DAW Presets for doing Ring Modulation Sidechain
See the following videos for details:
Reaper threads:
Reason threads:
Bitwig Grid FX implementation.
Bitwig Grid FX implementation v2. This is a simpler version.
Bitwig example project/template that uses Grid FX.
Bitwig example project/template that uses MXXX instead of Grid FX. The main difference is it does not add any latency as seen with Grid FX.
To install, in Reaper go to Options -> Show Reaper resource path ...
and add the file in the subdirectory below.
Reaper JSFX implementation requiring an extra bus track. To install, add this file in the Effects
Reaper JSFX implementation without needing an extra bus track. To install, add this file in the Effects
Reaper track template using JSFX. This is the extra bus track. To install, add this file in the TrackTemplates
Reaper track template using Melda plugins. This is the extra bus track. To install, add this file in the TrackTemplates
Reaper track template using one Melda MXXX1. This is the extra bus track. To install, add this file in the TrackTemplates
Example Reaper projects using the above setups to understand the routing needed.
Example Reason project using MXXX.