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A bare-metal operating system designed for the Raspberry Pi.

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Skorix OS

A bare-metal operating system designed for the Raspberry Pi, emphasizing clarity, efficiency, and a focus on the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Project Structure

The project is organized into the following directories:

. <--- (root directory)
|   .gitignore
|   Makefile
|   tree.txt
|       settings.json
|       specifications.pdf
    |   |   *.o files
    |   |   
    |   +---images
    |   |       kernel8.img
    |   |       
    |   +---kernel
    |           kernel8.elf
    |   +---core
    |   |       cli.c
    |   |       
    |   +---headers
    |   |       *.h files
    |   |       
    |   +---mailbox
    |   |       mbox.c
    |   |       
    |   +---utils
    |           color.c
    |           command.c
    |           config.c
    |           constants.c
    |           number.c
    |           print.c
    |           string.c
        |       boot.S
        |       kernel.c
        |       link.ld


  • Minimalist Welcome Message: Provides essential boot information.
  • Basic Commands: Includes help, clear, setcolor, and showinfo.
  • Command Aliases: Streamline interaction with shortcuts like h for help
  • Quality of Life CLI Enhancements:
    • Command completion (TAB key)
    • Command history navigation (underscore and plus keys)
    • Colored text output using ANSI escape characters
    • Structured table formatting for improved readability
  • Utility Commands: echo, shutdown (prototype), reload, history, about
  • UART Driver Development: Enhanced functionality within the UART driver

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites:
    • Raspberry Pi board (Model 3, 4 or compatible)
    • QEMU Raspberry Pi 3 emulator (for testing)
    • Toolchain for ARM (e.g., GCC, Make, etc.)
  2. Build and Run:
    • Run the make command to compile the source code.
    • QEMU will automatically launch the OS for testing.
    • To run on a Raspberry Pi, copy the kernel8.img file to an SD card.


Use the setcolor command to personalize text and background colors within the CLI. Experiment with different preset colors to find your preferred scheme.

Future Development

  • Advanced command-line editing capabilities
  • File system support
  • Process management
  • More sophisticated shutdown implementation
  • Exploration of GUI elements

About the Author

Skorix OS was developed by Vo Hoang Phuc (S3926761) as part of the Embedded Systems: OS and Interfacing (EEET2490) course at RMIT University. The project aims to provide a foundational understanding of operating system development and low-level programming.


For questions, feedback, or contributions, please reach out to [email protected], or [email protected].