Script installs amiga cross compiling toolchain into users home. Target platform: amiga 68000 Kickstart/WB 1.3 and 2.x/3.x
Checks for and installs missing system packages, tested for Debian Scratch Stable and debian Buster stable
Downloads and installs the needed amiga SDK tools, and adds proper enviroment settings.
RESOURCES_PATH is a temporary folder to download and unpack stuff
BINARY_PATH is where all is copied and patched, and where the system environment shall points to.
defaults to ${HOME}/.local/bin/
all variable-export are gathered into BINARY_PATH/ You just may source it at startup.
Inspired by (Cross Development for the Amiga with VBCC Wei-ju Wu (2016))[] Have a look at the source of many tools: .
- vbcc (C-Compiler) ISO/IEC 9899:1989 and a subset of the new standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99) for amiga 68000 CPU and kickstart 1.3 or 2.x/3.x
- vasm (assembler)
- vlink (linker)
- NDK3.9 (Amiga OS headers and libraries) Maybe you also want this Amiga System headers and resources
You already set up an (FS-UAE?) emulator with shared volume where the build binaries are put and executed inside emulation.
print usage:
e.g. ./tmp
source ~/.local/bin/
Folder $NKD_INC holds amiga system c-headers and $NKD_INC/../include_i holds assembler includes
Call to compile example.c and add needed amiga libs and automatically open and close the amiga OS libraries (avoiding setup/teardown boilerplate code).
vc +kick13 -c99 -I$NDK_INC example.c -lamiga -lauto -o example
You can then execute the binary "example" within emulation, e.g. via shared folder of FS-UAE
This is a snippet from my example Makefile:
# this project only uses assembly, no intermediate .o files
AS = vasmm68k_mot
AS_FLAGS = -kick1hunks -Fhunkexe -nosym
%: %.asm
$(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $@ $<