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Reference go client to interact with the UBIRCH trust services.


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UBIRCH client (go)

The UBIRCH client provides signature and chaining services to seal original data generated on-premise. It takes care of packaging the hashed data into a chained UBIRCH PROTOCOL PACKET ("UPP"), signing the package and sending it to the UBIRCH backend for storage, anchoring in the blockchain, and as a source for verification requests.

The original data must be stored in a customer database to be able to execute verification requests at a later stage. UBIRCH does not store any original sensitive data!

UPP data is sent to the UBIRCH client via HTTP requests. The client can receive either the original data as a JSON data package which will be formatted and hashed (SHA256) by the client, or the binary representation of a SHA256 hash that is directly added as payload to the UPP.

The UBIRCH client is able to handle multiple cryptographic identities (i.e. for multiple LAN based devices). For each identity, the signing key and the signature of the last UPP are stored persistently to ensure an intact chain after a restart.

UBIRCH client

Dockerized UBIRCH client

The UBIRCH client is provided as a multi-architecture docker image that can be configured and run on any system that can run docker (Intel/AMD64 or ARM64 architecture).

Docker Hub Address: ubirch/ubirch-client

See how to run client in Docker container

Jump to Quick Start


  • System based on Intel/AMD64 or ARM
  • Docker installation
  • Space to store last used signatures and key material, either:
    • disk space, mounted into the docker pod, or
    • as SQL database
  • Possibility to send a HTTP request to domains
  • A unique identifier (UUID) registered with the UBIRCH console
  • A corresponding authentication token (acquired via UBIRCH console)
  • A password for the client’s key store
  • (OPTIONAL) a private ECDSA (ecdsa-prime256v1) key (otherwise a new key is generated by the client itself)


There are multiple make targets, to simplify the building process.

make           # default target: build
make all       # create all available artifacts
make build     # create all supported binaries
make pack      # compresses the binaries to be much smaller (requires UPX installation)
make image     # create docker image
make publish   # builds images for amd64 armv7 and arm64, publishes under versioned tag
               # takes IMAGE_TAG= to specify a different tag name
make clean     # delete all artifacts

Compiled artifacts will be saved to the build/ directory.

make publish IMAGE_TAG=stable # will tag a multi-arch image with the selected tag and upload it
                              # to the dockerhub.


The configuration can be set via a configuration file (config.json) or environment variables.

There are two mandatory configurations:

  1. a 32 byte base64 encoded secret, which will be used to encrypt the signing keys in the database
  2. the desired database driver and DSN (see Context Management)

You can generate a random 32 byte base64 encoded secret in a Linux/macOS terminal with head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64

At start-up, the client will first check if the UBIRCH_SECRET32 environment variable exists and, if it does exist, load the configuration from the environment variables. If the UBIRCH_SECRET32 environment variable is not set or empty, the client will try to load the config.json-file from the working directory. If neither exist, the client will abort and exit with status 1.

File Based Configuration


  "secret32": "<32 byte secret (base64 encoded)>"

See example_config.json as an example for file-based configuration.

Environment Based Configuration

UBIRCH_SECRET32=<32 byte secret (base64 encoded)>

See example.env as an example for environment-based configuration.

All further configuration parameters have default values, that can be changed as described under Optional Configurations.

Context Management

The identity context is stored persistently in a database. The user can choose between connecting to a postgres database or using the local file system, i.e. SQLite.

  • config.json:
      "dbDriver": "<postgres | sqlite>",
  • or environment variable:
    UBIRCH_DB_DRIVER=<postgres | sqlite>


In order to connect the client to a postgres database, the DSN must be set in the configuration.

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "dbDSN": "postgres://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:5432/<database>",
  • or set the following environment variable:


If the driver is set to sqlite, the client will by default create a SQLite database file sqlite.db in the mounted volume upon first startup.

Alternatively, a custom path (relative to the mounted volume) and filename can be set in the configuration. It is also possible to overwrite the default SQLite database configuration by appending a ? followed by a query string to the filename. For more information about this, see

  • config.json:
      "dbDSN": "path/to/sqlite.db",
  • or environment variable:

The use of a SQLite database is appropriate in case the application is running on a system with limited space, like embedded devices, and only one or very few identities need to be managed.

When compared to postgreSQL, a drawback of SQLite is the performance while handling a high load of chaining requests for multiple identities at the same time.

Database Connection Configuration

JSON env description default value
dbMaxOpenConns UBIRCH_DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNS maximum number of open connections to the database 0 (unlimited)
dbMaxIdleConns UBIRCH_DB_MAX_IDLE_CONNS maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool
To disable idle connections, set to -1
dbConnMaxLifetimeSec DB_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME_SEC maximum amount of seconds a connection may be reused
To disable connections being closed due to a connection's age, set to -1
dbConnMaxIdleTimeSec DB_CONN_MAX_IDLE_TIME_SEC maximum amount of seconds a connection may be idle
To disable connections being closed due to a connection's idle time, set to -1

Identity Registration / Initialization

The UBIRCH client is able to handle multiple cryptographic identities. An identity has a universally unique identifier (UUID), private and public key, and an auth token. Before signing requests can be processed, a UUID with its auth token has to be registered at the UBIRCH client.

Registering a new UUID triggers an identity initialization, which consists of three parts:

  • key pair generation (ECDSA)
  • public key registration at the UBIRCH backend
  • storing of the identity context in the database

Identities can be registered at the UBIRCH client in two ways:

  1. via configuration
  2. via HTTP request

If identity registration via HTTP requests is desired, the respective endpoint must be enabled and a static authentication token must be set in the configuration. This token is then used to authenticate requests against the identity registration endpoint.

  • json:
  "staticAuth": "<static auth token>",
  "enableRegistrationEndpoint": true,
  • env:
UBIRCH_STATIC_AUTH=<static auth token>

Before registering a new identity at the UBIRCH client, the first step is to register the identity's UUID with the UBIRCH backend and acquire an authentication token for that identity.

A UUID can easily be generated in a Linux/macOS terminal with the uuidgen command.

How to acquire the UBIRCH backend authentication token

  • Create an account at the UBIRCH web UI and log in.
  • Go to Things (in the menu on the left) and click the green + ADD NEW DEVICE-button.
  • Enter your UUID to the ID field and, optionally, a description. Then click on register.
  • After successful registration, you can click on your UUID to open the settings and copy the "password" (which looks like a UUID) from the apiConfig. This is the UBIRCH backend authentication token for your device.

Identity initialization via configuration

It is possible to declare identities (devices) in the configuration with a devices-map, which maps device UUIDs to their authentication token.

  • add the devices-map to your config.json-file:
      "devices": {
        "<UUID>": "<ubirch backend auth token>",
        "<another UUID>": "<another ubirch backend auth token>"
  • or as environment variable:
    UBIRCH_DEVICES=<UUID>:<ubirch backend auth token>,<another UUID>:<another ubirch backend auth token>

Alternatively, the device UUIDs and their corresponding authentication tokens can also be set through a file identities.json. See example: example_identities.json

Once the identities have been initialized successfully, their UUIDs and auth tokens are persistently stored in the connected database and can be removed from the configuration.

Run Client in Docker container

To get the latest multi-architecture image, check the releases and pull the latest release from Docker Hub using the release tag, e.g.:

docker pull ubirch/ubirch-client:v3.x.x

To start the multi-arch Docker image on any system, run:

docker run -v $(pwd):/data --network host ubirch/ubirch-client:v3.x.x

The configuration directory inside the docker container is /data. The docker image mounts the current directory ($(pwd)) into the /data path to load the configuration file (if configuration is not set via environment variables), and the TLS certificate and key files (if TLS is enabled).

It is also possible to pass an absolute path instead of $(pwd).

If the /data path is not used for either configuration file, SQLite DB, nor TLS cert files, the -v $(pwd):/data parameter can be omitted.

Interface Description

Endpoint Description
/healthz Liveness check
/readyz Readiness check
/metrics Prometheus Metrics
/register Identity Registration
/${uuid}/csr CSR Generation
/${uuid} Anchoring Hashes (chained) - original data
/${uuid}/hash Anchoring Hashes (chained) - hash
/${uuid}/anchor Anchoring Hashes (no chain) - original data
/${uuid}/anchor/hash Anchoring Hashes (no chain) - hash
/${uuid}/disable Disabling Hashes - original data
/${uuid}/disable/hash Disabling Hashes - hash
/${uuid}/enable Enabling Hashes - original data
/${uuid}/enable/hash Enabling Hashes - hash
/${uuid}/delete Deleting Hashes - original data
/${uuid}/delete/hash Deleting Hashes - hash
/${uuid}/offline Offline Sealing Hashes (chained) - original data
/${uuid}/offline/hash Offline Sealing Hashes (chained) - hash
/${uuid}/anchor/offline Offline Sealing Hashes (no chain) - original data
/${uuid}/anchor/offline/hash Offline Sealing Hashes (no chain) - hash
/verify Verifying Hashes - original data
/verify/hash Verifying Hashes - hash
/verify/offline Offline Verification - original data
/verify/offline/hash Offline Verification - hash
/device/updateActive Key De- and Re-activation

Identity Registration

Sending a registration request invokes the generation of a ECDSA key pair for signing UPPs. On success, the response contains an X.509 Certificate Signing Request in PEM format.

curl ${host}/register -X PUT \
-H "X-Auth-Token: ${staticAuth}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"uuid":${device_uuid}, "password":${password}}' \

The "password" is the UBIRCH backend authentication token.

CSR Generation

If CSR creation via HTTP requests is desired, the respective endpoint must be enabled and a static authentication token must be set in the configuration. This token is then used to authenticate requests against the CSR creation endpoint.

  • json:
  "staticAuth": "<static auth token>",
  "enableCSRCreationEndpoint": true,
  • env:
UBIRCH_STATIC_AUTH=<static auth token>

A CSR for an already registered identity can be retrieved from the CSR endpoint.

curl ${host}/${uuid}/csr -X GET \
-H "X-Auth-Token: ${staticAuth}" \

UPP Signing

The UBIRCH client provides HTTP endpoints for both original data and direct hash injection, i.e. the SHA256 digest of the original data. If the client receives original data, it will create a SHA256 hash before any further processing.

This means, UBIRCH will never see your original data. It also means that the original data will have to be stored independently in order to be able to verify it later.

When receiving a JSON data package, the UBIRCH client will sort the keys alphabetically and remove insignificant space characters before hashing.

See reproducibility of hashes.

Signing service endpoints require an authentication token, which corresponds to the UUID used in the request. The token must be sent with the request header.

Request Header Description
X-Auth-Token UBIRCH backend token related to <UUID>

See how to acquire the UBIRCH backend token.

Anchoring Hashes

  • chained
Method Path Content-Type Description
POST /<UUID> application/octet-stream original data (binary) will be hashed, chained, signed, and anchored
POST /<UUID> application/json original data (JSON data package) will be hashed, chained, signed, and anchored
POST /<UUID>/hash application/octet-stream SHA256 hash (binary) will be chained, signed, and anchored
POST /<UUID>/hash text/plain SHA256 hash (base64 string repr.) will be chained, signed, and anchored
  • no chain
Method Path Content-Type Description
POST /<UUID>/anchor application/octet-stream original data (binary) will be hashed, signed, and anchored
POST /<UUID>/anchor application/json original data (JSON data package) will be hashed, signed, and anchored
POST /<UUID>/anchor/hash application/octet-stream SHA256 hash (binary) will be signed, and anchored
POST /<UUID>/anchor/hash text/plain SHA256 hash (base64 string repr.) will be signed, and anchored

Update Operations

Beside anchoring, the client can request hash update operations from the UBIRCH backend, i.e. disable, enable and delete.

Update Operation Path (original data) Path (hash)
disable /<UUID>/disable /<UUID>/disable/hash
enable /<UUID>/enable /<UUID>/enable/hash
delete /<UUID>/delete /<UUID>/delete/hash

Hash update requests to the UBIRCH backend must come from the same UUID that anchored said hash and be signed by the same private key that signed the anchoring request.

UPP Offline Sealing

The client supports offline hash sealing, where the created UPP is not sent to the UBIRCH backend, but only returned as part of the HTTP response content.

  • chained
Method Path Content-Type Description
POST /<UUID>/offline application/octet-stream original data (binary) will be hashed, chained, and signed
POST /<UUID>/offline application/json original data (JSON data package) will be hashed, chained, and signed
POST /<UUID>/offline/hash application/octet-stream SHA256 hash (binary) will be chained and signed
POST /<UUID>/offline/hash text/plain SHA256 hash (base64 string repr.) will be chained and signed
  • no chain
Method Path Content-Type Description
POST /<UUID>/anchor/offline application/octet-stream original data (binary) will be hashed and signed
POST /<UUID>/anchor/offline application/json original data (JSON data package) will be hashed and signed
POST /<UUID>/anchor/offline/hash application/octet-stream SHA256 hash (binary) will be signed
POST /<UUID>/anchor/offline/hash text/plain SHA256 hash (base64 string repr.) will be signed

UPP Signing Response

Response codes indicate the successful delivery of the UPP to the UBIRCH backend. Any code other than 200 should be considered a failure. The client does not retry itself. A good approach to handle errors is to add a flag to the original data storage that indicates whether the UBIRCH blockchain anchoring was successful and retry at a later point if necessary.

The response body consists of either an error message, or a JSON map with

  • the data hash
  • the executed operation, i.e. chain, anchor, disable, enable or delete
  • the UPP, which contains that data hash and was sent to the UBIRCH backend by the client
  • the public key, that corresponds to the private key with which the UPP was signed
  • the response from the UBIRCH backend
  • the unique request ID
  • a flag indicating if the backend response signature has been verified ( see Enable Backend Response Verification)
  • a flag indicating if the backend response chain has been verified, i.e. if the niomon response UPP contains the signature of the sent UPP in the previous signature field ( see Enable Backend Response Verification)
  "hash": "<base64 encoded data hash>",
  "operation": "<chain | anchor | disable | enable | delete>",
  "upp": "<base64 encoded UPP containing the data hash>",
  "publicKey": "<base64 encoded raw public key>",
  "response": {
    "statusCode": <backend response status code (int)>,
    "header": {<backend response header (map[string][]string)>},
    "content": "<base64 encoded backend response content>"
  "requestID": "<request ID (standard hex string representation)>",
  "responseSignatureVerified": <true | false>,
  "responseChainVerified": <true | false>

UPPs (such as the backend response content) are MessagePack formatted and can be decoded using an online tool like this MessagePack to JSON Converter.

Error Codes

HTTP response status code orig. data hash description
200 - OK x x success
400 - Bad Request x x unable to read request body
x invalid content-type for original data (≠ application/octet-stream or application/json)
x unable to parse JSON request body (only for content-type application/json)
x invalid content-type for hash (≠ application/octet-stream or text/plain)
x decoding hash failed (only for content-type text/plain)
x invalid SHA256 hash size (≠ 32 bytes)
401 - Unauthorized x x unknown UUID
x x invalid auth token
403 - Forbidden x x UPP signature verification failed (only for verification)
404 - Not Found x x invalid UUID
x x invalid operation (≠ anchor / disable / enable / delete)
500 - Internal Server Error x x signing failed
502 - Bad Gateway x x sending request to UBIRCH backend failed
503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable x x service busy
504 - Gateway Timeout x x service was unable to produce a timely response

Internally, the client sends a request to the UBIRCH Trust Service (Niomon) and forwards its response back to the sender (i.e. the "response"-filed in the JSON response body of the client). If no errors occurred before sending the request to Niomon, the client will simply forward the HTTP response status code that Niomon returned.

See the swagger documentation for Niomon error codes.

CURL Request Examples:

  1. original data (JSON):

    • anchor hash (chained)
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"id": "ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f", "ts": 1585838578, "data": "1234567890"}' \
    • anchor hash (no chain)
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/anchor \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"id": "ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f", "ts": 1585838578, "data": "1234567890"}' \
    • disable hash
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/disable \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"id": "ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f", "ts": 1585838578, "data": "1234567890"}' \
    • enable hash
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/enable \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"id": "ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f", "ts": 1585838578, "data": "1234567890"}' \
    • delete hash
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/delete \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"id": "ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f", "ts": 1585838578, "data": "1234567890"}' \
  2. direct data hash injection

    • anchor hash (chained)
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/hash \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
        -d "wp1WK/3z5yHiGBYUZReiMN4UVM2lUJzAtGg9kFtdy3A=" \
    • anchor hash (no chain)
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/anchor/hash \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
        -d "wp1WK/3z5yHiGBYUZReiMN4UVM2lUJzAtGg9kFtdy3A=" \
    • disable hash
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/disable/hash \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
        -d "wp1WK/3z5yHiGBYUZReiMN4UVM2lUJzAtGg9kFtdy3A=" \
    • enable hash
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/enable/hash \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
        -d "wp1WK/3z5yHiGBYUZReiMN4UVM2lUJzAtGg9kFtdy3A=" \
    • delete hash
      curl localhost:8080/ba70ad8b-a564-4e58-9a3b-224ac0f0153f/delete/hash \
        -H "X-Auth-Token: 32e325d5-b6a9-4800-b750-49c53b9350fc" \
        -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
        -d "wp1WK/3z5yHiGBYUZReiMN4UVM2lUJzAtGg9kFtdy3A=" \

UPP Verification

Verification endpoints do not require an authentication token.

Method Path Content-Type Description
POST /verify application/octet-stream verify hash of original data (binary)
POST /verify application/json verify hash of original data (JSON data package)
POST /verify/hash application/octet-stream verify hash (binary)
POST /verify/hash text/plain verify hash (base64 string repr.)

UPP Offline Verification

It is possible to verify that a UPP contains a given data hash and has a valid signature of a known identity without an internet connection.

Just like the standard verification, the offline verification endpoint expects the data or data hash in the request body, but additionally expects the base64 representation of the UPP in the header X-Ubirch-UPP.

curl ${host}/verify/offline -X POST \
 -H "X-Ubirch-UPP: liPEEO6QegJtYkRNpXhDJV/hplXEQGLoJh2SbSjQ7datOhGsWokSqO7Sckts1LGOxiBQ8SZoeql8ypLHpDLiYXQZ4MJ9vx1y/5rXwKl7VV+PG8eNEFAAxCCSV78s1WG2QGMS5vBVZOF51/JDHjjBqk/8x3VgpfL+dMRA7xvnoOSTNAYMJxItAkbzAMcD+YP2AX1bkfkV8EJUCNk7oI8DSPKmnNZ8gsb7fEv6DXGMTdFkGTtOvgpmkCNU7g==" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"id": "ee907a02-6d62-444d-a578-43255fe1a655", "ts": 1651746633, "data": "1234567890"}'
curl ${host}/verify/offline/hash -X POST   \
 -H "X-Ubirch-UPP: liPEEO6QegJtYkRNpXhDJV/hplXEQGLoJh2SbSjQ7datOhGsWokSqO7Sckts1LGOxiBQ8SZoeql8ypLHpDLiYXQZ4MJ9vx1y/5rXwKl7VV+PG8eNEFAAxCCSV78s1WG2QGMS5vBVZOF51/JDHjjBqk/8x3VgpfL+dMRA7xvnoOSTNAYMJxItAkbzAMcD+YP2AX1bkfkV8EJUCNk7oI8DSPKmnNZ8gsb7fEv6DXGMTdFkGTtOvgpmkCNU7g=="  \
 -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
 -d "kle/LNVhtkBjEubwVWThedfyQx44wapP/Md1YKXy/nQ="

UPP Verification Response

A 200 response code indicates the successful verification of the data in the UBIRCH backend as well as a local verification of the validity of the retrieved UPP.

The response body consists of either an error message, or a JSON map with

  • the requested data hash,
  • the UPP, which contains the requested data hash and was retrieved from the UBIRCH backend by the client,
  • the UUID of the device from which the data originated,
  • the public key of that device, which was used to verify the signature of the retrieved UPP
  • possibly: a description of an occurred error (the error-key is only present in case an error occurred)
  "hash": "<base64 encoded requested data hash>",
  "upp": "<base64 encoded UPP containing the requested data hash",
  "uuid": "<standard hex string representation of the device UUID>",
  "pubKey": "<base64 encoded public key used for signature verification>",
  "error": "error message"

Key Deactivation

If key de- and re-activation via HTTP requests is desired, the respective endpoint must be enabled and a static authentication token must be set in the configuration. This token is then used to authenticate requests against the deactivation endpoint.

  • json:
  "staticAuth": "<static auth token>",
  "enableDeactivationEndpoint": true,
  • env:
UBIRCH_STATIC_AUTH=<static auth token>

A key can be deactivated with the following request. Signing requests for identities with deactivated key will fail with status code 400.

curl ${host}/device/updateActive -X PUT \
-H "X-Auth-Token: ${staticAuth}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id":${device_uuid},"active":false}' \

Key Reactivation

A deactivated key can be reactivated with the following request.

curl ${host}/device/updateActive -X PUT \
-H "X-Auth-Token: ${staticAuth}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id":${device_uuid},"active":true}' \

TCP Address

The client exposes port :8080 for HTTP requests. When running the client locally, the default base address is:


(or https://localhost:8080, if TLS is enabled)

See how to set a different TCP address/port for the client.


Here is an example of a request to the client using CURL.

  • original data (JSON):

    curl localhost:8080/<UUID> \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"id": "605b91b4-49be-4f17-93e7-f1b14384968f", "ts": 1585838578, "data": "1234567890"}' \
  • direct data hash injection:

    curl localhost:8080/<UUID>/hash \
      -H "X-Auth-Token: <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
      -d "bTawDQO7nnB+3h55/6VyQ+Tmd1RTV9R0cFcf7CRWzQQ=" \

Uniqueness of hashes

Every anchored data hash, and therefore the data, must be unique. The UBIRCH backend will reject the request with response code 409 if the same hash has been sent previously.

Uniqueness can be achieved by adding a UUID and timestamp to the data before hashing. For example:

  "id": "605b91b4-49be-4f17-93e7-f1b14384968f",
  "ts": 1585838578,
  "data": "1234567890"

Reproducibility of hashes

It is essential for the hashes to be reproducible in order to use them for verification of the data at a later time. Since the JSON format is non-deterministic, we need to define rules for converting it to a binary representation before calculating the hash.

If the client receives a JSON data package, it will generate a sorted compact rendering before calculating the hash, i.e. it will first create a string representation of the JSON formatted data where the keys are in alphabetical order and insignificant space characters were elided.


  • JSON data package:
      "id": "605b91b4-49be-4f17-93e7-f1b14384968f",
      "ts": 1585838578,
      "data": {
          "T": "26.250",
          "H": "65"
  • sorted compact rendering (string):
  • SHA256 digest (base64):

Floating-point numbers and integers greater than 253 are not allowed as values for the JSON data package!

If you need to sign floating-point numbers or numbers greater than 9,007,199,254,740,992, you can pass the string representation, e.g.

  "float": "5.321",
  "bigNum": "9007199254740993"

Optional Configurations


If no postgres DSN is set, the client defaults to the usage of a SQLite database with the following DSN


The default values can be overwritten by adding a custom SQLite DSN to the configuration.

  • json:
      "sqliteDSN": "<database file name>[?<query string>]",
  • env:
    UBIRCH_SQLITE_DSN=<database file name>[?<query string>]

A query string can optionally be appended to the database file name. If no query string is appended, the defaults from above will be used. More information about the query string can be found in the documentation of the sqlite library:

Set the UBIRCH backend environment

The env configuration refers to the UBIRCH backend environment. The default value is prod, which is the production environment. For development, the environment may be set to demo, which is a test system that works like the production environment, but stores data only in a blockchain test net. However, we suggest using prod in general as demo may not always be available.

Note that the UUIDs must be registered at the according UBIRCH backend environment, i.e.

To switch to the demo backend environment

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "env": "demo"
  • or set the following environment variable:

Enable Backend Response Verification

The UBIRCH Trust Service (niomon) when receiving a request responds with a UPP that is signed with the service's key and contains the signature of the received UPP in the previous signature field. The verification of the response UPP on client side, i.e. signature verification and chain check, can be enabled by setting the following flag.

JSON env description default value
verifyNiomonResponse UBIRCH_VERIFY_NIOMON_RESPONSE true to enable response verification false

If this flag is set, a request to the UBIRCH client will fail (502 - Bad Gateway) if the backend response can not be verified. The JSON response body contains two fields responseSignatureVerified and responseChainVerified indicating if the backend response signature verification and chain verification have been successful.

If backend response verification is disabled, these flags will always be false.

Note that the signature will be verified first. If the signature verification fails, chain verification will not be executed.

In some cases it is possible that the response UPP has a valid signature, but is not a chained UPP and therefore does not contain the signature of the request UPP in the previous signature field. In those cases the response would contain:

  "responseSignatureVerified": true,
  "responseChainVerified": false

Set Backend Response Verification Key

The default identities, i.e. UUID and public key, for the dev, demo and prod environment are stored in files in the server-identities directory and automatically loaded at application startup. The files are also part of the docker image, so the user does not have to do anything if the default identities are valid.

However, the default identities can be overwritten by setting the niomon identity in the configuration.

  • config.json:
      "niomonIdentity": {
        "uuid": "<niomon UUID>",
        "publicKey": "<niomon public key bytes [base64]>"
  • environment variable:
    UBIRCH_NIOMON_IDENTITY=uuid:<niomon UUID>,publicKey:<niomon public key bytes [base64]>

Set TCP address

You can specify the TCP address for the server to listen on, in the form host:port. If empty, port 8080 is used.

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "TCP_addr": ":8080",
  • or set the following environment variable:

This describes how to configure the TCP port the client exposes, not the docker container. If you are running the client in a docker container, you can configure the exposed TCP port (<host_port>) with the according argument when starting the client with docker run:

docker run -p <host_port>:8080 ubirch/ubirch-client:vx.x.x

See Run Client in Docker container

Enable TLS (serve HTTPS)

  1. Create a self-signed TLS certificate

    In order to serve HTTPS endpoints, you can run the following command to create a self-signed certificate with openssl. With this command it will be valid for ten years.

    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -nodes -out cert.pem -days 3650
  2. Enable TLS in configuration

    • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
        "TLS": true
    • or set the following environment variable:
  3. Set path and filename (optional)

    By default, client will look for the key.pem and cert.pem files in the working directory (same location as the config file), but it is possible to define a different location (relative to the working directory) and/or filename by adding them to your configuration file.

    • add the following key-value pairs to your config.json:
        "TLSCertFile": "<path/to/TLS-cert-filename>",
        "TLSKeyFile": "<path/to/TLS-key-filename>"
    • or set the following environment variables:

Enable Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) can only be enabled if the UBIRCH backend environment is set to demo and will be ignored on production stage.

See how to set the UBIRCH backend environment

To enable CORS and configure a list of allowed origins, i.e. origins a cross-domain request can be executed from,

  • add the following key-value pairs to your config.json:
      "CORS": true,
      "CORS_origins": ["<allowed origin>"]
  • or set the following environment variables:
    UBIRCH_CORS_ORIGINS=<allowed origin>

An origin may contain a wildcard (*) to replace 0 or more characters (e.g.: http://* Only one wildcard can be used per origin.

Setting allowed origins is optional. If CORS is enabled, but no allowed origins are specified, the default value is ["*"] which means, all origins will be allowed.

Customize X.509 Certificate Signing Requests

The client creates X.509 Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) for the public keys of the devices it is managing. The * Common Name* of the CSR subject is the UUID associated with the public key. The values for the Organization and * Country* of the CSR subject can be set through the configuration.

  • add the following key-value pairs to your config.json:
      "CSR_country": "<CSR Subject Country Name (2 letter code)>",
      "CSR_organization": "<CSR Subject Organization Name (e.g. company)>"
  • or set the following environment variables:
    UBIRCH_CSR_COUNTRY=<CSR Subject Country Name (2 letter code)>
    UBIRCH_CSR_ORGANIZATION=<CSR Subject Organization Name (e.g. company)>

Extended Debug Output

To set the logging level to debug and so enable extended debug output,

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "debug": true
  • or set the following environment variable:

Log Format

By default, the log of the client is in JSON format. To change it to a (more human-eye-friendly) text format,

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "logTextFormat": true
  • or set the following environment variable:

Log Known Identities

To log the UUIDs of all known (registered) identities at startup,

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "logKnownIdentities": true
  • or set the following environment variable:

Request Timeouts

The following request-related timeouts can be configured.

json env description default value
identityServiceTimeoutMs IDENTITY_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_MS time limit for requests to the UBIRCH identity service in milliseconds 10000
authServiceTimeoutMs AUTH_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_MS time limit for requests to the UBIRCH authentication service (niomon) in milliseconds 2000
verifyServiceTimeoutMs VERIFY_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_MS time limit for requests to the UBIRCH verification service in milliseconds 600
verificationTimeoutMs VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS time limit for repeated attempts to verify a hash at the UBIRCH verification service in milliseconds 2000

If a hash can not be verified by the UBIRCH verification service, a possible reason is that the verification was attempted too early after anchoring and that a subsequent request will be successful. Because of this, the client retries the verification if it fails with an HTTP response code 404.

  • verifyServiceTimeoutMs is the HTTP client timeout for each individual request to the verification service
  • verificationTimeoutMs is the max. duration that verification will be attempted repeatedly

Verification of UPPs from known identities only

When the client receives a verification request for a UPP that was signed by an identity that is unknown to the client, i.e. an external identity, the default behaviour is to request the public key of that identity from the UBIRCH identity service in order to verify the signature locally.

To disable that behaviour and only verify UPPs that were signed by a known identity, i.e. an identity for which the public key exists in the database,

  • add the following key-value pair to your config.json:
      "verifyFromKnownIdentitiesOnly": true
  • or set the following environment variable:

A simple workflow for setting up a system which locks out new data sources/identities, even if they are registered with the UBIRCH backend, could be the following:

During setup and test operation, set verifyFromKnownIdentitiesOnly to false and make sure to test verification from all intended sending devices. The client will pull all necessary public keys from the backend and save them locally.

As soon as the setup phase is over, set verifyFromKnownIdentitiesOnly to true to lock out any new devices.

Legacy file-based context migration

Version 1 of the client used a file-based context management. In order to update the client from v1 to a newer version (>v2) while keeping the existing context, the context can be migrated from the legacy context files into a database.

First, add the new mandatory configurations to your existing configuration.

To start the migration process, run the client with the command-line flag --migrate.

docker run -v $(pwd):/data --network host ubirch/ubirch-client:v3.0.0 /data --migrate

After successful migration, the process will exit with status 0. In case of failed migration, the exit status is 1.

Lastly, the legacy context files can be deleted.

rm -rf keys.json keys.json.bck signatures

The support for migration from file-based context into a database was dropped after version v3.0.0.

Quick Start

  1. Configuration

    First, you will need a device UUID, that is registered with the UBIRCH backend, and a corresponding authentication token for that device. You will also need a secret to encrypt the locally stored private keys:

    1. Generate a UUID for your device. On Linux or macOS, simply enter uuidgen in your terminal. Alternatively, you can use an online tool.
    2. Get your device auth token:
      • Create an account at the UBIRCH web UI and log in.
      • Go to Things (in the menu on the left) and click the green + ADD NEW DEVICE-button.
      • Enter your UUID to the ID field and, optionally, a description. Then click on register.
      • After successful registration, you can click on your UUID to open the settings and copy the "password" from the apiConfig as your device auth token.
    3. Generate a 32 byte secret in base64 format. You can enter head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64 in a Linux/macOS terminal or encode 32 ASCII characters in an online base64 encoder.

    Create a file config.json in your working directory with the following content:

      "devices": {
      "secret32": "<YOUR_32_BYTE_SECRET(base64 encoded)>",
      "dbDriver": "sqlite",
      "verifyNiomonResponse": true,
      "logTextFormat": true, 
      "logKnownIdentities": true
    • Replace <YOUR_DEVICE_UUID> with your device UUID from step 1.1.
    • Replace <YOUR_DEVICE_AUTH_TOKEN> with your device auth token from step 1.2.
    • Replace <YOUR_32_BYTE_SECRET(base64 encoded)> with your secret from step 1.3.

    Your config.json should now look like this:

      "devices": {
        "e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8": "f83a888f-cbf8-4d78-82a2-3e3f253f181d"
      "secret32": "kwNWDv1K8z/T4Muk8La4uzoUl2Q1G923rmm7kA5NrIE=",
      "dbDriver": "sqlite",
      "verifyNiomonResponse": true,
      "logTextFormat": true, 
      "logKnownIdentities": true
  2. Run the client

    To run the dockerized UBIRCH client, you will need to have Docker installed on your computer. Then enter the following two lines in the terminal in your working directory:

    docker pull ubirch/ubirch-client:v3.0.0
    docker run -v $(pwd):/data -p 8080:8080 ubirch/ubirch-client:v3.0.0

    When the client is first started, it will create an ECDSA key pair for your device and register the public key at the UBIRCH backend.

    You should see a console output like this:

    {"level":"info","message":"UBIRCH client (version=devbuild, revision=0000000)","time":"2022-10-31T07:36:28Z"}
    {"level":"info","message":"arg #1: /data","time":"2022-10-31T07:36:28Z"}
    {"level":"info","message":"loading configuration from file: /data/config.json","time":"2022-10-31T07:36:28Z"}
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.152 +0000" level=warning msg="identity registration endpoint disabled. To enable, set json:\"enableRegistrationEndpoint\" env:\"UBIRCH_ENABLE_REGISTRATION_ENDPOINT\" =true"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.153 +0000" level=warning msg="CSR creation endpoint disabled. To enable, set json:\"enableCSRCreationEndpoint\" env:\"UBIRCH_ENABLE_CSR_CREATION_ENDPOINT\" =true"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.154 +0000" level=warning msg="key deactivation endpoint disabled. To enable, set json:\"enableDeactivationEndpoint\" env:\"ENABLE_DEACTIVATION_ENDPOINT\" =true"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.155 +0000" level=info msg="UBIRCH backend environment: prod"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.155 +0000" level=info msg="initializing sqlite database connection"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.285 +0000" level=info msg="0 known internal identities (signing and verification)"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.287 +0000" level=info msg="0 known external identities (verification only)"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.296 +0000" level=info msg="e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8: initializing identity"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:28.750 +0000" level=info msg="e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8: key certificate: {\"pubKeyInfo\":{\"algorithm\":\"ecdsa-p256v1\",\"created\":\"2022-10-31T07:36:28.739Z\",\"hwDeviceId\":\"e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8\",\"pubKey\":\"//3eUKJOrGaYCoPBOMMUquX3cn+EXHMqCKu7IJWu/Xs1x7oJ4HU6LLWksf8toG0ir1VreFo8A5tJEGvxmQbe0w==\",\"pubKeyId\":\"//3eUKJOrGaYCoPBOMMUquX3cn+EXHMqCKu7IJWu/Xs1x7oJ4HU6LLWksf8toG0ir1VreFo8A5tJEGvxmQbe0w==\",\"validNotAfter\":\"2032-10-28T07:36:28.739Z\",\"validNotBefore\":\"2022-10-31T07:36:28.739Z\"},\"signature\":\"GpGZzgTtvZ0InzvqNlNh3CEMkNxLY+G/og1qBe8J/ouhHs4OS5us1JEenzyym+cKJaHAaNYMscZA3jdrFxnZ+w==\"}"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:30.231 +0000" level=info msg="e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8: creating CSR"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:30.257 +0000" level=info msg="e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8: CSR [PEM]: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\nMIIBDjCBtAIBADBSMQswCQYDVQQGEwJERTEUMBIGA1UEChMLdWJpcmNoIEdtYkgx\nLTArBgNVBAMTJGU1MDg1YTg5LWE4ODEtNDM5Ny05MDJlLWE2MzBmMDIxYWZkODBZ\nMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABP/93lCiTqxmmAqDwTjDFKrl93J/hFxz\nKgiruyCVrv17Nce6CeB1Oiy1pLH/LaBtIq9Va3haPAObSRBr8ZkG3tOgADAKBggq\nhkjOPQQDAgNJADBGAiEA8UANAK6JLUk+TQMZ4FtWsJQJT/dWyhonF/ZbUuV03n0C\nIQCQj7U/la0wf9FuBYvn813sQ3FE/P1E43fwLni0pxTH2g==\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n"
    time="2022-10-31 07:36:30.270 +0000" level=info msg="starting HTTP server"

    That means the client is running and ready!

    If you want, you can now go back to the UBIRCH web UI and see the freshly registered public key under PublicKeys.


    The client stores the encrypted signing keys in a local file sqlite.db, which will be created in the working directory upon first start-up. Do not delete this file, as our backend will not accept the registration of a new key once a device already has a registered key.

  3. Seal your data

    The client is now listening for HTTP requests on port 8080. You can send either...

    • JSON data packages to the /<UUID>-endpoint with Content-Type: application/json-header, or
    • SHA256 hashes of your data to the /<UUID>/hash-endpoint with Content-Type: application/octet-stream-header.

    Since the data hash for every UPP must be unique, ensure that the body of each request has a unique content. You can do that, for example, by adding an ID and a timestamp to the JSON data package. For more information see Uniqueness of hashes.

    Floating-point numbers and integers greater than 253 are not allowed as values for the JSON data package!

    You also need to set the X-Auth-Token-header with your UBIRCH backend auth token from step 1.

    Here is an example of how a request to the client would look like using CURL:

    curl localhost:8080/<YOUR_DEVICE_UUID> \
     -H "X-Auth-Token: <YOUR_DEVICE_AUTH_TOKEN>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"id": "e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8", "ts": 1667202152, "data": "1234567890"}' \
     -i -s

    Insert <YOUR_DEVICE_UUID> and <YOUR_DEVICE_AUTH_TOKEN> and a request body with your own unique content to ensure a unique hash! In case of hash collision, the request will fail with status code 409.

    When the client receives a request, it hashes the data from the request body and creates a chained Ubirch Protocol Package (UPP) with the data hash as payload. The UPP will be signed with the private key of the device and sent to the UBIRCH backend. There, the signature will be verified with the previously registered public key.

    The console output of the client should look like this:

    time="2022-10-31 07:44:48.178 +0000" level=info msg="create UPP: uuid: e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8, hash: 5snVjoqWbqLbhABMD1L5OguJyvcsxbJOECQSurDqs5k=, operation: chain, offline: false"
    time="2022-10-31 07:44:48.909 +0000" level=info msg="e5085a89-a881-4397-902e-a630f021afd8: request ID: 3c6e0e19-63b6-4d42-b316-3f46481f14cc"

    Take note of the hash for verification.

    If your request was successful, you'll get the HTTP response code 200.

    The HTTP response body is a JSON map. It contains the data hash, the UPP, which was created by the client and sent to the UBIRCH backend, and the UBIRCH backend response. The content of the UBIRCH backend response is a UPP as well. UPPs are in MessagePack format (base64 encoded) and can be decoded using, for example, this MessagePack to JSON Converter. You can read more about UPPs here.

      "hash": "5snVjoqWbqLbhABMD1L5OguJyvcsxbJOECQSurDqs5k=",
      "operation": "chain",
      "publicKey": "//3eUKJOrGaYCoPBOMMUquX3cn+EXHMqCKu7IJWu/Xs1x7oJ4HU6LLWksf8toG0ir1VreFo8A5tJEGvxmQbe0w==",
      "response": {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "header": {
          "Content-Length": [
          "Content-Type": [
          "Date": [
            "Mon, 31 Oct 2022 07:44:48 GMT"
          "Server": [
          "Strict-Transport-Security": [
            "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload"
        "content": "liPEEBCy4aRWs0//mtrMjCD5MBbEQNH2DF4JHY6ADjxPY11f4HwcW/ZJfVonqz6M8/rrIvli1DUw/fGpdEF+k1gd4taYON1wy9P5R3/BPuAIVnxRZQkAxCA8bg4ZY7ZNQrMWP0ZIHxTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMRAtCx79HokXAELQRbiEoE9YVPLfx4Zdh9fC93QO4X4e60HXseQUdVFtbuQBQiz2yqHBuoQyMQVsu2fBPreNihifA=="
      "requestID": "3c6e0e19-63b6-4d42-b316-3f46481f14cc",
      "responseSignatureVerified": true,
      "responseChainVerified": true

    If you get a response code other than 200, it means that something went wrong. In this case the client will respond with an error message. You can also find error messages in the console output of the client.

  4. To stop the client, press ctrl + c.


You should now be able to see that your UPP was received and verified by the UBIRCH backend under Your Things in the UBIRCH web UI.

To look at the anchoring of your data hash in public blockchains, go to the UBIRCH web UI verification page and enter your data hash in the search field.

It is also possible to verify the hash using the API by sending a POST request with the hash you wish to verify to the UBIRCH verification service:

e.g. curl -d '5snVjoqWbqLbhABMD1L5OguJyvcsxbJOECQSurDqs5k='

This endpoint checks if the UPP, which contains the data hash has arrived correctly and was verifiable, gives information about the chain (previous UPP) as well as blockchain info on the time frame (the upper and lower bounds) when the data was received, i.e. the closest blockchain transactions before and after the data was received by the UBIRCH backend (anchors).

If the verification was successful, the service will send a 200 response with a JSON formatted body like this:

  "prev": null,
  "anchors": [
      "label": "PUBLIC_CHAIN",
      "properties": {
        "timestamp": "2022-10-31T07:45:21.625Z",
        "hash": "5d9f841fed2d4b7693b91586d8b7312d681dcfb8e070ba7153a8032835bb109d",
        "public_chain": "IOTA_MAINNET_IOTA_MAINNET_NETWORK",
        "prev_hash": "65cf37759c94accebf1d7344a9d5a5bcafef3b5198772fff8b63ed7458ee155d5735e2e7d9eb6f09c7517115038dc72b15d5ed997a55bf7b59ccef708636c394"
      "label": "PUBLIC_CHAIN",
      "properties": {
        "timestamp": "2022-10-31T07:47:03.100Z",
        "hash": "0xe87fdf636a781638ff6e1be573172699986f82ea2f8d06595f39a39e433c420b",
        "prev_hash": "3f2129956066cdb62f690bb080d7c2c029d64a657db88ec3b043f0b9472400f946f9d28c4af49c6005424f33dc1349140df9a2020fa470c58c955d80dac297e5"

Note that the first UPP to be anchored will not have a 'previous' package to be chained to. The "prev" value will therefore be null.

It can take up to 10 minutes before the anchoring in public blockchains can be verified, but there is also an endpoint for a quick check, that verifies that the hash was received by the UBIRCH backend:

... and another endpoint, which additionally checks the chain, but not the blockchain anchor:

A 404 response with an empty body means the hash could not be verified (yet).

You can find more information on the services and functionalities of the UBIRCH backend in the developer documentation.


Copyright (c) 2019-2020 ubirch GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.