This repository contains a short Rust program that will convert input text files as in tarky_curve.txt
to sRGB ICC profiles with an embedded gamma table. This is mainly useful as a way of adding custom calibration to the Windows desktop, which is not colour managed, but does support loading a gamma table onto the GPU. This is similar to how Nvidia control panel can change gamma, but the result should be much more customisable and less ugly.
Running this app will require Rust. For install instructions see here. If you want to make your own curves, you will also need Gimp and some sample screenshots. The instructions for the curve tool can be found here. The curve should be saved in the new format, and note that the alpha channel is ignored, but Value + RGB is supported.
Example command to run the app: ./rs-gimp-to-icc.exe -d "A test ICC profile" tarky_curve.txt tarky.icc
or cargo run --release tarky_curve.txt tarky.icc
. You can download a prebuilt binary from the releases page.
For instructions on how to apply an ICC profile see this Microsoft support article.