: "Vi" + "kas"

My CV:

from software_engineer import ( SoftwareDeveloper, ProgrammingSkill )
import os

class Designation(SoftwareDeveloper):

  def __init__(self):
    self.employee_name     =    'Vikas Ukani'
    self.employee_role     =    'Product Developer | FullStack Developer'
    self.company_name      =    'DCKAP'
    self.location          =    'Chennai, India'  

class MySkills(ProgrammingSkills):

  def  __init__(self):
    self.programing_language      =    ( 'JavaScript', 'PHP', 'Python' )
    self.databases                =    [ 'MySQL', 'MongoDB', 'SQLite', 'PostgreSQL' ]
    self.backend_frameworks       =    { 'Laravel', 'NodeJS', 'Django' }
    self.frontend_frameworks      =    [ ( 'NextJS' ) , ( 'VueJS' ), ( 'ReactJS' ), ( 'AngularJS' )  ]  
    self.tech_stack               =    [ { stack: 'LAMP Stack' } , { stack : "WAMP Stack" } ]
    self.learning_and_focusing_on =    ( 'ReactJS with NextJS', 'FAST API', 'Django', 'AWS Services', 'CI & CD Development' )

def know_more_about_me(designation: Designation, my_skills: MySkills):
  Want to visit my portfolio site?
  from computer import GoogleChrome
  # My Portfolio is Under Construction Mode.   😉 
  visit_my_portfolio_website = ""
def know_me():
  designation =  Designation()
  my_skills    =  MySkills()
  know_more_about_me(designation, my_skills)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Did you found any BUGs on this code. 🤔

About me:

I currently working as a Product Developer at micro1 Company. I have more than 6+ years of experience working in Software Development in global companies. I have in-depth knowledge of backend frameworks like Laravel, NodeJS, and Django/Flask to Build REST APIs, and as a Frontend Framework I use ReactJS, NextJS, VueJS, and AngularJS, I can handle website information with several databases, Such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite. I'm also excited to work with Python Language and quite interested to learn more about Machine Learning in the Data Science field. Having quite a learning skills to explore new technologies and solve real-life problems.

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Programming Skills In,


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