- ONFI 2.1
- Code idea from Cosmos-plus-OpenSSD
- DDR mode
- DMA Transfer
- Tested device : MT29F64GAECA
- write speed is 48.442570 MB/s (multiplane-cache, 1 Data Bus 1 RB)
- read speed is 93.782234 MB/s (just read)
input [5:0] iOpcode ;
input [4:0] iTargetID ;
input [31:0] iAddress ;
input [15:0] iLength ;
input iCMDValid ;
output oCMDReady ;
input [15:0] iWriteData ;
input iWriteLast ;
input iWriteValid ;
input [1:0] iWriteKeep ;
output oWriteReady ;
output [15:0] oReadData ;
output oReadLast ;
output oReadValid ;
output [1:0] oReadKeep ;
input iReadReady ;
output [NumberOfWays - 1:0] oReadyBusy ;
output [23:0] oStatus ;
output oStatusValid ;
inout IO_NAND_DQS ;
inout [7:0] IO_NAND_DQ ;
output [NumberOfWays - 1:0] O_NAND_CE ;
output O_NAND_WE ;
output O_NAND_RE ;
output O_NAND_ALE ;
output O_NAND_CLE ;
input [NumberOfWays - 1:0] I_NAND_RB ;
output O_NAND_WP ;
* AXI-lite slave interface
input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] s_axil_awaddr ,
input wire [2:0] s_axil_awprot ,
input wire s_axil_awvalid ,
output wire s_axil_awready ,
input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axil_wdata ,
input wire [STRB_WIDTH-1:0] s_axil_wstrb ,
input wire s_axil_wvalid ,
output wire s_axil_wready ,
output wire [1:0] s_axil_bresp ,
output wire s_axil_bvalid ,
input wire s_axil_bready ,
input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] s_axil_araddr ,
input wire [2:0] s_axil_arprot ,
input wire s_axil_arvalid ,
output wire s_axil_arready ,
output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axil_rdata ,
output wire [1:0] s_axil_rresp ,
output wire s_axil_rvalid ,
input wire s_axil_rready ,
Configuration Offset | Register Name | Description |
0x00 | rCommand | {targetID, opcode} |
0x04 | rAddress | Way/Col/Row/Features |
0x08 | rLength | Data length, 8 Bytes Alignment |
0x0C | rDMARAddress | Data Address ,flash read from DDR |
0x10 | rDMAWAddress | Data Address ,flash write to DDR |
0x14 | rFeature | Features for Nand |
0x18 | rCommandFail | Last Command status, last bit high valid |
0x1C | rNFCStatus | [15:8]Nand Flash Status, [7:0]NFC status |
0x20 | rNandRBStatus | [7:0] Nand R/B Status |
* AXI master interface
output wire [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_awid ,
output wire [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_awaddr ,
output wire [7:0] m_axi_awlen ,
output wire [2:0] m_axi_awsize ,
output wire [1:0] m_axi_awburst ,
output wire m_axi_awlock ,
output wire [3:0] m_axi_awcache ,
output wire [2:0] m_axi_awprot ,
output wire m_axi_awvalid ,
input wire m_axi_awready ,
output wire [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_wdata ,
output wire [AXI_STRB_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_wstrb ,
output wire m_axi_wlast ,
output wire m_axi_wvalid ,
input wire m_axi_wready ,
input wire [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_bid ,
input wire [1:0] m_axi_bresp ,
input wire m_axi_bvalid ,
output wire m_axi_bready ,
output wire [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_arid ,
output wire [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_araddr ,
output wire [7:0] m_axi_arlen ,
output wire [2:0] m_axi_arsize ,
output wire [1:0] m_axi_arburst ,
output wire m_axi_arlock ,
output wire [3:0] m_axi_arcache ,
output wire [2:0] m_axi_arprot ,
output wire m_axi_arvalid ,
input wire m_axi_arready ,
input wire [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_rid ,
input wire [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_rdata ,
input wire [1:0] m_axi_rresp ,
input wire m_axi_rlast ,
input wire m_axi_rvalid ,
output wire m_axi_rready ,
AXI interface clock (100MHz)
Nand Controllor logic clock (83.333MHz, sync mode 4)
200MHz for IODELAY2
Nand Controllor DQ output clock
Module/Files | Description |
NandFlashController_Top_AXI |
AXI and AXIS Interface Top Module |
NandFlashController_Top |
Raw Interface Top Module |
NFC_Command_* |
Command Decode |
NFC_Atom_* |
Atom Command (Command/Address/DataIn/DataOut) |
NFC_Phy* |
Pinpad |
- opcode : 6'b100000
- address : {24'd0, 8'b0000_0001} means select way 0
- opcode : 6'b100010
- address : {16'd0, Col_addr_2Bytes}
- opcode : 6'b100100
- address : {8'd0, Row_addr_3Bytes}
- Async
- opcode : 6'b000001
Nand Flash need Reset when power up.
- Async
- opcode : 6'b000010
Set Timing mode to Sync mode 0-5.
MT29F64G can run Sync mode 4.
- Sync
- opcode : 6'b000101
Get the current Feature.
- Sync
- opcode : 6'b000001
- length : 4320 means 4320 Bytes, must be even
Read Parameter Page
- Sync
- opcode : 6'b000011
- targetID : 5'b00000 Program page normal(10h)
- targetID : 5'b00001 Program page cache(15h)
- targetID : 5'b00010 Program page multi-plane(11h)
- length : 4320 means 4320 Bytes, must be even
- Sync
- opcode : 6'b000100
- length : 4320 means 4320 Bytes, must be even
- Sync
- opcode : 6'b000110
- targetID : 5'b00000 Erase Block normal(D0h)
- targetID : 5'b00010 Erase Block multi-plane(D1h)
- Sync
- opcode : 6'b000111
- targetID : 5'b00000 Read Status normal(70h)
- targetID : 5'b00001 Read Status Enhanced(78h)
- need modelsim 10.6d / Vivado Simualtor
make prj