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Legacy changelog

ussserrr edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 1 revision

stm32pio changelog

ver. 0.1 (30.11.17)

  • Initial version

ver. 0.2 (14.01.18)

  • New: this changelog and more comments :)
  • Fixed: compatible with new filename politics (see PlatformIO issue #1107) (inc now must be include so we add option to platformio.ini)
  • Changed: use os.path.normpath() instead of manually removing trailing /

ver. 0.21 (18.01.18)

  • New: checking board name before PlatformIO start

ver. 0.4 (03-04.04.18)

  • New: hide CubeMX and PlatformIO stdout output
  • New: shebang
  • New: choose your favourite editor with --start-editor option (replaces --with-atom)
  • New: logging module
  • New: more checks
  • New: file
  • New: cross-platform running
  • New: debug output (verbose -v mode)
  • New: and more comments
  • Fixed: remove unnecessary imports
  • Fixed: command to initialize PlatformIO project (remove double quotation marks)
  • Changed: many architectural improvements
  • Changed: documentation improvements

ver. 0.45 (04-05.04.18)

  • New: introducing unit-tests for the app
  • New: clean-up feature

ver. 0.5 (07.04.18)

  • New: more comments
  • New: screenshots for the usage example
  • Fixed: many small fixes and improvements
  • Changed: test now is more isolated and uses ./stm32pio-test/stm32pio-test.ioc file

ver. 0.7 (05-07.11.18)

  • New: Windows support!
  • New: new editors support (Sublime Text)
  • New: more comments and docstrings
  • New: more checks to improve robustness
  • New: if __name__ == '__main__' block
  • New: new test: build generated project
  • New: new test: run editors
  • New: new test: user's code preservation after the code regeneration
  • New: clean run for test cases (implemented using decorator)
  • Fixed: compatible with latest PlatformIO project structure (ver 3.6.1)
  • Fixed: many small fixes and improvements
  • Changed: java_cmd parameter in (simple java by default)
  • Changed: move to double-quoted strings
  • Changed: remove _getProjectNameByPath() function (replaced by os.path.basename())
  • Changed: vast f-strings usage
  • Changed: test .ioc file is updated to the latest STM32CubeMX version (4.27.0 at the moment)
  • Changed: use os.path.join() instead of manually composing of paths
  • Changed: use with ... as ... construction for opening files
  • Changed: 120 chars line width
  • Changed: PEP 8 conformity: variables and functions naming conventions
  • Changed: PEP 8 conformity: multi-line imports
  • Changed: module is renamed to

ver. 0.73 (10-11.02.19)

  • New: use more convenient Python project structure
  • New: package can be install using setuptools
  • New: TODO list
  • New: --directory option is now optional if the program gets called from the project directory
  • Fixed: license copyright
  • Fixed: 'dot' path will be handle successfully now
  • Fixed: bug on case insensitive machines
  • Fixed: bug in tests that allowing to pass the test even in failure situation
  • Changed: test .ioc file is updated to the latest STM32CubeMX version (5.0.1 at the moment)
  • Changed: documentation improvements

ver. 0.74 (27.02.19)

  • New: new internal _get_project_path() function (more clean main script)
  • New: optional --with-build option for new mode allowing to make an initial build to save a time
  • Changed: functions now raising the exceptions instead of forcing the exit
  • Changed: test .ioc file is updated to the latest STM32CubeMX version (5.1.0 at the moment)
  • Changed: documentation improvements

ver. 0.8 (09.19)

  • New: can now install executable script to run stm32pio from any location
  • New: stm32pio logo/schematic
  • New: add PyCharm to .gitignore
  • New: add clear TODOs for the next release (some sort of a roadmap)
  • New: single __version__ reference
  • New: extended shebang
  • New: add some new tests (test_build_should_raise, test_file_not_found)
  • Fixed: options --start-editor and --with-build can now be used both for new and generate commands
  • Fixed: import scheme is now as it should be
  • Changed: migrate from os.path to pathlib as much as possible for paths management (as a more high-level module)
  • Changed: start editor feature is now starting an arbitrary editor (in the same way as you do it from the terminal)
  • Changed: take outside platformio command (to
  • Changed: screenshots were actualized for recent CubeMX versions
  • Changed: logging output in standard (non-verbose) mode is simpler
  • Changed: move tests in new location
  • Changed: revised and improved tests
  • Changed: actualized .ioc file and clean-up the code according to the latest STM32CubeMX version (5.3.0 at the moment)
  • Changed: revised and improved util module

ver. 0.9 (11-12.19)

  • New: tested with Python3 version of PlatformIO
  • New: file (to run the app as module (python -m stm32pio))
  • New: 'init' subcommand (initialize the project only, useful for the preliminary tweaking)
  • New: introducing the OOP pattern: we have now a Stm32pio class representing a single project (project path as a main identifier)
  • New: projects now have a config file stm32pio.ini where the user can set the variety of parameters
  • New: state property calculating the estimated project state on every request to itself (beta). It is the concept for future releases
  • New: STM32CubeMX is now started more silently (without a splash screen)
  • New: add integration and CLI tests (sort of)
  • New: testing with different Python versions using pyenv (3.6+ target)
  • New: test_start_editor is now preliminary automatically checks whether an editor is installed on the machine
  • New: more typing annotations
  • Fixed: the app has been failed to start as python (modify sys.path to fix)
  • Changed: main() function is now fully modular: can be run from anywhere with given CLI arguments (will be piped forward to be parsed via argparse)
  • Changed: rename -> (stm32pio is the name of the package as a whole)
  • Changed: rename -> (means core library)
  • Changed: logging is now more modular: we do not set global basicConfig and specify separated loggers for each module instead
  • Changed: more clear description of steps to do for each user subcommand by the code
  • Changed: get rid of print() calls leaving only logging messages (easy to turn on/off the console output in the outer code)
  • Changed: reimagined API behavior: where to raise exceptions, where to return values and so on
  • Changed: more clean API, e.g. move out the board resolving procedure from the pio_init() method and so on
  • Changed: test fixture is now moved out from the repo and is deployed temporarily on every test run
  • Changed: set-up and tear-down stages are now done using unittest API
  • Changed: actualized .ioc file for the latest STM32CubeMX version (5.4.0 at the moment)
  • Changed: improved help, docs, comments

ver. 0.95 (15.12.19)

  • New: re-made patch() method: it can intelligently parse platformio.ini and substitute necessary options. Patch can now be a general .INI-format config
  • New: test_get_state()
  • New: upload to PyPI
  • New: use regular expressions to test logging output format for both verbose and normal modes
  • Fix: return -d as an optional argument to be able to execute a short form of the app
  • Changed: subclass ConfigParser to add save() method (remove Stm32pio.save_config())
  • Changed: resolve more TO-DOs (some cannot be achieved actually)
  • Changed: improve
  • Changed: replace traceback.print to logging functionality
  • Changed: no more mutable default arguments
  • Changed: use inspect.cleandoc to place long multi-line strings in code
  • Changed: rename _load_config_file(), ProjectState.PATCHED
  • Changed: use interpolation=None on ConfigParser
  • Changed: check whether there is already a platformio.ini file and warn in this case on PlatformIO init stage
  • Changed: sort imports in the alphabetic order
  • Changed: use configparser to test project patching

ver. 0.96 (17.12.19)

  • Fix: generate_code() doesn't destroy the temp folder after execution
  • Fix: improved and actualized docs, comments, annotations
  • Changed: print Python interpreter information on testing
  • Changed: move some asserts inside subTest context managers
  • Changed: rename pio_build() => build()
  • Changed: take out to the the width of field in a log format string
  • Changed: use file statistic to check its size instead of reading the whole content
  • Changed: more logging output
  • Changed: change some methods signatures to return result value

ver. 1.0 (06.03.20)

  • New: introduce GUI version of the app (beta)
  • New: redesigned stage-state machinery - integrates seamlessly into both CLI and GUI worlds. Python Enum represents a single stage of the project (e.g. "code generated" or "project built") while the special dictionary unfolds the full information about the project i.e. combination of all stages (True/False). Implemented in 2 classes - ProjectStage and ProjectState, though the Stm32pio.state property is intended to be a user's getter. Both classes have human-readable string representations
  • New: related to previous - status CLI command
  • New: module (yes, now the name matches the functionality it provides)
  • New: logging machinery - adapting for more painless embedding the lib in another code. logging.Logger objects are now individual unique attributes of every Stm32pio instance so it is possible to distinguish which project is actually produced a message (not so useful for a current CLI version but for other applications, including GUI, is). LogPipe context manager is used to redirect subprocess output to the logging module. DispatchingFormatter allows to specify different logging' formatters depending on the origin of the log record. Substituted LogRecordFactory handles custom flags to .log() functions family
  • Changed: imporoved README
  • Changed: platformio package is added as a requirement and is used for retrieving the boards names ( -> get_platformio_boards()). Expected to become the replacement for all PlatformIO CLI calls
  • Changed: Markdown markup for this changelog
  • Changed: bump up .ioc file version
  • Changed: removed final "exit..." log message
  • Changed: removed Config subclass and move its save() method back to the main Stm32pio class. This change serves 2 goals: ensures consistency in the possible operations list (i.e. init, generate, etc.) and makes possible to register the function at the object destruction stage via weakref.finilize()
  • Changed: removed _resolve_board() method as it is not needed anymore
  • Changed: renamed _load_config_file() -> _load_config() (hide implementation details)
  • Changed: use logger.isEnabledFor() instead of manually comparing logging levels
  • Changed: slightly tuned exceptions (more specific ones where it make sense)
  • Changed: rename project_path -> path
  • Changed: actualized tests, more broad usage of the app.main() function versus

ver. 1.10 (15.03.20)

  • New: table of contents for the README
  • New: GitHub project wiki
  • New: -q/--quiet option for the clean CLI command. The command now by default warns the user about the content deletion
  • New: embedding example (minimal reproducible code snippet, easier than the full CLI or GUI versions)
  • New: show the exception name too when the global error has been caught (stm32pio/
  • New: sanitize --start-editor option value using shlex.quote()
  • New: parse platformio.ini to establish its correctness when checking for project states (ProjectStage.PIO_INITIALIZED, ProjectStage.PATCHED)
  • New: projects are now portable. The user specifying paths relatively to the project folder and using variables (we still don't use configparser interpolation but there is no need in it). The backwards compatibility with the old-style config format has been preserved though those projects still will be non-portable unless you manually edit a config
  • New: analyze STM32CubeMX output to detect errors on execution. This utility does not necessarily returns non-zero code when some error was happened (e.g. .ioc and app versions mismatch and so on), and just shows a dialog
  • New: platformio_ini_config Stm32pio instance property returning current platformio.ini parsed ConfigParser value. Used in some internal routines such as correctness determination and doesn't have to be used by the library user
  • New: LogPipe now returns "remote control" LogPipeRC - small utility class holding the writable stream and the reference to the string accumulating all incoming messages. It can be accessed later, in the end of the context manager, to store and analyze all the output
  • New: some new tests, I think, but I do not remember as all the tests are now moved to the new files :)
  • Fixed: warnings appearing during the pio_build() execution were suppressed
  • Changed: tests are moved out to the root of the repo and excluded from the distribution bundle
  • Changed: went back to the PlatformIO CLI as a single point to interact with PlatformIO (remove platformio package imports and dependencies) (the reason is crushes when the pio is not isolated in a separated subprocess). Use PlatformIO JSON format output to get and filter boards
  • Changed: remove required=False from argparse commands as it is a default (and even recommended) value anyway
  • Changed: remove the unnecessary logging setup when no arguments were given to the program (CLI version)
  • Changed: separate Stm32pio arguments onto 2 categories: project parameters and instance options and use dictionaries for them. First one has now the same form as the project config configparser.ConfigParser and merging into the default and file settings on the project creation. Instance options are more related to the programmatic instance itself and contains currently 2 options - logger and save_on_destruction
  • Changed: use append() instead of insert() to modify sys.path
  • Changed: when raising the exceptions use more elegant expressions (e.g. raise FileNotFoundError(file) instead of raise FileNotFoundError("file FILE was not found")). Use pathlib.Path().resolve(strict=True) where appropriate to shorten the code

ver. 1.20 (18.04.20)

  • New: GUI. System tray notifications when the main window is not in the foreground (can be turned off in the settings)
  • New: GUI. Drag-and-drop folder(s) to add
  • New: GUI. README, screenshots, diagrams
  • New: GUI. Catch projects duplication on appending
  • New: GUI. Mark the list item when the action is done and it is not a current item
  • New: GUI. Highlight the actions that were picked for the series
  • New: GUI. setuptools extras option to install the GUI version via pip
  • New: GUI. Wrap imports into try...catch
  • New: GUI. Reset settings feature
  • New: GUI. New ProjectListItem members: _from_startup flag, _current_action string with corresponding properties and signals
  • New: GUI. More extensive use of the typing annotations
  • New: GUI. Allow to pass extra setter functions to the Settings which will be called on the value change
  • New: allow to specify the .ioc file instead of the directory. Check that .ioc is a non-empty text file
  • Fixed: GUI. Projects are not destructed until the app shutdown
  • Fixed: GUI. Settings dialog doesn't correctly represents the parameters
  • Fixed: GUI. Settings on Windows (case-sensitive vs insensitive situation)
  • Fixed: GUI. List item loader
  • Fixed: GUI. Flaws when index changes
  • Changed: GUI. Clean the logs too when invoking the 'Clean' action
  • Changed: GUI. Stop the chain of commands if someone drops -1 or an exception
  • Changed: GUI. Use Qt StateMachine to control the visual appearance of the project action button
  • Changed: GUI. Rename the module stm32pio-gui -> stm32pio_gui
  • Changed: GUI. Better printing of exception messages
  • Changed: GUI. Revised finalizer (similar to core version)
  • Changed: GUI. Cache state and state.current_stage both for back- and frontend to reduce IO operations
  • Changed: GUI. rename ProjectActionWorker -> Worker (as it is used for the variety of tasks) and some of its internals
  • Changed: GUI. Pass Settings prefix as an argument for the constructor
  • Changed: GUI. Move more stuff inside the main() function, less global variables
  • Changed: exclude screenshots from the setuptools bundle
  • Changed: restructure into sections
  • Changed: remove from __future__ import annotations statements

ver. 1.21 (19.04.20)

  • Fixed: GUI. All resorce paths are now reliably treated both for QML and Python
  • Changed: README installation process actualized

ver. 1.30 (05.05.20)

  • New: examples folder (currently, only an embedding one (updated and moved from the wiki page))
  • New: docs folder with some useful internal descriptions (currently, only a logging schematic (with sources))
  • New: issues guide for GitHub (OS, content of the config, project tree, enable verbose, etc.)
  • New: GUI. Show the app version in "About" dialog
  • New: GUI. Handle a theoretical app loading error
  • New: GUI. Notify a user that the "board" parameter is empty
  • New: GUI. The app can be started from CLI
  • New: GUI. ProjectListItem.fromStartup property
  • New: GUI. Expose projects' config to QML
  • New: Tests. Preserving user files and folders on regeneration
  • New: Tests. 'verbose' and 'non-verbose' tests as subTest (also should_log_error_...)
  • New: Inform a user that given parameters have overridden the config ones
  • Fixed: GUI. TypeError: Cannot read property 'actionRunning' of null (deconstruction order) (on project deletion only)
  • Fixed: GUI. The app now can handle as many projects as needed (use QML DelegateModel to store state in the ListView delegate)
  • Fixed: #13 (new parsing algo to analyze the CubeMX output)
  • Changed: improved typing annotations
  • Changed: wrap imports into try...except
  • Changed: new README logo, add sources (
  • Changed: GUI. Icons instead of a text for "Clean", "Open editor"
  • Changed: GUI. Gray out "stage" line in all projects except current
  • Changed: GUI. 2 types of logging formatters for 2 verbosity levels
  • Changed: GUI. More general goToProject signal instead of duplicateFound
  • Changed: GUI. Projects list is now saves to Settings in a separate thread using QThreadPool and saveInSettings() method
  • Changed: GUI. ProjectsList.each_project_is_duplicate_of generator
  • Changed: GUI. Optimized project' state handling
  • Changed: GUI. Insert board ID from config, if there is one, focus on that input field by default
  • Changed: logging mechanics is remade from scratch:
    • add, should_setup_logging argument fo This also fixes annoying logging errors on testing because the loggers interfere with each other
    • stm32pio.util.ProjectLoggerAdapter() subclass as an individual logger for every project
    • add stm32pio.util.log_current_exception()
    • get rid of log_record_factory substitution
    • add stm32pio.util.Verbosity entity (enum). Acts like an additional degree of freedom for the logging setup
    • rewritten stm32pio.util.DispatchingFormatter
    • GUI. New BuffersDispatchingHandler() class
    • and some others (see block schema)
  • Changed: better parameters and configs merging
  • Changed: make platformio_ini_is_patched a property instead of function
  • Changed: improved in-code docs

ver. 2.0.0 (28.10.20)

  • New: introducing CI/CD via Azure Pipelines. I tried to make as "general" system as possible with isolated environments, reproducible builds, etc. Due to a number of such a different tools in use and scattered infrastructure around them this task is very complex and the current configuration is far from ideal though
  • New: new project structure. All packages (core, CLI, GUI) are consolidated under the common stm32pio Python namespace
  • New: app version is completely removed from the repo and is "computed" at build-time from the VCS (GIT) current tag (using setuptools_scm). At run-time the version obtaining process depends: for newer Python it can be retrieved from a package metadata, for older one there is an auto-generated file with a value stored in it
  • New: support multiple test fixtures to test against a different targets (e.g. lightweight nucleo_f031k6 project + real-life f103 and so on)
  • New: new build system. Use modern tools such as pyproject.toml, declarative setup.cfg, PEP-517 and so on. However in the middle of the development process it became evident that such a workflow is still early and not so common and there are simply not enough tools to implement it gracefully (e.g. no official tool to build both dist source tarball and wheel)
  • New: CLI. patch command. With this function now all meaningful (for end-user) methods of the Stm32pio class are mapped by CLI commands and match corresponding buttons from the GUI version so the similar workflow can be applied:
    • Initialize - stm32pio init
    • Generate - stm32pio generate
    • Init PlatformIO - platformio project init
    • Patch - stm32pio patch
    • Build - platformio run
  • New: CubeMX now can be invoked directly, without Java command need to be specified
  • New: add dedicated initialized signal to ProjectListItem
  • New: basic GUI tests (just make sure all imports are fine and the app at least starts)
  • Fixed: revise config handling: more robust and straightforward procedure to merge the final runtime config from different sources (fix the reported problem). Adjust corresponding test
  • Fixed: GUI. Add project.lastActionSucceed property to fix some visual behavior (bold borders remains after an error)
  • Changed: migrate to Semantic Versioning (2.0.0). The next version (i.e. this one) was supposed to be 1.40 so with semver – 1.4.0. This can be confusing for some automatic tools in the future to correctly find out which version is latter though so this version will be marked with 2.0.0 tag to start things over
  • Changed: remove board absence warning in Stm32pio constructor (this should be done outside)
  • Changed: take out to the a strings that we looked for to determine successful CubeMX code generation
  • Changed: use newer platformio project init command, use verbose versions of CLI arguments

ver. 2.1.0 (01.2021)

  • New: "validate environment" API. Allows to quickly verify tools specified in the config (+ corresponding test). Currently, implemented only for the CLI version
  • New: store the most recent exception in the last_error config file parameter (currently CLI-only) (+ corresponding test)
  • New: add shorthands for all CLI options (single-letters, e.g. -c/--with-build)
  • New: ignore list settings API: specify files/folders/patterns to ignore during the cleanup (hence, new clean() method, tests)
  • New: alternatively, use git clean as a removal tool
  • New: API to store the current project folder' content as ignore list in the config file
  • New: guide (more like developing notes actually)
  • New: reference
  • New: reference
  • New: project config reference (a little too many parameters now)
  • New: Python 3.9 CI runner
  • New: log when the config is merging with another one (DEBUG verbosity level)
  • New: handle filenames with whitespaces (both tools/project files) (#21)
  • Fixed: clean() method doesn't look for the determined .ioc file but does it by itself which can cause some unwanted behavior (potential data loss)
  • Fixed: remove done/forgotten TODOs
  • Fixed: update embedding example to match the current API
  • Fixed: setup.cfg: specify supported PySide2 version
  • Fixed: setup.cfg: PyPA parsing issues
  • Fixed: revert default CubeMX paths that seems more widespread among users
  • Fixed: GUI. Recursive layout warning in Settings window
  • Fixed: GUI. Remove the ProjectID parameter for the initialized signal to get rid of the annoying Shiboken overflow error
  • Changed: bump up CubeMX, packages, test .ioc file, PlatformIO versions (both for local and CI builds)
  • Changed: a completely revised documentation/examples/TODOs structure
  • Changed: spawn project-state-related code to the module
  • Changed: spawn logging-related code to the module
  • Changed: separate config from the main class (new module)
  • Changed: rename -> module
  • Changed: move available config "None" options to the settings module (none_options)
  • Changed: separate CubeMX invoking code (new project's private _cubemx_execute_script() method)
  • Changed: edit output behavior in case of occurred error in the generate_code() function
  • Changed: do not cast strings where we can use path-like objects
  • Changed: pretty config printer (__str__() implementation, just print(project.config), that's all)
  • Changed: remove util.configparser_to_dict() function (ConfigParser is already conforms with mapping protocol)
  • Changed: takeout valid user response options to (yes_options/no_options)
  • Changed: group and move CI-related code in the
  • Changed: remove f"{}.ioc" occurrences in tests
  • Changed: move test_clean() to unit tests
  • Changed: GUI. Remove go_to_this option for the addListItem method (instead invoke on the list model)
  • Changed: GUI. Implicitly pass the parent to the project constructor in addListItem method