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Create Custom ISO

Emmett1 edited this page May 19, 2020 · 2 revisions


You can create your own custom Venom Linux ISO with your customization, then this custom ISO can be use to install into other machine. ./scripts/ script is used in this process.


Install required dependencies

sudo scratch install git syslinux squashfs-tools grub-efi dosfstools libisoburn

Cloning ports repository:

git clone --depth=1

Enter ports repository:

cd ports

Modify script's config file:

cp scripts/config.default scripts/config
vim scripts/config

Fetch Venom Linux rootfs:

sudo ./scripts/ -fetch

Customize to your liking (optional)

Copy your config and customization files into customize directory:

Note: For config files from user directory should be placed into customize/etc/skel directory. This configs will automatically copied over when user created.

mkdir customize
cp [your stuffs] customize/

Configure iso login and password, service and etc:

vim virootfs/root/

Generate the ISO

Generate iso with needed packages:

  • -zap is for cleaning existing working rootfs, then re-prepare rootfs
  • -pkg= enter your desire package need to include into the iso with comma (,) separated
  • -iso is for generating iso
sudo ./scripts/ -zap -pkg=pkg1,pkg2,pkg3,pkgN -iso

Your custom ISO should be created to top directory of ports repository.

Testing the ISO

You can use qemu to test generated iso. Theres a script I wrote to easily run qemu with decent flags to test the iso.

First, install qemu:

sudo scratch install qemu

Test the iso:

./scripts/run_qemu <path to your iso>

Thats all you need to do to create your own custom iso.