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Soroban Versioning logo: representation of a planet with a circle and two 45 degrees parallel lines cutting it in the middle. Two small circles at the intersection between the circle and the lines. This represent Git with branches and merge commits

Soroban Versioning

- or SVN if you want to make some people angry


Version control systems like Git are by design decentralized. The reality is that we heavily rely on tools like GitHub. While GitHub is great for collaborating, it's a strongly centralized system, bearing all its caveats.

One of the biggest issues being that maintainers can force push code, effectively rewriting the commit history.

The core idea of this project is to offer an on-chain hash traceability. The code itself is still versioned using Git and it is still hosted on any platform, but you keep on-chain a hash history. What it provides is an independent and distributed way to prove the integrity of a repository.


The first step is to register a project.

soroban contract invoke \
    --source-account maintainer \
    --network testnet \
    -- \
    register \
    --maintainer maintainer \
    --name ... \
    --maintainers '{ "vec": [{ "address": ... }] }' \
    --url ... \
    --hash ...

Contract on-chain

Then maintainers can commit changes on-chain as they push new commits.

soroban contract invoke \
    --source-account maintainer \
    --network testnet \
    -- \
    commit \
    --maintainer maintainer \
    --project_key ... \
    --hash ...

Contract on-chain



Registering a project or committing a new hash, send a contract event off-chain.

Contract events off-chain

These events are ingested by a backend to make them easily consumable off-chain.

Git Hooks

There is a convenient pre-push hook which can be used. This ensures that a commit is only pushed if the hash is sent properly on-chain first.

pre-commit install -t pre-push