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User Documentation


  • Visit to access the frontend UI.

  • There are six tabs at the top of the page:

    Home, Raw Reports, Generated Reports, Report Generation, Login, Register

  • To create an account, go to Register tab to register an account in our system.

  • To log into your account, go to Login tab to log into your registered account.

    • (Add the info for zoom meeting)
  • To get a raw report of a company's 10K documentation, go to Raw Reports, fill in the information and submit request.

  • To create a customized generate report, go to Report Generation.

    • First fill in the general information for the report you want to create, and click the next step button. (Note that the report name needs to be distinct for each generated report)
    • On the next page, pick the sheets and rows you want to include in the generated report, then submit the information.
  • To get the existing generated report in the current account, go to Generated Reports.

    • You can press the analysis button to run a min/max/avg analysis on the report
    • You can press the download button to download the report to your computer (note that this is pending on Gil's completion of that story)
  • To create a generated report go to the report generation tab and enter the information for the company you want to generate a report for

    • On the next screen, you can select which rows you want to pull from the raw reports for each sheet.


Admin Panel

(login with admin,admin)

Visual API


Sphinx Documentation

The following commands will create an index.html file in docs/build/html/index.html

  cd docs
  make.bat html

Developer Documentation

Accessing Cloud Instance

  • Download the scraper.pem security key

  • SSH into the instance

    chmod 400 scraper.pem
    ssh -i "scraper.pem" [email protected]

Starting the Production Containers

docker-compose up --build -d

Setup database

docker exec django-server python3 makemigrations
docker exec django-server python3 migrate

Setup superuser

docker exec -it django-server python3 createsuperuser

Running Tests

Starting Test Containers

docker-compose -f testing-compose.yaml build --build-arg TESTING="True"
docker-compose -f testing-compose.yaml up -d

Backend Tests

docker exec django-test-server python test

Backend Tests with coverage

docker exec django-test-server coverage run --omit venv/*,*/migrations*,*test* --source company_schema,report_schema test

docker exec django-test-server coverage report

Frontend Tests

docker exec flask-test-server pytest flask_app/

Frontend Tests with coverage

docker exec flask-test-server coverage run --omit venv/*,*test* -m pytest flask_app/

docker exec flask-test-server coverage report

System Architecture

Flask Frontend Routes

  • /

    The index route, which is the welcome page for the website. It has links to navigate to the Login and Register pages.

  • /register

    The register route, which takes in a username, password, and email address from the user's input and sends a POST request to Assuming a successful response is received(ie no duplicate users or network connectivity issues), there will be a user created with the given credentials and email ready for a login.

  • /login

    The login route, which takes in a username and password from the user's input and renders the login template, setting the username and password to their respective variables in the session object.

  • /logout

    The logout route which logout the current user from the session and displays a logout message when the user has logged out of their account.

  • /raw_report

    The raw report route which displays the form of raw reports request and allow logged-in user to retrieve new raw reports.

  • /generated_report

    The generated report route which displays the generated reports for the logged-in user.

  • /zoom_link

    The zoom link route which takes a user to a page where they may decide to login to their own zoom account to host a meeting or use the public multi-user link

  • /report_generation

    The report generation route which allows the logged-in user to create generated reports.

Note: Timeout errors will be the result of network and internet speeds dropping.

Django API Endpoints

  • /users/create-user Create a user by sending a POST request to this route.

  • /users/validate-user Will return a 200 if the user's login information is valid and 403 if it is not.

  • /raw-reports Can make GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to this endpoint to manipulate raw reports.

  • /generated-reports Can make GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to this endpoint to manipulate generated reports.

  • /generated-reports/get-form-data Make a post request to this endpoint to begin the report generation process and retrieve the rows/sheets in the merged raw report

  • /generated-reports/create-report Make a post request with the filtered form data to finish the report generation process.

  • /generated-reports/analysis Make a post request to this endpoint with a generated report to run a min/max/avg analysis on it.


Sprint 1

  • Brady Snelson - 15% - Added authentication to generated-reports endpoint. Updated GET/POST/PUT routes to only allow requests from the owner of each report. Created EC2 cloud instance and set up dockerized django container to run on it.
  • Jason Hipkins - 15% - Worked on filtering and cleaning excel raw reports. worked on merging reports together, lot of research on accounting methods and line item names.
  • Preston Thomson - 15% - Set up the CI-CD pipeline for automatic building, testing, linting, and code coverage checks.
  • Josh Helperin - 15% - Fixed and tested querant, created proxy functions and tested proxy.
  • Gilbert Garczynski - 15% - made code to download reports from the webscraper. Implemented a database storage (dict and lists) for the webscraper. Made methods in to search the database for URL's. Tests for each.
  • Siyao Li - 15% - Worked on analyzing the pyedgar library, and contributed to adding features and testing the Edgar_Lite library, which retrieves the url for a company’s 10-K/10-Q excel reports with the company’s name and CIK number.
  • Patrick Donnelly - 15% - Created a class query which handles taking user input and returns an ActiveReport. Implemented QueryEngine to handle Query creation based on user input. Added functionality in our data API to handle taking requests from users and send to proxy which sends it to QueryEngine. Updated report_runner to take user input and make calls to our data api for creating new report and getting raw reports. Created tests for report_runner. Updated docker files and docker-compose file.

Sprint 2

  • Brady Snelson - 15% - Added authentication to generated-reports endpoint. Updated GET/POST/PUT routes to only allow requests from the owner of each report. Created EC2 cloud instance and set up dockerized django container to run on it.
  • Jason Hipkins - 15% - got generated report working and saving locally, fixed bugs in josh's code, merged and fixed bugs, got filtering working and merging reports fully functional, almost did code coverage for all of report_runner but it works on console.
  • Preston Thomson - 15% -
  • Joshua Helperin - 15% - Integrated and into django_api direcotry, enabled saving raw reports to database and local user directory after pulling from, debugged,,, and, changed and fixed implementation of and, made tests for and
  • Gilbert Garczynski - 15% - Created frontend server for the User Interface. Implemented login, registration, logout, and viewing of reports along with HTML for each.
  • Siyao Li - 15% - Worked on designing frontend UI pages and navigation. Wrote tests for frontend flask Implemented the feature of storing user's login state. Formatted the file.
  • Patrick Donnelly - 15% - Reviewed/approved merge requests. Improved CI/CD pipeline build times by using caching. Updated CI/CD to get all of the tests and coverage. Created Sphinx documentation. Created Dockerfiles for flask_ui and added a service to the docker-compose file. Also created a dockerfile for the so the can be ran from any os. Coded the proxy and helped debug errors.

Sprint 3

  • Brady Snelson - 15% - Refactored/transferred the functionality that existed within the report runner file (the core of report generation) into endpoints on the django backed. Rewrote tests for all of said functionality. Engineered a new solution to creating a report through a from instead of prompting for user input. Added an authentication endpoint to the user model.
  • Gilbert Garczynski - 15% - Added download report button for raw reports. Added zoom link for the company and to login to your personal zoom. Fixes to website tests and other design fixes to various other files.
  • Siyao Li - 15% - Created frontend report generation page with dynamic multiselect forms. Integreated frontend report generation page with Django server. Integrated login page with django authentication endpoint, and fixed bug on registration page. Added tests for the report generation. Worked on styling the frontend UI.
  • Jason Hipkins - 15% - Fixed an issue with excel spreadsheets not saving correclty. Assisted in refactoring functionality of report runner and manually merging active report and object conversions to the backend. Added backend coding for converting reports from database json to downloadable excel files. Added more functionality to by removing duplicated columns and information.
  • Patrick Donnelly - 15% - Created endpoints in the frontend flask app and backend django api to handle report analysis. Made improvements to docker setup and created a docker compose file specifically for testing. Added validation methods for analysis endpoints and helper methods for running the analysis. Added tests for frontend and backend endpoints and analysis helper methods.
  • Preston Thomson - 15% - Cleaned up CI-CD pipeline and wrote documentation for it. Spent an unfortunately long amount of time trying to get docker commands to work in the pipeline for easy deployment into AWS. Was forced to abondon this effort in favor of making sure all tests were passing and leaving AWS deployment to a manual task. Worked with other group members to make sure all tests were passing in the pipeline before final submission.
  • Joshua Helperin - 15% - Enabled the viewing of generated reports with JQuery plugin Datatables and wrote routes, templates, CSS, and JS files to facilitate this functionality. Additionally tested said routes and fixed miscellaneous errors/bugs on both backend and frontend.


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