On May 1 2021 Bintray and JCenter has been closed. We migrate our Maven Repository with new releases to the GitHub Packages.
If you use easydao 3.3.4 or older versions, then you will load it automatically from Maven Central, there is no changes. If you want to use the newer versions, then you need to access GitHub Packages.
You need to push these lines into .m2/settings.xml profile
or pom.xml
<name>GitHub Vanio Informatika Apache Maven Packages</name>
<name>GitHub Vanio Informatika Apache Maven Packages for Plugins</name>
More info:
IMPORTANT: GitHub Packages requires PAT (Personal Access Token) for public Maven Repository. It will be change in the near future.
You need to create a PAT ( ) at least read:packages
scope, and set it in .m2/settings.xml
<username>your GitHub username</username>
<password>your PAT</password>
If you already have PAT for reading or writing packages, then you don't need to create another one.
If you get Not authorized
message after running maven (mvn clean verify
), then misconfigured the credential.