Hacktoberfest is DigitalOcean’s annual event that encourages people to contribute to open source throughout October. Much of modern tech infrastructure—including some of DigitalOcean’s own products—relies on open-source projects built and maintained by passionate people who often don’t have the staff or budgets to do much more than keep the project alive. Hacktoberfest is all about giving back to those projects, sharpening skills, and celebrating all things open source, especially the people that make open source so special.
Git Pull Tutorial
Merge Conflict
- You can fill this repo with your best projects.
- Do NOT remove other content.
- Try to keep pull requests small to minimize merge conflicts.
All Contributor
- fork this repository
- clone
git clone https://github.com/veldanava/HacktoberFest2023.git
- create new branch
git checkout -b kiana (example)
git add .
- commit your branch
git commit -m "Lorem Ipsum!!!"
- and push
git push origin (your branch)
You can help me to develop this repository
Junior fullstack developer, begineer ui/ux designer, and cybersecurity practitioner