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Nice Slice Editor



What are the nine-slice or nine-patch images?

Nice Slice Editor is a handy tool designed to ease the usage of nice-slice images with PhaserJS.

PhaserJS v3 doesn't support nice-slice images out of the box but there are few plugins that provide this functionality. This editor is based on ninepatch-plugin from Koreez Games.

How to use

To start the editor run the following commands:

  • npm run ts-complile
  • npm run serve-dev

Keyboard shortcuts

  • S to display resize dialog
  • I or U to import image or texture atlas
  • U or E to export image
  • C to copy nine-slice config to clipboard
  • A to toggle axis (diplay / hide)
  • F to toggle camera zoom (max / default)


To start developing run the following commands:

  • npm run ts-complile
  • npm run ts-typecheck
  • npm run serve-dev

Application entry point is at src/startup/Startup.ts