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A lightweight yet powerful library for drawing graphics inspired by Processing.js


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A lightweight yet powerful library for drawing graphics inspired by Processing.js


let DL = Drawlite(canvas);
let { size, autoUpdateDynamics, fill, rect } = DL;

size(200, 200);

DL.draw = function () {
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(get.mouseX, get.mouseY, 100, 100);


These are meant to be used in place of literal values. The actual values behind these don't matter for the most part. PI - (Float) ~3.14
TWO_PI - (Float) ~6.28
EPSILON - (Float) ~0.0000000000000001

Static Variables

These variables never change therefore it is safe to use them as local variables without accessing them from the Drawlite instance
canvas - the HTML canvas element

Color - The Color class RGBA values are from 0-255 inclusive HSB values have the ranges (0-360, 0-100, 0-100) inclusive

static fromInt - unpacks an integer into a color
@params Integer
@return Color

static fromHex - unpacks a hex string into a color
@params Number
@return Color

static fromString - converts a rgb/rgba CSS string into a color
@params Number
@return Color

static RGBtoHSB - converts RGB values into an array of HSB values
@params (Number r, Number g, Number b)
@return Array

constructor - create new color
@params (Number n) - gray
@params (Number n, Number a) - transparent gray
@params (Number r, Number g, Number b) - RGB color
@params (Number h, Number s, Number b) - HSB color (resulting Color instance is still in RGB format)
@params (Number r, Number g, Number b, Number a) - RGBA color
@return Color

equals - check if color equals another color
@params Color
@return Boolean

toInt - converts color to an integer
@return Integer

toHex - converts color to a hex string
@return String

toString - converts color to RGB/RGBA CSS string
@return String

toHSB - converts color to an Array of HSB values
@return Array

ctx - the canvas's 2D rendering context

size - sets the size of the canvas

@params (Integer width, Integer height)

angleMode - sets the whether to use radians or degrees

@params this.RADIANS/this.DEGREES

noloop - pauses the draw loop

loop continues the draw loop

frameRate - sets the framerate of the draw loop if given an argument. Returns the current frames per second of the draw loop otherwise.

@params ()
@params (Number fps)
@return Number

min - returns the minimum of inputted numbers

@params (Number ...numbers)  
@return Number

max - returns the maximum of inputted numbers

@params (Number ...numbers)  
@return Number

floor - rounds down to the lowest integer

@params (Number n)  
@return Integer

round - rounds to the closest integer

@params (Number n)  
@return Integer

ceil - rounds the number up

@params (Number n)  
@return Integer

abs - absolute value of number

@params (Number n)  
@return Number

constrain - constains a number between a min and max (inclusive)

@params (Number n, Number min, Number max)  
@return Number

sq - returns the square of a number

@params (Number n)  
@return Number

sqrt - returns the square root of a number

@params (Number n)  
@return Number

pow - returns a number raised to a given power

@params (Number num, Number exp)  
@return Number

sin - returns the sine of a number. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number n)
@return Number

cos - returns the cosine of a number. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number n)
@return Number

tan - returns the tangent of a number. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number n)
@return Number

asin - returns the inverse sine of a number. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number n)
@return Number

acos - returns the inverse cosine of a number. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number n)
@return Number

atan - returns the inverse tangent of a number between 0 and 180. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number n)
@return Number

atan2 - returns the inverse tangent of a number between 0 and 360. Uses degrees by default, this can be changed using angleMode.

@params (Number y, Number x)
@return Number

log - returns the natural log of a number

@params (Number n)
@return Number

random - returns a random number between [min, max). Can take either 0, 1, or 2 arguments. If not specific the min is 0 and the max is 1 by default.

@params ()
@params (Number max)
@params (Number min, Number max)
@return Number

dist - returns the distance between two points

@params (Number x1, Number y1, Number x2, Number y2)
@params (Number x1, Number y1, Number z1, Number x2, Number y2, Number z2)
@return Number

map - maps a number from one range to another. Numbers outside the range are not clamped to 0 and 1

@params (Number n, Number low1, Number high1, Number low2, Number high2)
@return Number

lerp - Calculates a number between two numbers at a specific increment. The 3rd parameter is a number between 0 and 1

@params (Number n1, Number n2, Number t)
@return Number

radians - converts a number from degrees to radians

@params (Number deg)
@return Number

degrees - converts a number from radians to degrees

@params (Number rad)
@return Number

color - Alias for Color constructor. See documentation for Color constructor.

lerpColor - calculates a color inbetween two other colors at a specified interval. The 3rd parameter is a number between 0 and 1

@params (Color c1, Color c2, Number t)
@params Color

fill - sets the fill color for the following shapes. Parameters are same as Color constructor.

stroke - sets the outline color for the following shapes. Parameters are same as Color constructor.

strokeWeight - sets the outline thickness for the following shapes

@params (Number thickness)

strokeCap - sets the style for rendering line endings

@params this.SQUARE/this.PROJECT/this.ROUND

strokeJoin - sets the style of the joints which connect line segments

@params this.MITER/this.BEVEL/this.ROUND

noStroke - sets the following shapes to not have an outline

noFill - sets the following shapes to not have an filling color

beginShape - starts the path of a generic shape

vertex - adds a vertex to the current shape path

@params (Number x, Number y)

curveVertex - adds a quadratic curve to the current shape path

@params (Number cx, Number cy, Number x, Number y)

bezierVertex - adds a bezier vertex to the current shape path

@params (Number cx, Number cy, Number cX, Number cY, Number x, Number y)

endShape - draws the current shape path onto the canvas

@params ()

snip - takes a "screenshot" of a specific rectangle of the canvas. If no arguments given it will take a "screenshot" of the entire canvas

@params ()
@params (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)
@return HTMLCanvasElement

image - draws an image onto the screen

@params (Image image, Number x, Number y)
@params (Image image, Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)

text - draws text onto the screen. If given a width and height it will cause the text to wrap around so as not to go outside of the specified box

@params (String txt, Number x, Number y)
@params (String txt, Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)

background - fills the entire canvas with a solid color

@params (Number n)
@params (Number n, Number a)
@params (Number r, Number g, Number b)
@params (Number r, Number g, Number b, Number a)
@params (Array[3] arr)

rect - draws a rectangle. Radiuses can be specified to draw rectangles with rounded corners.

@params (Number x, Number, y, Number width, Number height)
@params (Number x, Number, y, Number width, Number height, Number radius)
@params (Number x, Number, y, Number width, Number height, Number radius1, Number radius2, Number radius3, Number radius4)

triangle - draws a triangle

@params (Number x1, Number, y1, Number x2, Number y2, Number x3, Number y3)

circle - draws a circle

@params (Number x, Number y, Number diameter)

ellipse - draws an ellipse

@params (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)

get - holds getters for dynamic properties of a Drawlite instance. If autoUpdateDynamics has been invoked then instead of holding getter functions, it will automatically fetch the values each frame and then store them as properties of get

// Usage 1
// Usage 2

autoUpdateDynamics - Changes whether get is automatically updated to hold the latest values of Drawlite's dynamic variables. If given no arguments then it will set get to be automatically updated. If given false as an argument then it will set get to NOT be automatically updated

@params ()
@params (Boolean shouldAutoUpdate)

pushMatrix - creates a new drawing matrix. Transformations done in a matrix will only have affect inside the matrix.

@params ()

popMatrix - ends the current drawing matrix.

@params ()

scale - scales all shapes drawn after it

@params (Number scl)
@params (Number xScale, yScale)

translate - translates all shapes drawn after it

@params (Number xScale, yScale)

seedNoise - seeds Drawlite's Perlin noise

@params (Number seed)

noise - returns the Perlin noise value at a given coordinate. Works for 1D, 2D, and 3D

@params (Number time)
@params (Number x, Number y)
@params (Number x, Number y, Number z)
@return Number

Dynamic Variables

These variables may change during program execution. Therefore to access them you must use them from the Drawlite instance or read them using the get object
frameCount - (Integer) the number of frames that have been rendered since the program began
FPS - (Float) the current frames per second the program is running at
pmouseX - (Integer) the previous x coordinate of the mouse cursor
pmouseY - (Integer) the previous y coordinate of the mouse cursor
mouseX - (Integer) the x coordinate of the mouse cursor
mouseY - (Integer) the y coordinate of the mouse cursor
mouseIsPressed - (Boolean) whether the mouse is pressed down
keyIsPressed - (Boolean) whether any keys are pressed or not
width - (Integer) the width of the canvas
height - (Integer) the height of the canvas


A lightweight yet powerful library for drawing graphics inspired by Processing.js








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