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Tech Spec

Jason Stephens edited this page Nov 8, 2017 · 15 revisions

the game plan, gear and logistics

tech strategy

design doc
  • What's the game plan? How will this work?

  • STEPS: (via Z)

    • Most important document is a short list of the business requirements.
    • Next is choosing an appropriate metaphor that captures the essence of what it is you are doing.
    • Then build a minimal live system with important components in place. Do you have a prototype you can reuse?
primary tools and algorithms
  • Processing programming language
  • Mad Mapper? depends on solution for projector/kinect alignment
  • buffer (off-screen image)
  • Kinect / Projector alignment
  • closest point tracking using the kinect
    • feedback loop track the point associated with the closest object detected by the Kinect.
  • Feedback loop
    • using PImage and PGraphics in a way that samples the output screen, creating a feedback loop
  • reference image
    • reference images used to inform pixel color
  • flow field
    • to control particle movement and/or to use as in conjuction with the feedback loop somehow (tentative)

on-site details

  • address:
  • contact:
  • staging area:
  • restrictions:
  • install details:
    • get setup specs from Peter Tjeerdsma [email protected]
    • what's the screen resolution for both projectors?
    • throw dimensions? and footprint
    • are the projectors on separate signals?
    • how far is the computer location from the installation
    • where with the kinect be mounted? close enought to computers?
    • can the Kinect go overheadh

gear list

  • screens and projectors - provided by Chabot Space and Science Center
  • Kinect - Model 1414
  • MacBookPro
  • USB extension cables - requires further testing

libraries under consideration

  • SimpleOpenNI
  • openCV - a Processing Library for computer vision by GregBorstein
  • Keystone - video projection mapping library for Processing
  • Blobscanner - blob detection and analysis
  • Kinect Projector Toolkit - Gene Kogan's library for aligning a projector and a Kinect
  • SurfaceMapper - enables the projection of textures on multiple surfaceds

tech notes

2015-01-19: from zoran
  • Opportunity to build interactive installation at Chabot Space and Science Center in March is exciting. March leaves you about a month and a half to get things ready.
  • STEPS:
    • Most important document is a short list of the business requirements.
    • Next is choosing an appropriate metaphor that captures the essence of what it is you are doing.
    • Then build a minimal live system with important components in place. Do you have a prototype you can reuse?
    • Once you have the live system, the cycle is:
      1. write a test,
      2. modify code to pass new test,
      3. then run regression tests,
      4. and finally accept modified code.
  • If you are careful to add important features which require special processing first, you will run into bugs early in the process.
  • As for finding help, remember mythical man-month. You will take a performance hit as you bring someone else on board, which will be difficult to overcome on a short schedule.