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Repository files navigation


Set of scripts for handling Vivado's project in non-project mode.

Just show me the code!

Example project creating:

git clone
cd make-fpga/example

Now, you are in the example_repo folder with everything needed inside. And you can do:

make # This will give you some details
make all # And this will build everything



First, let's ask for some help:

$ make help
make-fpga v0.6
This is a set of Make scripts for handling Vivado's non-project mode design flow

Available options:
BUILD_NAME?=build - project name
BUILD_PATH?=BUILD_NAME - project path (folder with BUILD_NAME.* subfolders)
BUILD_ARCH?=zynq - architecture (zynq, zynqmp, fpga). Applicable only for 'bin' target
BUILD_JOBS?=16 - Number of threads for Vivado. Applicable only for 'synth' and 'impl' target
BUILD_USER_TCL?=<prompt input> - User TCL script name. Applicable only for 'user-tcl' target
BUILD_OOC_TOP?="" - Name of top-level module for OOC flow
BUILD_OOC_CONSTR?="" - Name of constraints file for OOC flow. Relative to project's root

Available targets:
all        Create project, run synthesys, implementation and export xsa and bin files
bin        Export .bit.bin to the project's root after implementation. BUILD_ARCH should be checked!
build      Run synthesys and implementation
clean_all  Delete everything
clean      Delete project folder, keep IP and BD cache in `core` and `bd` folders
create     Create BUILD_PATH/BUILD_NAME.xpr project. Skip if project exists
help       Print this help
impl       Run implementation for BUILD_NAME project. Create and synthesise project if needed
ip_upgrade Upgrade `locked` AND `not updated` IP cores in the project, exclude BD
open       Open BUILD_PATH/BUILD_NAME.xpr project in GUI mode. Create project if needed
save       Open project and save all settings to the `build_project.tcl`
synth      Run synthesis for BUILD_NAME project. Create project if needed
template   Generate template project's structure with folders and .gitignore
timing     Check timing, return 1 in case WNS and WHS slacks < 0
user-tcl   Run given TCL script in Vivado console
xsa        Export .xsa file to the project's root

Project from scratch

You can run template target in empty folder and script will build repository's structure with files from template folder. The repository is created with a structure from the article: But you can modify these files to align to your needs.

Existing project

Also, you can save existing project to build_project.tcl and align for these scripts:

mkdir workspace && cd workspace
git clone
cp make-fpga/template/Makefile .
cp -r <folder with your project> .
make save BUILD_NAME=<project name> BUILD_PATH=<project path>


path to project file: ./top_prj/top.xpr

But I preffer keep them the same: BUILD_PATH==BUILD_NAME.

Project deploy

git clone <project link> --recursive
cd <project name>
make all

Project updating

In case any changes in the project's structure and/or parameters (fileset, paths, compilation settings and so on) you have to run before commit:

make save


Supports only bash, because of extglob using.