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Classic PC games with HTML GUI, Flask UI, and containerization

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PyArcade -- The Back End Test Suite 1

Readme update

Software Requirements

All of the software requirements are written in detail in comments directly under the function signatures for two files and You may, and probably will need to, create more functions for both of the classes defined in these files.

Testing Requirements

Testing is a huge part of this assignment. The code implementations defined in the comments should not be terribly difficult. You must create a test suite that efficiently and exhaustively tests sensible inputs and outputs for the provided specifications. The concept of equivalence partitions is important here. When creating unit tests, you should not be creating an abundance of tests for which the input exercises the function in a similar way. Rather, you should choose tests that represent unique requirements for a function.

The rubric states:

  1. Has higher than 90% code coverage using pytest-cov
  2. Has test names which meaningfully describe the test.
  3. Has tests which are atomic (definition of a unit test).
  4. Has tests which test features (integration tests) as well as simple functionality (unit tests).

What you SHOULD consider testing:

  1. Correctly typed inputs that have extra data. (behavior should be unaffected)
  2. Correctly typed but erroneous inputs.
  3. An entire sequence of inputs that results in winning the game in several ways. This is an integration test.

What is NOT required to be tested:

  1. Input types being correct. We will consider type-hints as sufficient.


As always, mind the rubric. You are not being graded solely on whether it works. You must incorporate good practices to keep code complexity to a minimum and also use git correctly.

Patrick's Prev. Refactoring

Smell 1

Bloating - Large Class. Before making extracting the SessionManager class, the MastermindGame would handle all instances of sessions and would keep track of them. By creating a separate class to handle sessions, it allows me to have sessions that are for different type of games (since each will have its own data). This also helps keep MastermindGame only doing what it needs and keeps the others games from colliding with session ids. The SessionManager class is responsible for creating and keeping track of the different session classes for each game (MastermindGameSession and CheckerSession) which each contain the data needed to play. An added benefit of this is that I can compare Session class types when looking up data so that a request to MastermindGame doesn't return the results from a CheckersGame.

Method Used: Extract Class


    def create_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
        session_id = increment_session_id()
        game_sequence = generate_hidden_sequence()
        MastermindGame.sessions[session_id] = {"sequence": game_sequence, "guesses": [], "done": False}

        return {"session_id": session_id}


    def create_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
        return self.session_manager.init_mastermind_session(generate_hidden_sequence())

Smell 2

Dispensables - Duplicated Code. Originally, I have a proxy for each game type, this lead to a lot of duplicate code especially with the read, create, and delete methods which were identical. There were only slight differences in the update section. To combine the update section, I first checked the parts of code they had in common and then checked the individual checks for each game type based on what type of game it was.

I used the Extract Method to do so


    ##mastermind update
    def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
        if request is None \
                or len(request) != 2 \
                or "session_id" not in request \
                or "guess" not in request \
                or type(request["session_id"]) != int \
                or type(request["guess"]) != tuple \
                or not self.session_manager.session_exists(request["session_id"]) \
                or not self.session_manager.is_mastermind_session(request["session_id"]) \
                or self.session_manager.session_is_done(request["session_id"]) \
                or not tuple_contains_only_int_type(request["guess"]) \
                or len(set(request["guess"])) != 4 \
                or not input_has_valid_values(request["guess"]):
            return {"session_id": 0}

        return self.game_instance.update_game(request)

    ##checkers update
    def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
        if request is None \
                or len(request) != 3 \
                or "session_id" not in request \
                or "piece_to_move" not in request \
                or "move_to" not in request \
                or type(request["session_id"]) != int \
                or type(request["piece_to_move"]) != tuple \
                or type(request["move_to"]) != tuple \
                or not self.session_manager.session_exists(request["session_id"]) \
                or not self.session_manager.is_checkers_session(request["session_id"]) \
                or self.session_manager.session_is_done(request["session_id"]) \
                or not tuple_contains_only_int_type(request["piece_to_move"]) \
                or not tuple_contains_only_int_type(request["piece_to_move"]) \
                or not self.is_valid_move(request) \
                or len(request["piece_to_move"]) != 2 \
                or len(request["move_to"]) != 2 \
                or not input_has_valid_values(request["piece_to_move"]) \
                or not input_has_valid_values(request["move_to"]):
            return {"session_id": 0}

        return self.game_instance.update_game(request)


        if request is None \
                or not request_correct_size(request, 2) \
                or not key_present(request, "session_id") \
                or not correct_type(request, "session_id", int()) \
                or not self.session_exists(request) \
                or self.session_is_done(request):
            return {"session_id": 0}

        if is_mastermind_game(self.game_instance):
            if not self.valid_mastermind_update_request(request):
                return {"session_id": 0}
        elif is_checkers_game(self.game_instance):
            if not self.valid_checkers_update_request(request):
                return {"session_id": 0}

        return self.game_instance.update_game(request)

Smell 3

Long Boolean Expressions. Across my proxy class, there were instances of duplicate code in the if statements especially when both proxies were combined into a single proxy. The create, read, and delete were the same but the update code got a lot more complicated due to the added functionality for checkers. To combat this, I used the extract method/decompose conditions to create easier to read methods that perform repeated tasks such as length and type checks. By doing this, I was able to make the code a lot cleaner and easier to read.


def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
    if (self.game_instace == Mastermind):    
        if request is None \
                or len(request) != 2 \
                or "session_id" not in request \
                or "guess" not in request \
                or type(request["session_id"]) != int \
                or type(request["guess"]) != tuple \
                or not self.session_manager.session_exists(request["session_id"]) \
                or not self.session_manager.is_mastermind_session(request["session_id"]) \
                or self.session_manager.session_is_done(request["session_id"]) \
                or not tuple_contains_only_int_type(request["guess"]) \
                or len(set(request["guess"])) != 4 \
                or not input_has_valid_values(request["guess"]):
            return {"session_id": 0}
    elif (self.game_instace == Checkers):
            if request is None \
                or len(request) != 3 \
                or "session_id" not in request \
                or "piece_to_move" not in request \
                or "move_to" not in request \
                or type(request["session_id"]) != int \
                or type(request["piece_to_move"]) != tuple \
                or type(request["move_to"]) != tuple \
                or not self.session_manager.session_exists(request["session_id"]) \
                or not self.session_manager.is_checkers_session(request["session_id"]) \
                or self.session_manager.session_is_done(request["session_id"]) \
                or not tuple_contains_only_int_type(request["piece_to_move"]) \
                or not tuple_contains_only_int_type(request["piece_to_move"]) \
                or not self.is_valid_move(request) \
                or len(request["piece_to_move"]) != 2 \
                or len(request["move_to"]) != 2 \
                or not input_has_valid_values(request["piece_to_move"]) \
                or not input_has_valid_values(request["move_to"]):
            return {"session_id": 0}


        if request is None \
                or not request_correct_size(request, 2) \
                or not key_present(request, "session_id") \
                or not correct_type(request, "session_id", int()) \
                or not self.session_exists(request) \
                or self.session_is_done(request):
            return {"session_id": 0}

        if is_mastermind_game(self.game_instance):
            if not self.valid_mastermind_update_request(request):
                return {"session_id": 0}
        elif is_checkers_game(self.game_instance):
            if not self.valid_checkers_update_request(request):
                return {"session_id": 0}

Smell 4

Bloaters - Long Method. My main search algorithm for finding available moves needs to look at the right and left pieces and backwards if it is a king piece. To make the code easier to read and to also isolate each direction for testing, I created a few new methods from the long method. I used the extract method and consolidated the large chunks into smaller methods that minimize what they are doing.


        right_row, right_col = piece.get_right_piece()
        right_piece = self.get_piece(right_row, right_col)
        moves.update(self.go_right(right_piece, piece, piece, [], visited))

        left_row, left_col = piece.get_left_piece()
        left_piece = self.get_piece(left_row, left_col)
        moves.update(self.go_left(left_piece, piece, piece, [], visited))

        if piece.is_king:
            back_right_row, back_back_right_col = piece.get_back_right_piece()
            back_right_piece = self.get_piece(back_right_row, right_col)
            moves.update(self.go_back_right(back_right_piece, piece, piece, [], visited))
            back_left_row, back_left_col = piece.get_back_left_piece()
            back_left_piece = self.get_piece(back_left_row, back_left_col)
            moves.update(self.go_left(back_left_piece, piece, piece, [], visited))


        self.traverse_forward(moves, origin, origin, jumped, visited)

        if origin.is_king:
            self.traverse_backward(moves, origin, origin, jumped, visited)
    def traverse_forward(self, moves: dict, piece: GamePiece, origin: GamePiece, jumped: list, visited: set):
        self.traverse_right(moves, piece, origin, jumped, visited)
        self.traverse_left(moves, piece, origin, jumped, visited)

    def traverse_backward(self, moves: dict, piece: GamePiece, origin: GamePiece, jumped: list, visited: set):
        self.traverse_back_left(moves, piece, origin, jumped, visited)
        self.traverse_back_right(moves, piece, origin, jumped, visited)

Jason's Previous Refactoring

Code Refactoring

  1. Code smell Large Class: Minesweeper has a lot of methods that are used for initializing the board, but they are only called once from the add_session function. These methods were spun off using the builder concept. i.e. extracted the class. This too large of a change to show code snippets. Please note instead a new file was added 1.a Broke up the test_mastermind into multiple classes to test features and unit tests independently. extracted classes

  2. Code smell Change Preventers: use of primitive int in creating minesweeper difficulty. I replaced it with constants that can easily be changed without needing to change every int. i.e. organizing data by change value to reference

    # old code
    # Randomly picks locations to assign mines
    mines = sample(mines, 10)
    # new code
    EASY_MINES = 10
    mines = sample(mines, MinesweeperBoardBuilder.EASY_MINES)
  3. Code smell Dispensables: Had duplicate code in test_minesweeper so I just added it as a global variable so all the classes could use it. Reduced line count by about 15 or so. i.e. organizing data by change value to reference

    # old code
    def test_unhide_cell(self):
        four_corners_board_soln = {0: ['mine']+[1]+[0]*5+[1]+['mine'], 1: [1, 1]+[0]*5+[1, 1], 2: [0]*9, 3: [0]*9,
                                   4: [0]*9, 5: [0]*9, 6: [0]*9, 7: [1, 1]+[0]*5+[1, 1],
                                   8: ['mine']+[1]+[0]*5+[1]+['mine']}
        session_4 = MinesweeperGame.sessions[4]
        session_4["board"] = four_corners_board_soln
        MinesweeperTestBasicGame.instance.unhide_cell((8, 7), session_4)
        line = 'πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… \n'
        board = ""
        for idx in range(8):
            board += line
        line = 'πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… 1 πŸ¬… \n'
        board += line
        board_to_print = MinesweeperGame.print_player_board(session_4["player_board"], session_4["board"])
        self.assertEqual(board, board_to_print)
    def test_end_game(self):
        four_corners_board_soln = {0: ['mine']+[1]+[0]*5+[1]+['mine'], 1: [1, 1]+[0]*5+[1, 1], 2: [0]*9, 3: [0]*9,
                                   4: [0]*9, 5: [0]*9, 6: [0]*9, 7: [1, 1]+[0]*5+[1, 1],
                                   8: ['mine']+[1]+[0]*5+[1]+['mine']}
        session_4 = MinesweeperGame.sessions[4]
        session_4["board"] = four_corners_board_soln
        session_4 = MinesweeperGame.sessions[4]
        MinesweeperTestBasicGame.instance.unhide_cell((8, 8), session_4)
        self.assertEqual(session_4["done"], True)
    # new code
    FOUR_CORNERS_BOARD_SOLN = {0: ['mine']+[1]+[0]*5+[1]+['mine'], 1: [1, 1]+[0]*5+[1, 1], 2: [0]*9, 3: [0]*9,
                               4: [0]*9, 5: [0]*9, 6: [0]*9, 7: [1, 1]+[0]*5+[1, 1],
                               8: ['mine']+[1]+[0]*5+[1]+['mine']}
    def test_unhide_cell(self):
        session_4 = MinesweeperGame.sessions[4]
        session_4["board"] = FOUR_CORNERS_BOARD_SOLN
        MinesweeperTestBasicGame.instance.unhide_cell((8, 7), session_4)
        line = 'πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… \n'
        board = ""
        for idx in range(8):
            board += line
        line = 'πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… πŸ¬… 1 πŸ¬… \n'
        board += line
        board_to_print = MinesweeperGame.print_player_board(session_4["player_board"], session_4["board"])
        self.assertEqual(board, board_to_print)
    def test_end_game(self):
        session_4 = MinesweeperGame.sessions[4]
        session_4["board"] = FOUR_CORNERS_BOARD_SOLN
        session_4 = MinesweeperGame.sessions[4]
        MinesweeperTestBasicGame.instance.unhide_cell((8, 8), session_4)
        self.assertEqual(session_4["done"], True)
  4. Code smell Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces: Rather coding the proxy to increase complexity with two different classes doing the same thing I extracted a superclass simply named proxy and its validation methods. This code smell was identified before it was introduced, although I will provide an example to showcase this.

    # old code
    class MastermindGameProxy(GameInterface):
         def create_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def read_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def delete_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             # mastermind specific game updates
         def valide_update_request(request: dict) -> dict:
             # validation code unqiue to mastermind
     class MinesweeperProxy(MinesweeperGameInterface):
         def start_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def display_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def delete_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def make_move(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             # minesweeper specific game updates
         def valide_move_request(request: dict) -> dict:
             # validation code unqiue to minesweeper
    # new code
    class GameProxy(GameInterface):
         def create_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def read_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def delete_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             #code goes here
         def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
             # Call specific subclass for game specific updates
         class MastermindProxy:
            def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
                 # Mastermind game updates
            def valide_update_request(request: dict) -> dict:
                 # validation code unqiue to mastermind
         class MinesweeperProxy:
            def update_game(self, request: dict) -> dict:
                 # Minesweeper game updates
            def valide_update_request(request: dict) -> dict:
                 # validation code unqiue to minesweeper

Team Assigment

Patrick's work: 59%

1. Finished integration with Jason's code. Worked on test integration and testing in general.
2. Developed Flask functionality and general menu algorithms and HMLT GUI.

Jason's work: 41%

1. Integrated MinesweeperGame with Patrick's code. Developed delete game GUI functionality. Assited in game design.
2. Applied the design pattern to code. Helped develop game functinality with use of design pattern.
3. Integrated Readme

Code Design Pattern:

We chose to use the singleton design pattern. This made it easier for us to maintain our code in a way that prevented adding extra functionality to our individual gameinterfaces. It was more maintainable to simply add 'sessions' which contained the data of our game classes (with game interfaces) than adding functions to our game classes to be able to preform necessary tasks. It also allowed us to be able to call a single class in our flask implementation. We were able to make our code cleaner by eliminating the need for making too many changes to our game classes. If we had more time to refactor our code we hope to be able to call functions exclusively from the sessions class that will manipulate the data of the individual game sessions. We chose to integrate the MinesweeperGame class with Patrick's code since he had already implemented a single responsibility design for his classes by adding a session manager and sessions classes which served to isolate the manipulation of sessions and their data from the actual game interfaces. The implementation of the proxy code was made shorter with super class GameProxy which was able to take advantage of the new singleton sessions_manager so that all games data would be stored within a single object instance across all game proxies. This was extremely useful in decreasing the amount of code needed to write for implementing the flask GUI that we used in our project. Rather than having to call individual game objects, we could just game data managers and a single session manager to access any data we wanted to display in our HTML5 GUI witin Flask. We implemented this by using the example provided in the lecture videos.

You can see we used it in pyarcade/ line 12, pyarcade/ line 14, line 15, line 9 and line 18. By implementing the singleton design were able to avoid the code smells of dispensables and large classes.

class Singleton:
 _instance = None

 def singleton(cls) -> 'Singleton':
     if cls._instance is None:
         cls._instance = cls()
     return cls._instance
 class SessionManager(Singleton):
     Session Manager
     active_sessions = {}

 # Proxy
 class GameProxy(GameInterface):
     game_id_map = {0: MastermindGame, 1: Checkers, 2: MinesweeperGame}
     def __init__(self, game_instance: GameInterface):
         self.game_instance = game_instance
         self.session_manager = SessionManager.singleton()
 # In the constructor for each game
 class Game(GameInterface):
     def __init__(self):
     self.session_manager = SessionManager.singleton()



Classic PC games with HTML GUI, Flask UI, and containerization






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