Controller test scene with joystick and button mappings for a four sided sit down cocktail-style arcade cabinet.
Up to 4 players per monitor using identical joystick plus 6 button controllers.
For Arduino software, see uclagamelab/CocktailCabinet
##Controller Positioning
- Player 1 is positioned monitor left.
- Player 2 is positioned monitor right.
- Player 3 is positioned monitor bottom.
- Player 4 is positioned monitor top.
##Player 1 Keyboard Map
- up: w
- down: s
- left: a
- right: d
- button 1: z
- button 2: x
- button 3: c
- button 4: 1
- button 5: 2
- button 6: 3
##Player 2 Keyboard Map
- up: t
- down: g
- left: f
- right: h
- button 1: v
- button 2: b
- button 3: n
- button 4: 4
- button 5: 5
- button 6: 6
##Player 3 Keyboard Map
- up: i
- down: k
- left: j
- right: l (lowercase L)
- button 1: m
- button 2: , (comma)
- button 3: . (period)
- button 4: 7
- button 5: 8
- button 6: 9
##Player 4 Keyboard Map
- button 1: p
- button 2: [ (left bracket)
- button 3: ] (right bracket)
- button 4: 0 (zero)
- button 5: - (minus)
- button 6: = (equals)