Due to lack of time, I'm afraid I no longer mantain this package. If you'd like to take over I'll be forever grateful and more than happy to pass the torch along.
Responsive wrapper for Facebook's Fixed-Data-Table grids
This module is available as an npm package.
npm install [--save] responsive-fixed-data-table
This module includes minified and non minified UMD builds as well as an ES6 build. You choose!
import React from 'react';
import ResponsiveFixedDataTable from 'responsive-fixed-data-table';
import { Column } from 'fixed-data-table';
export default class ResponsiveTable extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<ResponsiveFixedDataTable {...tableProps}>
<Column {...columnsProps} />
All passed props will be passed to the underlying FixedDataTable component. Please check FixedDataTable docs for a list of available options.
Width and height will be overriden to take all the available space of its parent container.
containerStyle {Object}: Additional styles to be set on the container div.
refreshRate {Number}: Time in milliseconds to debounce the resize handler.
If you want to use this module with old versions of React and FixedDataTable please check the v1.5.0-deprecated branch.