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Normal initialization:

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:tzhouhc/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

If running on AWS EC2, first set password for the default user:

sudo su -
passwd ubuntu

Then proceed with installation (recommend doing so inside of tmux):


If cloned without --recurse-submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive


Latest zsh configurations require Nerd Fonts support at major version 3. Powerline symbols is also required. Use of fonts like Cascadia Code NF or JetBrains Nerd Font Mono is recommended.

The main installation script requires sudo access to run the initial installation of tools; specific installations using cargo or homebrew do not.

Install tools

If additional tooling is required, run the script. It should call the other installation scripts automatically.

[!NOTE]: is not invoked as part of the standard installation process, as none of the tools within are used in the other scripts in this setup.


Downloaded using bob-nvim which is part of the rust installation.



A number of custom scripts are available in .dotfiles/bin; this is automatically added to the $PATH env var as part of the zshrc.


A justfile is provided for a couple of frequently used commands.


The templates dir under xdg_configs stores what are essentially project templates that can be used to quickly replicate a standard setup in a directory by using the tmpl script.

For each template directory, there are usually a number of files that will be copied over to the new project directory upon invocation of the command. However, there are also a couple of special cases:

  • An info plaintext file is expected and will be used to provide a short readable summary of the template dir.
  • A prep shell script, if provided, will be sourced in the destination directory, and then removed.
  • A dot-envrc file, if provided, will be copied and then renamed to .envrc in order to trigger the direnv tool. While this behavior follows that of stow, it is not currently done for other typically hidden files.

Trouble Shooting

Gnu CoreUtils

It's important for most of the scripts used in this repo that the system coreutils is the GNU version, as opposed to the BSD version.

Zsh slowness

Might be due to oh-my-posh checking for updates. Run oh-my-posh disable notice to prevent.



The configs directory contains dotfiles and dot config directories that should be symlinked to $HOME.

The xdg_configs directory contains dotfiles and dot config directories that should be symlinked to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which is typically $HOME/.config.

These symlinks are managed with stow.

Running Commands

The zsh/functions.zsh file contains shell tools that can be used in the command line for convenience -- if something cannot be remembered or is part of some other frequently used command, then it probably don't belong.

The bin directory is on the PATH env var and should include portable scripts that are slightly more involved than a typical shell function, or are needed to run in contexts beyond the commandline or zshrc -- e.g. as part of other scripts.

lib/navi contains recipes that typically involve some params, but are not worth creating special shell functions to run, or one-off commands that don't need dedicated scripts.

The justfile contains commands that could potentially involve some kind of dependency, or are otherwise more context-aware -- associated with specific repos, for example.


Given the amount of keyboard interactions needed and involved, there needs to some kind of principle with respect to the keyboard shortcuts set in various contexts.


Tmux options should primarily be restricted to either using the tmux prefix c-b, or in rare occasions, using the META modifier, and avoid CTRL modifiers.

The reasoning is that it should let almost all other modifier keys go through.


The commandline is almost all commands, as the name would suggest, so shortcuts should mainly focus on options that facilitate quick insertion of content, and use the CTRL modifier. The META modifier should be used to basically indicate alternate modes of the same shortcut -- e.g. searching for files under current directory with c-o or across current repo with m-o (not implemented).


More sophisticated actions should be handled by lua functions and mapped using commands.lua. Simple actions should be tied to regular keys in normal mode, and modifier shortcuts should try to replicate their function in the shell where possible to ensure uniformity and reduce memory burden.

META modifiers should take care to avoid Tmux ones.


With macOS, system level shortcuts almost always use CMD. Custom, global ones should try not to be modified with solely META or CTRL.


A number of the zsh scripts can be sourced for effect:

  • $HOME/.zsh/base.zsh encapsulates all the PATH and other env variables changed in the regular zsh shell session, as well as a large number of functions that could be useful.
  • If the full set of functions are not needed, then $HOME/.zsh/env/path.zsh provides access to regular tools from homebrew, rust, etc.

External Dependencies

Due to various constraints, not all tooling and systems or configurations are recorded in the dotfiles repo. The external dependencies are noted here:

Lolcate database

For working with the custom version of cd, a lolcate database named dirs that searches and indexes are directories in relevant locations is required. That is, one should run

lolcate create --db dirs

and setup its config.toml with

skip = "Files"

and then run

lolcate update --db dirs

and possibly add it to crontab:

0 22 * * *   /Users/tingzhou/.cargo/bin/lolcate --update --db dirs &>/dev/null


Cascadia Code alone is the recommended font to use for this repo -- that is, I haven't really tested it with any other font. Other Nerdfont-enabled fonts should work, but there might be minor display issues?

Also, Nerdfont v3 is required.

MacOS Configs

at and atrun

To use at to schedule jobs, atrun must first be enabled by running

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Detachable CMUS
