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REEF Estimator

The REEF Estimator package contains a set of simple, easy to implement, ROS-based estimators designed to supplement high-level UAV control and navigation. This includes an X/Y velocity estimator and a Z velocity and altitude estimator. For details on the theory behind the estimator design, please see the included documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. ROSFlight Integration
  2. Sensors
  3. Code Structure
  4. Implementation
  5. Usage
  6. Demonstration
  7. Notes

ROSFlight Integration

While the REEF Estimator was originally intended to integrate nicely with the ROSFlight flight control platform, it can also be modified to work with any flight controller that provides real-time attitude estimates and control. The ROSFlight controller runs independently on a Flip32 board (microcontroller + IMU) while the REEF Estimator runs within the ROS environment on an offboard microcomputer connected via USB. An overview of this implementation is shown below:

REEF Estimator Overview


The X/Y velocity estimator merges attitude estimates, sensor data from the ROSFlight IMU, and images from a RGBD camera such as the Astra Pro to produce velocity estimates. If a RGBD camera is unavailable, motion capture data can be substituted using the mocap_to_velocity package (see Installation).

The Z velocity and altitude estimator merges ROSFlight attitude estimates and sensor data from a sonic altimeter (MaxBotix MB1242), which can also be substituted with motion capture data.

Code Structure

The REEF Estimator is built upon the Estimator class, which implements a standard Kalman filter with propagate() and update() member functions which operate on the xHat and z vectors as well as the F, B, G, H, P, Q, R, and K matrices (see The partialUpdate() member function is also included (see Partial Update Paper). The XYEstimator and ZEstimator classes extend the Estimator class and tailor it to their respective use cases by setting vector and matrix dimensions in their constructors. XYEstimator also implements a nonlinearPropagation() function for extended Kalman filter (EKF) functionality. The XYZEstimator class instantiates XYEstimator and ZEstimator objects and handles data flow, outlier rejection, and propagation/update events. Finally, the SensorManager class instantiates an XYZEstimator object and handles high-level sensor and motion capture callbacks.

REEF Estimator Code Structure

REEF Estimator code structure diagram



REEF Estimate Flowchart


Use the following guides to install the ROS Kinetic environment and the ROSFlight package before installing REEF Estimator:




cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../ && catkin_make


The REEF Estimator should be executed as a node using a ROS launchfile, with reef_estimator being the name of the node, the package, and the type. For example,

<node name="reef_estimator" pkg="reef_estimator" type="reef_estimator" output="screen"/>

However, for it to work properly, several parameters will need to be included, namely those for the X/Y and Z filter matrices. It is recommended to separate these parameters into two .yaml files in the reef_estimator/params folder: xy_est_params.yaml and z_est_params.yaml. Examples of these files and descriptions of their parameters are included:


xy_P0: [
  0.025, 0,     0,    0,    0,    0,
  0,     0.025, 0,    0,    0,    0,
  0,     0,     0.09, 0,    0,    0,
  0,     0,     0,    0.09, 0,    0,
  0,     0,     0,    0,    0.09, 0,
  0,     0,     0,    0,    0,    0.09
xy_Q: [
  0.01, 0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
  0,    0.01, 0,    0,    0,    0,
  0,    0,    0.01, 0,    0,    0,
  0,    0,    0,    0.01, 0,    0,
  0,    0,    0,    0,    0.01, 0,
  0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0.01
xy_R0: [
  0.01, 0,
  0,    0.01
xy_x0: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
xy_beta: [1.0, 1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]
  • xy_P0: Initial P (covariance) 6x6 matrix
  • xy_Q: Q (process noise) 6x6 matrix
  • xy_R0: Initial R (measurement noise) 4x4 matrix
  • xy_x0: Initial state estimate vector (x velocity, y velocity, roll bias, pitch bias, x accelerometer bias, y accelerometer bias)
  • xy_beta: Beta vector - contains the partial update weighting for each state (0 = 0% of the update, 1.0 = 100% of the update)


z_P0: [0.025, 0,   0,
	   0,     1.0, 0,
	   0,     0,   0.09],
z_P0_flying: [0.25, 0, 0,
			  0,    1, 0,
			  0,    0, 0.09],
z_Q: [0.03, 0.001],
z_R0: [0.04],
z_R_flying: [0.0016],
z_x0: [-0.25, 0, 0],
z_beta: [1.0, 1.0, 0.5]
  • z_P0: Initial P 3x3 matrix while landed
  • z_P0_flying: Initial P 3x3 matrix while flying
  • z_Q: Q 2x1 matrix
  • z_R0: R (scalar) while landed
  • z_R_flying: R while flying
  • z_x0: Initial state estimate vector (altitude, z velocity, z accelerometer bias)
  • z_beta: Beta vector

Additional parameters:

Name Type Description Default
enable_xy boolean Enables the X/Y velocity estimator. true
enable_z boolean Enables the Z velocity estimator. true
enable_rgbd boolean Enables RGBD camera velocity feedback. true
enable_sonar boolean enables sonar altitude feedback. true
enable_mocap_xy boolean enables motion capture x/y velocity feedback. true
enable_mocap_z boolean enables motion capture altitude feedback. true
enable_mocap_switch boolean enables motion capture override RC switch. false
mocap_override_channel integer Sets the motion capture override RC channel. If enable_mocap_switch is set to true, this RC channel will trigger motion capture override if the raw RC value exceeds 1500. 4
mocap_twist_topic string ROS topic name containing motion capture velocity geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped messages for X/Y velocity feedback. mocap_velocity/body_level_frame
mocap_pose_topic string ROS topic name containing motion capture geometry_msgs::PoseStamped messages for altitude feedback. mocap_ned
rgbd_twist_topic string ROS topic name containing RGBD velocity reef_msgs::DeltaToVel messages for X/Y velocity feedback rgbd_velocity_body_frame
estimator_dt double Timestep in seconds for estimator propagation (period of published IMU messages) 0.002
debug_mode boolean Enables debugging mode which prints more information to the console and publishes the xyz_debug_estimate topic (see ROS Topics and Messages) containing covariance and z-minus states. false

A sample reef_estimator launchfile node declaration is included for reference:

<node name="reef_estimator" pkg="reef_estimator" type="reef_estimator" output="screen">
	<rosparam file="$(find reef_estimator)/params/xy_est_params.yaml" />
	<rosparam file="$(find reef_estimator)/params/z_est_params.yaml" />
	<rosparam subst_value="true">
		enable_rgbd: true
		enable_sonar: true
		enable_mocap_xy: true
		enable_mocap_z: true

		enable_mocap_switch: true
		mocap_override_channel: 4

		debug_mode: true

A few examples of launch files are given in the launch directory. If you happen to have a bag file you can use the verify_estimate.launch which will generate plots of the estimator along with the truth. For this to work you MUST have the Plot Juggler package.

ROS Topics and Messages

Internal Message Types

The REEF Estimator uses 6 custom message types to store state estimates of interest and filter debugging information:

  • XYEstimate

    • x_dot: x velocity estimate (float64)
    • y_dot: y velocity estimate (float64)
  • XYDebugEstimate

    • x_dot: x velocity estimate (float64)
    • y_dot: y velocity estimate (float64)
    • pitch_bias: pitch attitude bias estimate (float64)
    • roll_bias: roll attitude bias estimate (float64)
    • xa_bias: accelerometer x bias estimate (float64)
    • ya_bias: accelerometer y bias estimate (float64)
    • sigma_plus: 6-vector of states plus their 3-sigmas (float64)
    • sigma_minus: 6-vector of states minus their 3-sigmas (float64)
  • ZEstimate

    • z: altitude estimate (float64)
    • z_dot: z velocity estimate (float64)
  • ZDebugEstimate

    • z: altitude estimate (float64)
    • z_dot: z velocity estimate (float64)
    • bias: accelerometer z bias estimate (float64)
    • u: control input - accelerometer inertial z measurement (float64)
    • P: 3x3 estimator covariance matrix (float64)
    • truth: motion capture z and z_dot ground truth (if available) (float64)
    • z_error: estimator altitude error (float64)
    • z_dot_error: estimator z velocity error (float64)
    • sigma_plus: 3-vector of states plus their 3-sigmas (float64)
    • sigma_minus: 3-vector of states minus their 3-sigmas (float64)
  • XYZEstimate

    • xy_plus: XY estimator posterior states (XYEstimate)
    • z_plus: Z estimator posterior states (ZEstimate)
  • XYZDebugEstimate

    • xy_minus: XY estimator prior states with covariance (XYDebugEstimate)
    • xy_plus: XY estimator posterior states with covariance (XYDebugEstimate)
    • z_minus: Z estimator prior states with covariance (ZDebugEstimate)
    • z_plus: Z estimator posterior states with covariance (ZDebugEstimate)

Subscribed Topics

Topic Name Message Type Description
imu/data sensor_msgs::Imu ROSFlight IMU data
rc_raw rosflight_msgs::RCRaw ROSFlight raw RC data
rgbd_velocity_body_frame reef_msgs::DeltaToVel RGBD velocity measurements
mocap_ned geometry_msgs::PoseStamped Motion capture pose measurements
mocap_velocity/body_level_frame geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovariance Motion capture velocity measurements
sonar sensor_msgs::Range ROSFlight sonar measurements

Published Topics

Topic Name Message Type Description
is_flying_reef std_msgs::Bool Takeoff detector status (true if flying, false if landed)
sonar_ned sensor_msgs::Range ROSFlight sonar measurements republished in NED frame
xyz_estimate reef_estimator::XYZEstimate Current state estimates for controller feedback purposes
xyz_debug_estimate reef_estimator::XYZDebugEstimate Current state estimates, covariances, and additional information for filter tuning and debugging purposes


Video demonstration of a closed-loop velocity controller using REEF Estimator for feedback:

Video Demonstration


The estimator has a small python script to verify the estimates. This script subscribes to the following topics

  • xyz_debug_estimates [reef_msg/XYZDebugEstimate]
  • mocap/velocity/body_level_frame [geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped ]
  • rgbd_velocity/body_level_frame [reef_msg/DeltaToVel ]
  • pose_stamped [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]

It publishes the following topics:

  • sync_estimates [reef_msg/SyncVerifyEstimates ]
  • estimate_error [reef_msg/SyncEstimateError ]

With this information, it produces the error and associated covariance which helps in testing if the filter is statistically consistent.

There is also more documentation with regards to the estimator design and dynamic equations in the /docs/ directory.


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