Random snapshot testing library for OCaml.
The Documentation can be found here. This library uses QCheck generators to generate random values for snapshots.
Build from source:
$ git clone [email protected]:vch9/osnap.git
$ dune build
You can also install with opam:
$ opam install osnap
The code is now released under the MIT license.
The library intends to test differences on results between two versions.
Let's say we write a function computing the exponentiation.
let rec exponentiation x n =
if n = 0 then 1
else if n = 1 then x
else exponentiation x (n - 1) * x
let test =
let open Osnap in
let spec = Spec.(small_int ^> small_int ^>> string_of_int) in
let path = ".osnap/exponentiation" in
Test.make ~spec ~path ~count:5 ~name:"exponentiation" exponentiation
let _ =
Osnap.Runner.(run_tests ~mode:Interactive [ test ])
In the above, we first provide a naive implementation of the exponentiation.
Then, we create a test with the according specification using Osnap
name = exponentiation;
scenarios = [
35 66 = 4292184014870020553
0 3 = 0
9 3 = 729
3 7 = 2187
67 9 = 27206534396294947
Do you want to promote these diff? [Y\n]
As we agree with our function result, we promote the change by typing Y
We try to improve our function efficiency with binary exponentiation.
let rec binary_expo x n =
if n = 0 then 1
else if n mod 2 = 0 then
let tmp = binary_expo x (n / 2) in
tmp * tmp
else x * binary_expo x (n - 1)
let test =
let open Osnap in
let spec = Spec.(small_int ^> small_int ^>> string_of_int) in
let path = ".osnap/exponentiation" in
Test.make ~spec ~path ~count:5 ~name:"exponentiation" binary_expo
let _ = Osnap.Runner.(run_tests ~mode:Interactive [ test ])
Finally, we get the following result:
success: ran 1 test (1 passed)
has not found any difference between the old and new snapshot ✔️.